
Revan; "What do you mean she's dead..?" Aries; "You've survived more than you should've ever had to. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect you, or to at least shoulder some of what happened." Gorōta; "Hold still or we'll match. You gotta stay still." Gen'ya; "I don't understand... I know you aren't lying, I can see you aren't but- But it still feels like a lie." - Glad you enjoyed the post! Tell me, is Revan jealous of the snake interaction? Is Aries a murderer? Is Gen'ya going to get to pet the snake??

Horatio: "Shit. I made a mistake, the system's flawed. Everyone, out now!" Nico: "I can't tell what's real and fake anymore... I-is Leora real or in my head? Are... are you real? Someone help, please, I don't know anymore!" Briar: "You don't get to pretend to care when you never did anything to help me! Go feel sorry for yourself, accept it! Accept that I was right, you were wrong, and you hurt me! Accept that you're a shitty person and be done with it!" Micha: "Hey, it's okay! Do you want to pet my wings? They're really soft, it can be helpful sometimes. Go on, I don't mind!" - Yes, Revan is totally jealous of the snake interaction. Noooo, I refuse to believe it! Yes, yes Gen'ya will get to pet the snake. XD

Revan; "Do we have the news here..? I... Nevermind, it's unimportant." Aries; "I hope his sister's alright... I-I hadn't checked on her..." Gen'ya; "I never wanted to hurt you, I promise." Gorōta; "Either you just lied to me, I've gone blind, or I lost my last eye. Given the fact that I can still see, I'm going with the first option." - The answers? Yes, Revan is definitely jealous. Aries is kind of a murderer, just sort of; It wasn't like he had a choice. And yay, Gen'ya pets the snake!

Horatio: "Damn it, I should have triple-checked everything, I don't understand what happened! Where's Briar?" Nico: "Are... Are you mad at me? I know I didn't listen, I... I'm sorry, I should have s-stayed close, I just... It's my fault. I did this to myself, I'm so sorry." Briar: "Fuck you all, you kicked me out and now you expect me to come back and pretend like everything is fine?! Fat chance! The only people who haven't wronged me are Aries and Nico, but, damn it, they already have too much to worry about with all of you, I'm just a burden anyway. You said it yourselves. So leave me out of your stupid war and stop pretending you care." Micha: "Angels have wings, right? So do I, so let me be your guardian angel for a bit. You rest, I won't let anyone hurt you."

Revan; "How long does it normally take for one to fully develop their abilities, Mr. Caeso?" Aries; "I'm not leaving you alone again. You won't come back, I'm not leaving you. I've made that mistake far too many times and I made that same mistake again already here. Everyone else has someone, let someone be there for you too." Gen'ya; "This has gotten far too out of hand... How are we supposed to fix this?" Gorōta; "H-Heyyy- G-Good to s-see you a-again! H-How, uh- H-How are y-you?" - Here's a question >:3 Do you like Katalyn? Revan's assistant, do you like her? Is she cool? Are you emotionally attached? She's basically his only friend, and she's just super nice. Like, she's got a fiancé and she gonna get married soon and she's got her bridesmaid all picked out- The one con in her life is that Revan has refused all attempts at hanging out and no longer being a recluse. She's sure she's slowly getting through to him though! After all, the two have had full conversations recently! He's even used her first name more consistently! At least when his mother isnt breathing down his back condescendingly. Edited at November 22, 2022 11:44 PM by Overthink101

Horatio: "Fuck. At this rate, I'm going to lose everyone! No, no, no. Not again. I refuse. No." Nico: "I just want it to stop... I thought everything was finally good. I... I thought everything would be okay, why can't it? Why can't everything just be okay?!" Briar: "I can't. I can't let this happen. I can't hold onto someone just to lose them. Why can't you just hate me like everyone else?! At least then I could let go!" Micha: "I think it's time we all sat down and talked again. Calmly. You guys are my family now too, just the same as my mom, sister, and Kage. Stop fighting and just talk. You'd be surprised how much that can help." - I'm scared to say, but, yes, I do like her, and, uhhhh, I may have a tiny emotional attachment... This is definitely going to end badly, isn't it?

Revan; “I tried, once.. I was grounded for a month, not like that changed my schedule though..” Aries; “Uh, sure? I, uh, I don’t mind. Totally. Do whatever, you won’t hear any complaints from me.” Gen’ya; “..I’m disgusting…” Gorōta; “How am I supposed to help people that don’t want to be helped?” - Haha, you’d be right. It will only end badly. Terribly, actually. Imagine if Katalyn didn’t insist on driving to and from work. Hope you’re ready for Rev’s mother to request dinner with her son, only to then berate him. If there are witnesses, it’ll be subtle to where you blink and you miss them type of comments.

Horatio: "I need everyone to be completely honest with me, this is a dire situation." Nico: "Sleep sound nice... Just... don't wake me up." Briar: "I'm so done. With everything. Just... Leave me alone. Please." Micha: "What... What do you mean? That's not possible! I-I talked to her last night! She... She was fine! She said she was fine!" - Oh no, I should know better than to get emotionally attached by now. I never learn. :') Yeahhh, Horatio's going to be trying really hard not to kill this woman, lmao

Revan; "My mother has requested I have dinner with her at least once this week. That won't be any trouble, I hope?" Aries; "Step away from them, now, Jakob. I'll stay, just... Step away." Gen'ya; "Jass sent me this song a while back, I was wondering what you thought about it." Gorōta; "Everyone's breaking and- And I can't figure out how to heal them all. How am I supposed to- How am I supposed to do this?" - Haha. Katalyn's going to be fineee, totally. Honestly, Rev's mother need to get beat for all the stuff I have planned for her to do. Jeez, this is not going to be fun for him. At all.

Horatio: "At this point, I'm tempted to just freeze time until I get everything figured out and everyone back to safety. Unfortunately, I can't hold my power that long." Nico: "Hey, Gen'ya, you know how if you believe hard enough you can make it a reality? Could you maybe believe that everything is going to be fine?" Briar: "I hate that I still care about all of you." Micha: "I know it's hard, but please, just try to trust me. Let me help you." --- Yep, I definitely believe that Yay, angst! Horatio's gonna break someones neck!