
Rev; "Great. How much do you think I'll need to bring?" - Them watching the notes and immediately responding- Gen'ya; "Oh, I'm sorry I came off as sarcastic. I assure you, I meant every word." Aries; "I am not in denial! And I'm not using historical figures as ways to say I'm not traumatized! I'm just saying that they were most definitely traumatized and I'm not." Rev; "How dare you assume I do not know what a break is, I just don't need nor want them. If it were up to me, I'd be working right now. But you unplugged the router and my mother turned off my hotspot after last night... Perhaps you can plug the router back in for me so that I can get back to the more important matters of working so that my mother doesn't give another spiel on how little I've been doing recently?"

Tio: "Hmmm, probably a lot. I'm unsure of an exact amount. - Horatio, silently editing: - Gen'ya: Sarcastic (??) - Aries: In denial... In severe denial - Rev: Doesn't know what a break is. Doesn't understand the importance of a break. Definitely needs a break. - Tio, looking up: "Rev, I'm leaving the router unplugged. Put down your coffee and get some sleep, if you want to be productive as possible, you have to take care of yourself first."

Rev; "I'll bring however much the store sells then." - Again responding- Aries; "I am not in denial. Especially not severe denial." Rev, taking in a breath before looking at Gen'ya; "Do you happen to know where the closest store that sells hotspots is? Mr Caeso may be willing to upset my mother but I am not. I still have to do the reports for the next six months before I can even get started on the theoreticals and equations I have to have done by the new year. Normally, I'd already be done with the entire year and starting on next year's theoreticals by now." Gen'ya, who can't lie; "...The store's about a block from here, Revon." Edited at November 14, 2022 01:49 PM by Overthink101

Toi, gives nod of approval. - Horatio, sighing and rubbing his eyes while simultaneously being careful not to glare or get angry at Aries: "Rev, I'm going to take the coffee maker away. Take a break. At least seven to eight hours of sleep at night, and at least 3-4 hours of break a day. If your mother's company can't survive that long without you then that's their problem. Take care of yourself before I do it for you. That's not a threat, it's a promise." Micha, in the background: "Don't forget to drink water too, Tio and Rev both! All you've been drinking is coffee!" Tio: "Yes, thank you, Micha." Micha, happy he did something good: "No problem, boss!"

Rev, taking in what Tio said before nodding; "Hey, Gen'ya- Where's the nearest café? You seem to forget, Horatio, I have money to spare on an expensive café every day. It doesn't matter if the company can survive without me, it's my job that sets the hours and therefore my responsibility to follow them. If you have a problem with my work hours, take that up with my mother, see how that works out for you."

Tio, humming: "Very well, may I have your mother's number? Or just your company number will do. Micha, please escort Revon to his room. Nico, go with them, I trust you can sing our stubborn friend to sleep." Micha, hesitantly coming forward: "Okay." Nico, appearing: "Sure! I gotta few songs in mind!"

Revon, definitely glaring at Tio as he writes his mother's phone number down and hands it to him; "Fine. I can give you my mother's number so that you can skip all the company policy's. How does that work?" Under his breath as he begins towards his room very grumpily; "Can't wait for that return call."

Horatio, calmly: "Thank you, Rev, I appreciate it. Same with you Micha and Nico." Nico, chuckling: "No prob, boss! Have fun with that call, want me to get Briar for ya?" Horatio: "Not necessary, Nico, thank you. I can be persuasive enough on my own." Nico: "Sure, sure, never doubted that! Hay, Rev, would you prefer Disney or classic lullaby?"

Rev, who absolutely has not watched/heard of Disney before; "What's the difference? Also, lullabies are for children. I'm in college, have a job, and a fine understanding of how the world works."

Nico, tsking: "Uh-uh, we need to get you some basic culture, my friend! And besides our great, benevolent leader has asked for my services on your behalf! I can always add a nice spin on a lullaby if you'd like, what's your fav?" Micha, shyly: "I like lullaby's..." Edited at November 14, 2022 05:09 PM by Lost Memories