
Gen'ya; "Right, apologies Tio. Harder to scold people on being hilariously immature when you can't lie." - Revan, leaving the group and cutting all ties/contacts with them because of trauma; "That was so extremely reckless of all of you and you all could've died and please do not try to contact me ever again. I'm going back to work, goodbye forever." Horatio, exasperated; "Rev, no. You have to stay. The power will tear you apart from the inside out- Plus your mom sucks!" Rev, glaring at him; "My life is no longer any of your concern nor business. Nor has it ever been your concern or business to begin with. Farewell, Mr. Caeso. Have a good day, dear acquaintances." - These interactions will be terribly sad, explosive, and hilariously complicated all in one, I'm sure. Edited at November 15, 2022 09:19 AM by Overthink101

Horatio: "I understand that, but please understand that Briar is already too chaotic. I already struggle to keep them and Nico from destroying everything." - Horatio: "Rev, no. You're not leaving. Get back here." Nico, sobbing in the background while Micha and Gorota attempt to calm them down, and Aries threatens to murder anyone who gets close to them Horatio: "You can go to your room if you'd like, but you may not leave." Rev, already walking out the door: "Too late." Tio, tired sigh: "Gen'ya, please keep Rev from leaving. BRIAR, where do you think you're going?" Briar, who was 'sneaking' out the window: "I have an appointment with someone..." *Flashes knives* "Special." Tio, frustrated and slightly panicking as the group falls apart: "No, get back here!" Briar: "Buh-byeee! :D" - Yep, definitely. XD Edited at November 15, 2022 09:35 AM by Lost Memories

Okay, so I'm working on my first post right now and, just so you know, the set up is a little weird for a normal first post, just because I need Horatio's point of view at the begging and the end. :)

Revan, chasing Briar down the street; "Briar, you shit! Don't kill my mother! I don't want her dead! Get back here! I swear to everything, you kill her and I'm never stepping outside of my office again except to get more coffee!"

You're fine lmao Lost Memories said: Okay, so I'm working on my first post right now and, just so you know, the set up is a little weird for a normal first post, just because I need Horatio's point of view at the begging and the end. :)

Briar, laughing manically: "I won't kill her if you stay, mi amigo!" - Horatio, more frustrated and preparing to have to use his power: "Both of you, back here now! I will stop time and trap you both if you don't get over here this instant!"

Revan, absolutely frustrated with the situation; "I am not staying, Mx. Sallows! You can't make me, and that's to both of you, Mr. Caeso! Mx. Cosmos almost died and it's only a matter of time until someone actually dies. Especially with how reckless and stubborn that group is! And frankly, I have a job and college to worry about instead of something like that. You all can be idiots and get yourselves killed but I refuse to be involved with any more deaths. I am leaving, and I would appreciate it if none of you tried to contact me ever again so that I can focus on my work and school instead. I was doing perfectly fine before you all came into my life, I do not need any of you in my life and I do not want any of you in my life."

Horatio: "Revan, if you leave, you're going to cause more death, and I don't just mean Briar being stupid! Firstly, your power will kill you without proper training and control, and secondly, with your abandonment of responsibility regarding your power, our group becomes unbalanced. The whole Earth might very well be destroyed if you do this! I don't want this either, I don't want to live like this, but we have to if our race has any chance of survival, so please, just listen to me and come back!"

Revan, absolutely freezing and tensing up at the idea of causing death before shoving that down and glaring at Horatio; "And who are you? My mother?! No, you know what, Mr. Caeso? Maybe if the power kills me then I'll be able to give it to someone who won't mind then! I am done being the reason people die, so here, how's this? I can go and make sure it gets passed to someone else before the world gets destroyed. That way everyone gets what they want! My sins are forgiven, the world is safe, and my mother can finally have closure for her better family!" Edited at November 15, 2022 10:38 AM by Overthink101

Horatio, actually flinching: "Rev, that won't work. You don't have all of your power yet, you can't pass it on until you already have fully developed power. Even if you could, you'd still be in danger. Our enemies are already aware of you, by leaving the group you're putting yourself in more danger. I'm sorry, I wish it were different. I don't want to hurt you, but you're safest with us. I'll do my best to protect you, I swear, I'll do my best to protect all of you. I know I fucked it up already, I know you don't trust me after what happened to Nico, and I'm willing to take that responsibility. Be mad at me, hate me, but don't leave. Don't put yourself in more danger because of my mistakes." - Briar, taken aback: "Huh, never thought I'd hear that. When did it become a sob fest?"