
Revan; "N-Nothing, it's not important- Just.. Just woke up. Sorry, you shouldn't- I shouldn't- Sorry for bothering you." Aries; "Sounds like a plan... What are those again?" - Revan, who was standing nearby the whole time and glaring at them; "I didn't have a panic attack until after, thank you very much. And she escaped because I'm that good of a businessman."

Horatio: "You're not bothering me, Revan. Do you want me to come to your room? Or you can come to mine?" Nico: "Which ones?" Briar: "Sunflowers are the big yellow ones, lilies are usually white or pink and have big open petals, and marigolds are smaller and usually come in reds and oranges."
- Nico: "Right, and not because you talked Tio down from it to where he didn't want to kill her while you were there because he felt bad?"

Revan; "..I-I can come to yours if- If that's easier, I- Sorry..." Aries; "Ah... Alright. Like this one?" (Pointing at a yellow daisy) - Revan, bristling; "No. He said some things that he shouldn't have said, I pointed that out, and convinced him to let me talk to my mother instead of him while he waited outside."

Horatio: "No need to apologize, I don't mind either way, so whatever you want to do is fine." Nico: "That's... A daisy. Close though!" Briar: "Yeah! No worries! I think the marigolds were this way!" - Nico, putting their hands up: "Okay, whatever you say!"

Revan; "I.. I don't know- I shouldn't have called. This isn't- This isn't new. I shouldn't- I can deal with it on my own. I'm sorry." Aries; "Ah. Okay. I'm probably not much help here, haha.." - Revan, crossing his arms; "I do say. Because that's what happened." Aries, stepping back a bit; "Mhm... I'm going to go see if Horatio wants us to move the body or not..."

Horatio: "Revan, listen to me, it's okay. I'm glad you called me, I'm going to come to your room right now, okay? I'll be there in a second." Nico: "That's totally fine!" Briar: "Yeah, you're still awesome!" - Nico: "Right... I'll come with, Aries!"

Revan; "N-No, you don't have to. I-I can handle this myself. You- You shouldn't have to- I'm not some- Some child. I can handle this. I-I probably have some-something to work on that- That would work fine to keep me busy. You don't- You can go back to bed." Aries; "Eh... I mean, sure. Whatever you think. How do we find these flowers though?" - Aries, walking over to Horatio; "Heyyy, you want us to move the body for you?" - I'll get a post out either ~11:30 PM GT or tomorrow morning sometime

Horatio: "Too late, it's fine, Revan, let me help you. Your feelings don't make you a child, they don't make you weak, and they don't make you a failure. Now, let me in, will you?" Nico: "Well, I think all of the ones we're looking for are in the sun."
Briar: "Yep, and they're mostly bright-colored." - Horatio, recovering from tunnel vision of anger: "Huh? Oh, yeah, that's fine. Are you all okay?" - The post was great! :D

Revan(Opening the door for him, lights on and harsh, definitely looking like a mess, a bruise and tears on his cheek); "..I- It's not even anything new- I don't need you here... I don't even know why I called. I dealt with it myself plenty before..." Aries; "Ah. So bright and in the sun? And yellow, gold, white, or pink depending on the flower?" - Aries, totally not faking a smile and moving to pick up the dead body; "Well, I'm great. I think Gorōta is dealing with anyone that isn't. Where do you want us to move the body to?"

Horatio: "But you shouldn't have to deal with it yourself, even if you can. Do you want to let me in? We can talk if you'd like, or if you just need a hug or something, I'm happy to give that too." Nico: "Yep!" Briar: "Yeah, they should be easy enough to find, since they shouldn't be under anything else, but we'll see!" - Horatio, still a little dazed: "Okay, good... Hmm, maybe just... Probably just somewhere away, maybe ask Revan, my brain isn't quite working right now." - Sorry I didn't get a post up yesterday, my brain decided it was time for a mini mental breakdown, haha- I'm fine now though, just needed some rest and to step away from things for a bit! I'll get a post up soon :D