
Maybe you don't do it by Horatio's perspective at all except for at the beginning to decide the order of who he goes to? That way you still get to do all the interactions? And at the end you can do another Horatio persepective with time skips for the beginning of interactions with my characters? I'm not sure but that might could work.

Ooo, that sounds easier, actually. I'll try that, thanks! :D

Enjoy the post! I didn't really know how to do another section for Horatio, so I just left it. He basically went up to everyone's door, knocked, and introduced himself though, lol - Also, I did cry while making Micha's post. I'm very tired and my tired brain can't handle emotions XD Edited at November 16, 2022 08:26 PM by Lost Memories

Quick question- How exactly should I do my post?

Well, you should probably do Gorota first, then Gen'ya, Revan, and then Aries because that's the order Horatio would go to them. Horatio and Nico would both be there when Tio goes to get them, and Gorota would be there for Gen'ya, Rev, Aries, etc. Tio basically introduces himself and they get teleported to the following location. You can have them react and interact with each other and Tio and Nico however you'd like, obviously. --- The start of my next post will be everyone being teleported to the base, so we hopefully won't have any problems with stuff like this anymore, it's just a slow start, lol.

Yeah, I mean like- I'm not sure how to have a flowing interaction with Tio and Nico and all since I'm not exactly sure how it all would go, haha. I don't want to get your characters wrong if I decide an interaction is needed. Edited at November 16, 2022 10:25 PM by Overthink101

Ah, yeah- I mean, pretty much any interaction with Nico will end with them making a bad joke or remark, Tio's a little less predictable though, typically he's just chill and makes poor attempts at comfort if someone needs it. It really depends on the situation though-

Yea- So I'm not sure how to do my post ;-; I'm working on it, but I'm stopping at where Horatio would be knocking on the door. Since I'm not sure how to do all of that haha

That much should work, honestly, and I can wright introductions for everyone in my next post before a minor time skip to the base. Would that be okay? Edited at November 17, 2022 08:39 AM by Lost Memories

Like Horatio's introduction at the door or...? Sorry, I might be reading that wrong haha