
Revan; "Thank you." *Proceeds to wrap it around him to where it hides his lower face and neck like a burrow.* Aries; "Uh... Alright, sounds good. Hope I can remember them, haha.." Gen'ya; "Good plan. Hm... Should we search using the exact carpet we have?" Gorōta; "Maybe? General might be better though.." - Yay! Hopefully you enjoyed Aries being like- 'If vertical they the final boss... Stars, I hope they aren't horizontal.' Meanwhile Revan over here just being the businessman that he is lmao

Horatio: "Of course, let's get going then, yes?" Nico: "Okay! This way first!" Briar: "Yep, and no need to worry if you don't yeah? No big deal!" Micha: "I feel like general might give more results, so even if we don't have exact directions, we'll probably get a good enough idea. Hopefully." - Wooo, Aries fears coming true again, fun! (Poor Aries-) XD Look at Micha being a precious bean (as he should.) Lol - Also, yay, a decently sized post! :D

Revan; "Yeah.. Let's get going." Aries; "I'm not even sure if they would grow here... This place is like, bright? And not cold?... Among other things... But uh, maybe?" Gen'ya; "General it is! Hopefully we find something." Gorōta; "I would think we do. Can't be that hard, right?" - Great post, haha! Can't wait for when we find out what hunts the Plies - Also not Revan being totally/completely ignored by Horatio lol

Horatio *Arriving at the base*: "Alright... Do you need anything else?" Nico: "I mean, probably not, but it's worth a try!" Briar: "True, true. And walking is fun!" Micha: "Hopefully not, anyway." - Thanks! Yeahhh, that's not going to end well- He WaS dIsTrAcTeD XD He didn't even hear, he was very focused, lmaooo

(I can edit so that Tio responds to Rev if that makes your reply for him easier though, I just find it funny that he's so captivated by his and Aries's conversation that he simply didn't notice, lmao)

Revan; "No.. I'll just be heading up to my room now. Do you need the scarf back?" Aries; "Fair, that's fair. Would be cool if they're here though, I guess." Gen'ya; "How about that one? That video doesn't look too long and if we finish watching one early then we can do more." Gorōta; "Are you suggesting we pick the shortest and then put it on 2X speed?" - Revan came up after Horatio finished replying to Aries and was like, 'Are we going or do I have time to grab my laptop?' Horatio, 'Time to ignore this traumatized businessman.' - Everyone be ignoring Revan, who's just completely used to being ignored lmao

I don't mind if you do or don't, I just had intended it as if Revan came up after Horatio answered Aries It is pretty funny though lol Lost Memories said: (I can edit so that Tio responds to Rev if that makes your reply for him easier though, I just find it funny that he's so captivated by his and Aries's conversation that he simply didn't notice, lmao)

I'll go ahead and make him answer, just because I think that's the only way that the group is ever going to move, lol- Give me one sec! Overthink101 said: I don't mind if you do or don't, I just had intended it as if Revan came up after Horatio answered Aries It is pretty funny though lol Lost Memories said: (I can edit so that Tio responds to Rev if that makes your reply for him easier though, I just find it funny that he's so captivated by his and Aries's conversation that he simply didn't notice, lmao)

Okay, there we go, Horatio being respectful- Now Revan can be seen XD

Horatio: "No, that's alright, keep it. And let me know if you need anything else." Nico: "Yeah! I'd love to see them if they are here!" Briar: "Indeed." Micha: "I... Don't think that would be very effective-"