
Tene, I never really had the differences memorized. Autocorrect yells at me and I fix it. I have forgotten how to spell "if" once and kept on typing different, wrong varieties of it on my computer until I broke down and looked it up. Edited at June 2, 2022 09:11 PM by Argos

Agros- How the actual Fuck!!! Sorry not trying to be rude just how!? Edited at June 2, 2022 09:12 PM by Icewing

I had them memorized, but yanno when you stare at a word for too long that you think it's spelled wrong or looks weird? That's what happened to me, but with "then" and "than"

Icewing said: Agros- How the actual Fuck!!! Sorry not trying to be rude just how!?
I didn't have them memorized for a long time. The differences can be difficult to get used to. It's similar to effect and affect. If I had autocorrect to help me, I probably won't bother with them .

This is why you use goggle docs no matter the predicament it helps well with Wi-Fi anyways


@Free Kay give me a few I'm in two PvPs

Dunno, Ice, dunno. I had them memorized for 2 years for a competition thing at my school. The issue is that I was in it for the m&m prize at the end and not to actually learn. Recently it's been sort of 'fingers do magic!' and not edit crap. I can't edit. This is why I don't get little short stories done because I'm too lazy to edit. Y'all are lucky I'm not spelling stuff wrong XD

@Argos, yeah lol I am just getting back on my feet and actually writing longer post Edited at June 2, 2022 09:26 PM by Free-Claw12

Almost done my post. :)))))))))))))))) I apologize to Michael in advance.