
So I've been looking around for stuff on dominance but I'm still a little bit confused? Can any of your wolves have the same dominance or must they all be different? I have a female wolf with 0 dominance but it lists her as the beta female.
If you want some wolves to switch ranks does that mean you just raise their dominance?

Wolves can have the same dominance, but your pack happiness will go down significantly
Your female is probably beta because you only have dominance on your alpha female and no other female, so it randomly put her as beta due to no other wolf having a higher dominance. If your put dominance on another wolf, that will would take her place
Also, keep in mind that pups can not outrank adults, so if a pup has higher dominance, it will not be ranked until it turns 2 Edited at April 5, 2019 01:59 PM by Moonshadow

Does it matter if wolves have 0 dominance at the same time? And if a female has the same dominance as a male will that mater? Thanks

Fire Moon said: Does it matter if wolves have 0 dominance at the same time? And if a female has the same dominance as a male will that mater? Thanks
In a way.
If any wolf had the same dominance, no matter how much that may be, your pack happiness will go down. Even if that dominance is 0.
If your female has the same dominance as a male, your pack happiness will also go down.
It doesnt really matter unless you're trying to keep your wolves happiness up.
Just an example: Let's say you want a specific female to be beta. You'll have to make sure she has less dominance than your alpha female, but more dominance than any other female in the pack. If she has the same amount as another female, it will randomly select one as beta and your happiness will go down.

Oh! Thanks so much. This really helped :)