
Revan; "Just... Remember that. That you aren't killing my mother. I don't need you changing your mind as soon as we leave the store and all." Aries; "Uh... I guess red..? Or... Blue..? Maybe yellow... Orange's nice... What are your favorite colors..?" Gen'ya; "So clicky corner first?" Gorōta; "Yep! Sounds like a plan."

Horatio: "Of course, I will not kill your mother today." Nico: "Cool, cool, I can work with that! My favorite colors are probably blue and yellow, though I also enjoy red though!" Briar: "I think I like greens and pinks, really any bright colors are cool though." Micha: "Clicky corner first. Then we can put the soft things in the left far corner, maybe?"

Revan; "...How close is the store again? 10 minutes?" Aries; "Greens and pinks are nice too, yeah... What are your favorite flowers..? Since they have names..." Gen'ya; "Soft in far left? So the one next to this one? I like that idea." Gorōta; "Sounds good to me! We can do puzzles in the one opposite from this one." - That post was great lmao Can't wait to interact with the different species >:3

Horatio: "Yep, ten minutes." Nico: "I like roses personally, just basic like that." Briar: "Ha! I like lilies and sunflowers best, honestly, but most of them are pretty, so it doesn't matter that much." Micha: "Yep, sounds like a plan!" - Thanks, lol Yes, yes, most interactions will be attempted murder, but, you know XD

Revan; "And how far away is the base? It might be better to just go to the base and order it online..." Aries; "Yeah.. Doesn't matter that much. Which can grow in winter? I like those a lot..." Gen'ya; "Alright then! So... Does anyone actually know how to put down carpet here? I helped Jass like, once. But that was a year ago." Gorōta; "I actually haven't. Like, ever..." - Yep- Why do I feel like Revan going to be trying to steal schematics to the Plies tech? Like, he totally would lmao

Horatio: "Walking, the base is about twenty minutes away." Nico: "You mean like Hellebores? I think there are a few flowers that grow in winter, I don't know all their names though." Briar: "Hellebores are pretty!" Micha: "Uhhh, no... Hmm, maybe we didn't fully think this through- YouTube tutorial, anyone?" - I mean, he could- Imagine he just comes back with a whole ass ship while everyone else was fighting for their lives, I mean, they'll already have a ship, but that'd be pretty funny, lmao

Revan; "You wouldn't happen to have a scarf on you, would you? If you do, we'll just walk to the base and I'll order the make up online." Aries; "Hellebores? Uh- I'm not sure..? I like the ones that can grow in snow and winter and... Stuff... We had a lot of them at my job during winter, wherever there were cracks.. They're pretty." Gen'ya; "YouTube tutorials sound like a good idea to me. Or I could call Jass, she probably knows how still." Gorōta; "Let's try the tutorials first, it's kinda late. I don't want to wake anyone up if we don't have to." - He comes back with flash drives full of schematics for weapons, cures to diseases, ships, and like- Everything else they had on board. Meanwhile everyone else was fighting for their lives. Them- "How'd you manage this without dying?!?" Him- "Businesspeople are the same everywhere. I just put in some contacts with slitted pupils, used some tight fit gloves and make up, grabbed one of their business outfits that fit, plastered on my business grin and air of business. No one blinked twice. I was in and out. Easiest business trip of my life."

Horatio: "I do, actually. Do you have one? You could use mine if not, I don't get cold easily." Nico: "They sound really cool!" Briar: "They do, I wonder if the garden has any of them?" Micha: "Okay, tutorial it is, let's see..." - Oh my god, yes, I love that XD Horatio's just like: "I... shouldn't be surprised, honestly, well done, Revan."

Revan; "I don't. I'm not normally outside enough to use one. We'll just go back to the base. Your scarf will work just fine until the make up gets here. I can order it on the way and everything." Aries; "Maybe... I'm not sure. The lighting wasn't really great, so.." Gen'ya; "Now we just have to find one... Anyone know a good one?" Gorōta; "Not really... Maybe just use search?" - XD Totally would happen though Revan; "Oh please, it isn't that impressive. Just business."

Horatio: "Here you go then." Nico: "Okay then, let's look around, you could tell us if you see one and I can make you a crown out of them! If they don't have thorns, that is-" Briar: "Sounds like a plan to me." Micha: "Yeah, I was thinking we just search, tell me if you see a good one." - Amazing XD Also, get ready for another overload of species information, lol