
Horatio: "Dear god, drop the business persona, just call me Horatio, call me Tio for all I care! This does concern me because I care about you, Revan, not the stupid business, not your reputation, you. As a person. Because you're refusing to care for yourself. Stop pretending like you aren't hurt and let me help you!" Nico: "Will do." Briar: "You wanna rant now, Aries? You can talk about anything you want!" Micha: "Not that I can think of right now. Ready to start setting up?"

Revan; "...Stop. Just stop. I don't care if you care about me. I know how to deal with her! You don't! You can't just- If you had just stayed quiet and left- We're leaving. I don't have to tell you anything." Aries; "Uh.. Sure..? My uh, my childhood was... Bad, I guess..? Well, I mean- Not like, terrible. They tried, I-I just... Sorry." Gen'ya; "Definitely! Let's get setting up!" Gorōta; "I hope this works..."

Horatio: "Revan... Fine, we're leaving, but this conversation isn't over. Shutting everyone out and pretending like nothing is wrong is only going to make things worse, at least talk to me." Nico: "Hey, hey, we talked about this! No apologies needed!" Briar: "Yeah, if you don't want to talk about your childhood and stuff, you don't have to, we won't force you!" Micha: "Me too, okay, Gen'ya, do you want to come shopping with me? Gorōta, you can scope out the room you think will work best and we'll help you clear it out and set it up when we get back. Sound good?"

Do you happen to have any ship ideas yet? I know it's still early, just curious, lol

Revan; "It worked fine before I knew you." Aries; "I-I shouldn't be complaining... Not supposed to..." Gen'ya; "Shopping sounds good, let's get going!" Gorōta; "Good plan, Micha. I'll get to looking around." - Ship ideas? I haven't really thought about it yet- Do you have any ideas? - Also, I should have a post up by 7:30 PM GT, I just need to figure out what I want Revan to do lmao

Horatio: "If you call destroying your body by drinking too much coffee and not getting any sleep 'working,' then sure, but I don't think that's what working is. You're bogged down with work, and the only reason any of that 'worked' before is because you didn't have me interrupting you to make sure you take care of yourself. Stop being stubborn and let me help you before you kill yourself!"
Nico: "You can complain all you want, Aries, no one here is going to hurt you for that." Briar: "Yeah, plus, that's kind of the point of the crying fest. Let it out, we'll support you, promise." Micha: "Awesome, let's go." - Not really, there's a few that I go back and forth between, but I think we need more interactions, lol - Sounds good!

Revan; "It isn't killing me, and I don't need your help. I have at least a few years left. Speaking of work though, I still have some to get done back at the base, so let's get going." Aries; "Well- I mean, obviously you wouldn't hurt me for complaining. That would be- I mean, that'd be my fault if you did anyways- Or- Uh- Sorry? No, wait- You don't... No apologizing... Right... S... Right..." Gen'ya; "One of us will text you on our way back, Gorōta!" Gorōta; "Sounds good! I'll go scout out the room!" - Yeah, we need to get them all to at least be introduced to one another lmao

Horatio: "A few years? That's what you're estimating for yourself and you don't see the problem here? Revan, this isn't okay!" Nico: "Okay, hey, deep breath, it's okay!"
Briar: "Yep! We won't get mad, promise, you're good! Not your fault. No abuse is your fault." Micha (after who knows how long of shopping): "Okay, do you want to text Gorōta, Gen'ya? We'll be back in a few minutes."

Revan; "I don't see a problem because there isn't one. I'll be... What? 21 or 22? 25 is about when people start complaining about body pains. Granted, I already have some of the things they complain about, but for the most part I'll miss out on all of that. Besides, dying early is a small price for efficiency with the added bonus of closure." Aries; "Well, abuse isn't, probably. Hopefully. But, I mean, I wasn't- Discipline. You know? Discipline. When a metal tool gets bent and isn't working right, you have to heat the metal up. You have to put the metal back into place using force. R-Right?" Gen'ya; "Will do, Micha. I'll let him know." Gorōta; "This room should be perfect." - The post will probably be closer to 8 or 8:30- I still have no clue for Revan, haha...

Horatio: "Don't you fucking dare die on me, you stubborn asshole. You might not care about dying, but I do, and I know the others do too. And, honestly, you think you'll have closure after all this? You never stop working, Revan, there's always more that you think you have to do, you really think that'll change? I don't think it will! The way you work, the way you think, nothing is ever completely done. What closure will you get from starting a bunch of projects that you won't finish? You're not allowing yourself any time to breathe, your whole personality is built around your work, you have to take a break and look around you! People are trying to reach you, we're trying to help you understand that you're validity isn't based off of your work! Why can't you see that?" Nico: "You're not metal, Aries, you're human. If someone's been hitting or pushing you that's not discipline. It's abuse."
Briar: "Think of it this way, if my mom hit me because I talked back to her, or did anything wrong, really, would that be okay?"
Micha: "Gorōta, we're back!" - Don't worry about it! If you can't think of anything, you could probably just say he's standing on his phone and have him jump back in when the group starts moving or when someone acknowledges him again? That might be easier, lmao