
Lol FancyPants said: 165 Cool- I'm half watching The Clone Wars-

Okay, and I have returned! Sorry, my dog had an USO on one of his paws, so I had to give him a quick rinse to get it out. I still have no idea what it was in his paw. Not treesap, and not dried mud, but it could've been anything from old wet cat litter to clay :/

O>O Ravenfeather said: Okay, and I have returned! Sorry, my dog had an USO on one of his paws, so I had to give him a quick rinse to get it out. I still have no idea what it was in his paw. Not treesap, and not dried mud, but it could've been anything from old wet cat litter to clay :/

I just marked all my past notifications as unread and now I have 464-

Lol ima do that FancyPants said: I just marked all my past notifications as unread and now I have 464-

FancyPants said: I just marked all my past notifications as unread and now I have 464-
I did that as well and I have 626 now TwT

168 game notifications and over 1000 outbox notifications :^

Ahah I'm catching up slowly Stormlight Bindings said: FancyPants said: I just marked all my past notifications as unread and now I have 464-
I did that as well and I have 626 now TwT

So um- I tried to mark all my inbox notifications as unread, the game went white and just said forbidden ;-;
