
Revan; "I- Anywhere with foundation and concealer, I guess... Just- I don't care." Aries; "Don't... Don't know... Fresh air's probably... Probably good..." Gen'ya; "Fair, fair. Ugh, whatever. How do we want to set up this clicky corner?" Gorōta; "Some seats, I guess. Somewhere to store the clicky toys."

Horatio: "Okay, come on, there's a store nearby that I'm sure has some. Can you walk on your own?" Nico: "Whatever you say, Aries!"
Briar: "Okay then, follow me, you two!" Micha: "Yep, we got some carpet too, just in case. We don't have to use it, though." - Ugh, my posts just keep getting shorter and shorter :')

Revan; "Of course I can. What- What kind of question is that?" Aries; "Alright... Will do.." Gen'ya; "Very nice carpet too. We felt ten different types before deciding." Gorōta; "Good, good. We'll definitely be using the carpet." - Honestly same, haha- Should I have Revan try and move everyone forwards? His patience is running thin lmao

Horatio: "Just making sure. Ready to go now?" Nico: "Are we going to the flower garden?" Briar: "You know it! It's my favorite place in this whole base!" Micha: "True. Alright then, let's set that up first, then we can put the chairs in a kind of semi-circle maybe?"
- That works for me, and it might be helpful, lmao

Revan; "The sooner, the better... Let's just get going." Aries; "Huh? Uh... Alright, yep..." Gen'ya; "Semi-circle is great. What shape for the carpet or are we using it everywhere?" Gorōta; "I was thinking everywhere, so if anyone falls or trips or anything then they won't get as hurt." - Alright- It'll probably only be a build up for this post and then do it next time so that we can finish up with Horatio and Aries >:3 - Also, not me coming up with more plot ideas ;-;

Horatio: "Alright, the store is about ten minutes away, follow me." Nico: "Ooo, I always forget how pretty this place is." Briar: "Right?! And the air smells nice." Micha: "I was also thinking everywhere, for similar reasons." - The post was great! Sorry I'm taking so long to respond, lol, I'll get my post up tonight. - I love your plot ideas :D

Revan; "Great... Thank you. For not, like, running back in to kill my mother or whatever." Aries; "Mhm... Very nice." Gen'ya; "Carpet everywhere is always a good idea, as long as we have a way to make sure no weird scents are getting stuck in it." Gorōta; "As long as we do everything correctly, any smells that might possibly be bad won't get anywhere. We can't do carpet in the bathroom though, obviously." - You're fine lol Take all the time you need - The Four Horsepeople of the Apocalypse(Famine, Conquest, Death, & War) vs Peace, Life, Health + Pestilence. Also apprentices for the Four Horses. Also, Four Horses be morally gray with Peace, Life, Health + Pestilence being the 'bad guys'.

Horatio: "Yeah, well, I don't think that'd be helpful at this point, and you matter more anyway, I'd rather make sure you're okay than kill her." Nico: "Ooo, let's make flower crowns!" Briar: "Yessss, what's your favorite flower, Aries?" Micha: "Yep, we should be good. Do you want to start laying carpet over everything first, or set it up in small sections, build those sections, and then lay more so we do everything in smaller doses?" - That sounds super fun!

Revan; "Well... Thank you anyways." Aries; "I don't know... They have different names..?" Gen'ya; "Probably smaller doses, that'd be easier, right?" Gorōta; "I'd think so. Smaller doses are probably best." - I just need to figure out how to word the darn plot and everything XD

Horatio: "Of course." Nico: "Sure they do. Okay, how about this, what's your favorite color or colors?" Briar: "Yeah, that'll work!" Micha: "Okay then!" - Yeahhh, wording stuff properly is hard XD