
Revan; "Yes, yes, because I'm the spoiled rich one. Believe it or not, problems still exist where I'm from." Aries; "I feel like Sisyphus, constantly cheating death until when I finally do die, somehow death will be worse than life." Gen'ya; "If I could change everything just by belief alone, my hold on reality would keep me from ever changing anything." Gorōta; "We, uh, we just have to... We just have to help them, any way that we can. That's all we can do." - I can't wait. Especially for when the lack of sleep really starts to effect our dear Revan's immune system and physical health. He gonna get sick, there isn't any avoiding that.

Horatio: "I never realized how tricky time could be until I held its power in my own hands. Now I'm scared of myself and what I can do."
Nico: "I'm starting to doubt that I'm alive at all. After all, who could go through literal hell and not be dead?" Briar: "My hold on reality was never strong, but at this point, I don't even know who I'm supposed to be. What do I look like? Sound like? Who am I? I've lost all direction and sense of self, now I'm just a blob of constantly shift appearances and ideas. Now I'm nobody." Micha: "My best friend once told my that he thought he would never care for anyone again after he got thrown out and mistreated so many times, but once he found my family that changed. A healthy enviroment can do wonders for people, so let me be that for all of you." - Ah, yes, this will be fun XD

Ah man, Nico and Aries sharing horror stories- We need that. Haha, imagine. Going toe to toe on trauma. - Revan; "I miss being able to talk to people without worrying about attachment." Aries; "You know, I've thought I was going to die so many times. At some point, you start thinking that if you were going to die, you'd be dead already. But you aren't, so you won't, so you can protect everyone else. Because you won't, you have that job to make sure no one else will... I must suck at that job, huh?" Gen'ya; "I said I don't have an appetite. Not that I'm not hungry. There's a difference." Gorōta; "I've never really had a home before, but I always wanted to help others find theirs... Maybe we can find one together though?" - Indeed it shall.

Yess, so much trauma in one big pile, amazing. Then someone walks in on the two just sobbing and holding each other as they discuss trauma XD - Horatio: "Funny how a few seconds to one person can be hours to the next." Nico: "They said dying would be easier than living, but I just can't seem to die."
Briar: "No, continue with the plan. I know what they did to me, but I can't let them die."
Micha: "Breathe, it'll be okay. You can trust me, I'll protect you, I promise, just breathe with me."

Man I would have so many quotes for Aries talking about trauma somewhat casually if I didn't think it'd give you ideas XD - Revan; "Yes, mother. I know... I'm sorry." Aries; "Oh please, you can totally walk that off! I did, like a hundred times. Broken legs aren't that serious, we still got some laps to run." Gen'ya; "I wish I couldn't believe what I just heard." Gorōta; "Keep them upright for me, please- Can someone please go get Aries? We got to get them a transfusion and I can't risk a reaction!"

Same with Nico and Briar for me, lol. I also have a bunch little quotes that hint but don't give too much away though, so I'll be using a lot of those XD - Horatio: "Someone please get Mira, we need to have a very important converstaion... Now." Nico: "Voices? I thought those were normal?" Briar: "We have to act fast, otherwise no one's going to get out of this alive." Micha: "Shit, shit, shit. Okay, everyone calm down! It's fine! Everything is fine! We're all gonna be fine! I hope." - I can't wait for you to meet Mira and Juno, one of my favorite lesbian couples of my characters. They don't have powers, but they work with the group, mainly with tech and weapon stuff, they'll appear soon, lol

Haha- I'll go ahead and give them, I suppose. I'm sure you won't change your plans just to steal some angst ideas XD - Revan; "I said I'm fine! Just leave!" Aries; "..Brand Stays were always the worst..." Gen'ya; "Okay, who here hasn't been brutally abused by someone in their lifetime? Revan, Aries, put your hands down. You damn liars." Gorōta; "I've got you, you're fine, how many fingers am I holding up?"

Revan be like; 'Aw man, I hope my mom doesn't find out I made eye contact with a snake. She'll be so disappointed in me.' Snake Group; 'Man, wonder why he don't like snakes.'

No need to worry about that, I don't plan on stealing any of your amazing angst ideas, lmao Aww, Rev, it's okay, Horatio will kill your mom eventually, and then no more worrying about her... Except for the likely extreme guilt- XD The post was great, by the way! Tio's very much debating about grabbing Aries' hand at this point. - Horatio: "Right. The space people. Why are there so many fucking space people?" Nico: "Sure, let's sit down and discuss all of our trauma, that sounds like the best way to get over it. Yep, just relive it all repeatedly, that'll get rid of it!" Briar: "Well, you can only get so much affection in a lifetime, seems I've reached my limit. Now to plummet to my eternal doom while rethinking everything I've ever done in my life. Fun times!" Micha: "Okay, that's it! Everyone get up! We're having an emergency therapy session!"

Haha- Rev will be feeling extremely guilty. Aries and Horatio talking about history though is golden. - Revan; "Okay, out of my mother's house, all of you. Get out." Aries; "Believe me or not... I understand... I understand way more than I'd like to. Not for my sake, I just hate that I can say that to you. You didn't deserve all of that..." Gen'ya; "Yo, you want to go to a concert?" Gorōta; "So, good news! You won't need a patch! Bad news... Who wants to go to the eye doctor to get some glasses?"