
Are we allowed to give loans in mush and/or apples and charge interest? (e.g. "I'll give you 1000 mush right now but you have to give me 150 mush every week for 7 weeks.")
I'd also like to ask if you can accept mush/apples as "bank account money" and add mush/apples as "interest" weekly or monthly to that "bank account." (In exchange, the bank uses that "bank account money" to give loans or whatever.) Edited at July 5, 2019 04:16 PM by PhantomSpirit204

As far as I know, asking for free items / currency is against the rules. Loans with other players, I believe, are at your own risk.
There aren't "Bank Accounts" on WP. The closest thing is a Mushroom Hole [ Den > Secretary Bird > Mushroom Hole ] which doesn't give interest.

No, loans of any type are against the rules