
Revan; "I.. I don't know. Come in. I don't- I'm not... I shouldn't even be- This is pathetic." Aries; "That's nice, at least. I still have no clue what they actually look like, but that's nice." - Aries, picking the body up; "Alright. I can throw them into the room I threw all the other ones into?" - Take all the time you need, Adapa! Glad you're doing better now

Horatio: "It's not pathetic, it just means you're human. Do you want to talk about it?" Nico: "That's fine!" Briar: "Yep! Look, I found the lilies, over there!" - Horatio: "Yeah, sure, that should work."

Revan; "It- I don't know. I wasn't thinking. I haven't- You can leave. I'm sorry." Aries; "Ooh, those are pretty."

Horatio: "It's alright, but I do want to help you. I won't judge you or think less of you for anything, I promise, you can trust me." Nico: "They are!" Briar: "Mhm, and I'm calling three for three for how many flowers I found first!"

Revan; "There- There isn't really anything to say. I don't- I don't even know where I'd start if there was." Aries; "Insane, you're just a pro at finding flowers."

Horatio: "Well, try just saying what you're feeling. Do you want a hug?" Nico: "Ha, yeah, the best flower finder ever!" Briar: "Yesss! I've made it! I'm gonna get a world record!"

Revan; "I don't- I feel pathetic, or like... Like- I messed everything up. I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing." Aries; "Really did. Any moment now they're going to say they found the 'Sunigolds' or- Hm. Marigolds?" - That post was great! As per usual lmao

Horatio(being a therapist, lol): "Was there something specific that made you feel like that, or do you know?" Nico: "I know, they're incredible! Marigolds, you got it!"
Briar, way too excited: "Yeah! I did! Look, there are marigolds right over there!" - Thank you! ^^

Revan(being a sass king, trying to adopt some of the distance he normally has); "I would say the dream I woke up from before calling you, but the messing up feeling almost never really goes away." Aries; "Hey, nice! You really are great at flowers. Did you study them before all of this or something?"

Horatio: "I see... Well, I don't think you messed anything up, in fact, I'm positive you've helped fix a lot of things within the group, and you've certainly made the group better as a whole." Nico: "Sure seems like it." Briar: "Nope! I'm just awesome like that!"