
You're fine lmao, take all the time you need haha

Real quick, for character room setup, are there particular characters you think should be next to/across from each other? I think that Horatio and Revan's rooms should be next to or across from each other, just because the time and space holders are typically leader and right-hand man, but other than that, I don't have any preferences.

Hmmm- Let me make up a room/hallway layout real quick, haha Any of your characters prefer to be at the end of hallways? How many hallways we got? Just one? Two?

Just one hallway, Horatio would probably be on the end, other than that none of them have a preference, lol

Alright- Would Revan be across the hall from Horatio or in the room beside him? Which end of the hall? The one farthest from the way leading out of the hall and into another hall or the one closest?

My first thought was to have them across from each other, but it doesn't really matter either way. The end closest to the way out of the hall and into another hall. :)



That post was beautiful! Anything I need to know about my four's room before I start working on my post? - Also, since I won't actually be responding to the teleportation bit, here's a list on who did best/worst with the dizzy spell in order of least affected by it to most. 1. Aries. As if this dude wouldn't immediately get used to it. 2. Gen'ya. If you know Jass, dizzy doesn't bother you as much. 3. Gorōta. Still panicking a bit and having only one eye to help coordinate yourself again doesn't really help. 4. Revan. Try being awake for about 60 hours and wearing heels without becoming susceptible to dizziness. Especially since people say that not sleeping enough can have some of the same effects of drinking, haha.

Thanks! Nope, their rooms are completely up to you, just try to keep the bed and their names on their doors the colors that correspond with their powers. :D - Those are great XD