
Revan; "The closure isn't for me. And it isn't for you either, quite frankly, so I don't think you get a say on that part. My worth was decided a long time ago, a whole 12 years ago, and has been reinstated plenty. I work because I like to work, because it's better than getting my worth reinstated again. Honestly, if I could've said no to joining your little gang, I would've! And then you wouldn't have ever known me, or decided you cared, or said that stuff to my mother! Which was probably the worst thing you could've said, by the way! What did you think she was going to do after hearing all that? She's the one that grounded me after I decided 15 was- Nevermind. Just drop it." Aries; "Of course not, Briar! No one should ever hit you. For anything. That's obvious, you're awesome and don't deserve any of that... What's that got to do with this though?" Gen'ya; "And we come with lots of stuff! Paid for by the company card I stole from Revan's mother while at her house!" Gorōta; "You stole a card?? Also, welcome back!" - Alright- I'll probably just leave the header there so I don't have rewrite it later then lol

Horatio: "Okay, then this is all for someone else? Your mother? Who? You're human, not a machine, the way that your treating yourself and your mother is treating you isn't okay. You're right, I probably wouldn't have decided I cared about you if I didn't know you, Revan, but I do know you, and I do care. You're a part of my team, a part of my family, and I'm not going to watch you do this to yourself anymore! And your worth shouldn't be something that someone has to state for you! Please, stop beating yourself up over work and let me help you!" Nico: "Okay, a little dense, but that's fine, we'll get there." Briar: "Yeahh, okay, Aries, I'm human, right? And no one should hit me, right? You're human too, so no one should hit you either." Micha: "Wait, you stole that? Not that I'm angry, Revan's mom sucks, but still." - Sounds good to me!

Revan; "...F-Family?... I- Oh stars, I- I'm- I'm going to sit down. Just for a moment. Oooh dear... Can I ask how long you've considered me as... You know. That... I- No... This- This is just a dream. I fell asleep at my desk somehow. I'll need to replace the chair, or lights, or something- But this is just a dream and any moment now you'll die and I'll wake up and- Work. Make some coffee and work. Yeah. That's- That's what's going on here. She wouldn't have actually- She hasn't since Tris... She wouldn't have actually..." Aries; "That's... That's different though. I-I had a job where you had to... Hit people, and others had to hit you. I used to have practicing. That's different from talking back, or doing something wrong... If I failed to dodge or block then I failed and got hit. I mean, kind of straightforward..." Gen'ya; "Yeah, when we all went with him for that dinner his mother, in her words, invited us to. I was quite good at pickpocketing back before this group, and biting my tongue kept me from telling her, so... Besides, not like she was really using it for anything other than wine and new installments in the book series 'Gaslighting and Guilt-tripping; How-To for Parents of Traumatized Children'." Gorōta; "That's terrible. True, but terrible."

Enjoy the tiny(compared to my other ones) post, haha. Hope it isn't terrible.

Horatio: "Revan, you've been family since you joined my team. It's not a dream, and I don't plan on dying on you or the others, and I don't plan on letting you or the others die on me either. Come here, it's going to be fine, I promise, just let me help you." Nico: "Damn, like, a fighting job? I mean, I fought on the streets for quite a bit, but still-" Briar: "Okay, but you don't have that job anymore, so you don't have to get hit anymore. You shouldn't get hit anymore." Micha: "Yep, definitely true and terrible. So, how do we want to set everything up, do you think?"

Revan; "No- I can't- This has to be a dream. For both of us- This has to be a dream. I can't do this- Not again. Oh please, not again." Aries; "Kind of...? Technically, I still have the job- I mean, I just do Wild Games now, instead of Day or Night Games... Since I'm not consistently there and all... Not a job you can, uh, leave that easily. Whole process, you can't just turn in a two weeks notice... You'd probably have a Stay or Camp, if you did... Uh... And, I mean, my guardians still need the money I got from the Games so... Helping out... Repaying them for housing me... The- The uh, the Games weren't, uh, terrible... D-Does anyone else smell some-something burning..?" Gen'ya; "Eh, say what you will. Totally deserved it." Gorōta; "No one doubts that. Hm... Let's make the sensory corners first, we'll figure out the rest as we go?"

Horatio: "Revan, look at me, it'll be okay. You need to breathe. I won't let anything happen, okay?" Nico: "Mhmm, these 'games' don't sound very fun... Aries, you know, if you need money, you can just ask. Horatio said he'd help cover anyone if they needed anything, the guy isn't exactly poor." Briar: "Yeah. Or we could just steal from Revan's mom. Gen'ya already did, quite sneaky. I was proud, to be honest. Really though, we've got your back now, you're part of our little family, 'k? You don't need to go back there. Now, what was that about something burning? Is the building on fire or something?" Micha: "Oh, she definitely deserved it. She deserves worse, actually. Yep, sensory corners sound great!" - At this point, everyone's going to have stolen something from Revan's mom XD Edited at November 24, 2022 10:52 PM by Lost Memories

My post is very short, but enjoy, haha

Revan; "I-I can't- I can't do this- If you're attached to me then- Then- Stars, I can't- This has to be a dream- I can't." Aries; "F-Fun for the- The audience... I-I couldn't take money from h-him... Th-That wouldn't be... I-I don't know how m-much they need... I'm supposed to- To be repaying them... Not- Not Horatio... Or... Revan's mom... Not the building... Different scent of burning... I... Very- Distinct smell..." Gen'ya; "Way worse, yeah. I mean, damn. Even I do better at subtle shots, and I can't lie." Gorōta; "Still not good, but... Eh. Which corner should we do first?" - Oh you bet- The only one that might not is Gorōta because he's too pure lmao

Horatio: "Revan, breathe. It's okay, everything will be okay, but I need you to breathe." Nico: "Oh... Hey, Aries, it's okay! Do you maybe want a hug? Or no touching? That's okay too!" Briar: "Yep, yep! Hey, what was that cool Greek mythology story you were talking about the other day? Minos and the Monitor, is that what it was? Would you mind telling me more, it sounded really interesting!" Micha: "I think Horatio went to take care of that today, actually. What about the far right, just because?"