
Revan; "Good night.." Aries; "Yeah, they grow by the same mushrooms too." Gen'ya; "Yeah... Let's hope. Surely we learned something." Gorōta; "Worst comes to pass we ask Jass, I guess.." - Aries, being terrible at arguing with people but also wanting to protect friends, plus trauma; "But, I mean- I should? You all would be safe, I'd be able to deal with the repercussions, and- I mean... Not saying I will but, I mean- I do kind of... Deserve... The... The treatment... Especially if you'd be mad- I mean, obviously. So... Uhm..."

Nico: "Alright, the search goes on!" Briar, further ahead: "Hmmm, are these them or no? They kind of look like bells?" Micha: "Yeah... And we hope we don't mess it up so bad that she can't fix it-" - Nico: "I'm not- No. You don't deserve it, you're not getting the point here. I'll be mad if you get hurt. Not because you didn't listen to me, but because you got hurt. Plus, it doesn't matter anymore, I just saw our raging leader put a fucking knife into the guy's skull about a hundred times over. He's definitely dead." Edited at November 29, 2022 02:16 PM by Lost Memories

Aries; "Let me come look- Do they have a white stem that comes up and curves downwards to the bell?" Gen'ya; "Hopefully, I doubt we could though. She'd find a way, somehow." Gorōta; "Well, that's reassuring at least." - Aries, looking over and immediately latching onto the new topic of conversation; "Huh. How'd he manage that? Thought this guy was supposed to be all powerful. Guess not, what a weak child, haha."

Nico: "Hmm, if they have found it, their ego's gonna be huge-"
Briar: "Looks like!" Micha: "Yeah, at least someone understands how these things work, haha." - Nico: "No one's all-powerful, and I'm beginning to think no one can escape an angry Horatio... That guy's scary. I love him though, of course."

Aries; "Well, that's probably the right flower then, yeah." Gen'ya; "She probably doesn't. She just wouldn't give up until she did it. There's no stopping her." Gorōta; "Less reassuring but... Okay." - Aries; "I thought Revan's mom managed to escape the angry Horatio though? How is Revan's mom more powerful than this guy?"

Nico: "Great, we'll never hear the end of it, ha." Briar: "Hell yeah!!! I'm fucking awesome!" Micha: "Ah... Well, that's something at least?" - Nico: "Well, I think she only escaped because Revan convinced him not to kill her... Or had a panic attack and distracted him because of that? Whatever the case, I don't think it's because she was actually more powerful, I think it was because Tio cares more about taking care of Revan than killing someone."

Aries; "I think this fits them, quite honestly. They are awesome, after all." Gen'ya; "Yeah. It's something. Honestly, might be a better approach than watching a video, haha." Gorōta; "I guess that might be fair..." - Aries; "True, true. You really think Revan would've had a panic attack though? He almost seems... Too uptight for that? Too under control of himself."

Nico: "You know, fair enough."
Briar: "Guys, look! Now we can make Aries a cool flower crown!" Micha: "Yeah..." - Nico: "Well, maybe, but I kind of think it's a cover-up kind of thing, you know? I mean, a lot of people act fine when they're not."

Revan (At like 1:30 AM, calling Horatio, voice hoarse and totally trying not to cry); "I- Sorry for waking you- I-I just- Can- Nev-Nevermind, sorry- I'll just- Sorry." Aries; "Haha, what about you two though?" - Aries; "Fair... Just wasn't sure if he would or not."

Horatio (Who was totally not staying up doing the exact thing he told Revan not to-): "No, hey, hey, it's fine! I told you you could always talk to me, remember, the time doesn't matter. What's going on?" Nico: "We can make flower crowns for each other too! Sunflowers or lilies for Briar, and some other flower for me! I would say roses, but they have thorns-" Briar: "Yeah! You like marigolds, right? I saw some over there!" - Nico: "Who knows."