
Horatio Caeso / Male / 19 / Demisexual Panromantic / Ambi / Time- Visions / M: Everyone “The Timbres and Nitles are both out. The predator has to be some other species that isn’t on there. Domestication takes a long time, and the Plies have had Alows domesticated long enough to have done 19 different attacks on Earth. Their pupils would’ve changed to round by now. The Nitles would seem more likely, but they’re bear-like? Humans have already figured out bears, if Plies are more advanced than us… They definitely have a way to keep them away and at bay, and for a while now too, the pupils still wouldn’t add up. They have to be hunted by some other species, one that hasn’t been documented yet. Right?” Horatio nodded slowly, keeping his posture and his voice calm, only his eyes hinted at his rising anxiety as he thought about his answer. "Unfortunately, I think you're correct. What worries me is the fact that the past protectors haven't seen the hunter at all. It makes me wonder if they're intentionally avoiding us, or worse, and if so, why? If the Plies are being hunted, that likely means that the species hunters are probably more advanced even than them. The thing is, the Plies have made attempts to take over Earth, but we never determined their reasoning, there's several potential reasons I can think of. They could be searching for somewhere else to settle and decided that Earth was best, or maybe they feel threatened by us for some reason, or, probably worst case scenario, they're working for the species we believe to be their hunters. That could end... badly, to say the least." He shook his head slightly, catching sight of Revan reappearing in the hall. "But, let's worry about that later, I'll do research and send a small ship in for scouting tonight. For now, let's get the tour started. If you'd like, you can join me after dinner, but that's your choice." Horatio smiled lightly at Aries before turning to address the others. "Alright, everyone, what do you say we get going? There's plenty to see!" Nico was the first to respond, looking up excitedly. "Hell yeah! Let's go!" Briar grinned as well, looking over. "Sounds good to me! I'd like to see more of this place." Tio nodded and smiled, heading to the front of the group after one more (hopefully) comforting look toward Aries. "Alright then, this way!" --- Nico Cosmos / AMAB Agender / 16 / Unlabeled/Queer / Ambi / Sound- Musical Knowledge / M: Everyone “I’ll keep that in mind, thanks! And yeah… People that want to punch my face in usually aim for my eye, so… Definitely not good. I usually end up not being able to like, see for a day or two. Which sucks. But, well! It’s worth it, to help people.” Nico continued to smile, keeping their voice light. "No problem at all! And hey, don't worry about that, now that I'm you're lovely, amazing assistant, I'll take all the punches for ya'! No problemo!" He looked up when Horatio's voice rang through the hallway. "Alright, everyone, what do you say we get going? There's plenty to see!" Nico's eyes brightened once again and she responded quickly and excitedly, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Hell yeah! Let's go!" Briar grinned as well, responding with excitement to match Nico's. "Sounds good to me! I'd like to see more of this place." "Alright then, this way!" Nico bobbed their head, following Horatio at the same pace as Gorōta, posture relaxed as usual. --- Briar Sallow / Nonbinary / 17 / Minsexual / Poly / Manipulation/Judgement- Minor Illusions / M: Everyone Micha Abbott / Male / 17 / Homosexual / Ambi / Elemental- Air / M: Everyone “Well, the wording was awe inspiring. Certainly worthy of the genius title, further proof that your snake is late.” Micha smiled lightly and dipped his head in thanks, embarrassed by the positive attention. Occasionally, he went on rants like these, and back home, Kage would usually laugh and shake his head, wrapping an arm around his friend as he spoke. 'You know, I never will get used to how smart and kind you are. I honestly don't understand how I managed to make such amazing friends, I really don't deserve you or Ami at all, or your family, yet here I am!' Micha would protest, and the two would end up in a friendly argument about how amazing they both were, eventually ending in laughter. "Alright, everyone, what do you say we get going? There's plenty to see!" Micha blinked, drawn out of the memory by Tio's louder voice. "Hell yeah! Let's go!" "Sounds good to me! I'd like to see more of this place." "Alright then, this way!" Micha smiled and followed the lead of the others, letting his wings relax a little as he started to walk. He couldn't lie about being excited, after all, anyone would want to explore someplace as awesome as this!

Gwyar ‘Aries’ Ariethous Fraoch | Male | 17 | Demisexual | Ambi | Physical - Weapon Knowledge | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “Unfortunately, I think you're correct. What worries me is the fact that the past protectors haven't seen the hunter at all. It makes me wonder if they're intentionally avoiding us, or worse, and if so, why? If the Plies are being hunted, that likely means that the species hunters are probably more advanced even than them. The thing is, the Plies have made attempts to take over Earth, but we never determined their reasoning, there's several potential reasons I can think of. They could have been searching for somewhere else to settle and decided that Earth was best, or maybe they feel threatened by us for some reason, or, probably worst case scenario, they're working for the species we believe to be their hunters. That could end... badly, to say the least.” -- Gwyar bit his lip, nodding slowly as he took the information in. Another possibility, that he felt like Horatio left out, was that the Plies had come up with a way to defeat these predators. A way that was only achievable from Earth. He wasn’t sure how likely that was, especially in comparison to Horatio’s ideas. But… Maybe worth considering? -- “But, let's worry about that later, I'll do research and send a small ship in for scouting tonight. For now, let's get the tour started. If you'd like, you can join me after dinner, but that's your choice.” -- He rubbed the back of his neck as he thought about that. Maybe he could. He also wanted to look at the books of the past Physical holders though, to see if they held any information. He could decide later though, seeing as Horatio turned towards the rest of the group. -- “Alright, everyone, what do you say we get going? There's plenty to see!” -- “Hell yeah! Let's go!” -- The one that had spoken to him when he’d first gotten out of his room was the first to respond. Somehow, Gwyar had forgotten to get their name. He hoped everyone was introduced at some point… -- “Sounds good to me! I'd like to see more of this place.” -- Horatio was looking back at him for a moment, with a look on his face that he couldn’t quite place. He wondered if the look meant the time holder was going to be expecting some sort of repayment for the comfort or distraction or information or something. Gwyar gave a small smile in return regardless of the meaning, he’d repay him sooner or later if that was the meaning. That meaning would be easier to deal with than other meanings anyways. -- “Alright then, this way!” -- He nodded, and began following the group. His speed wasn’t the fastest, he wanted to be able to keep an eye on the majority, after all. That was always a good idea. To be a good distance from everyone so that if something happened, he could reach the maximum number of people. *~*~*~* Gorōta Sanae Ryuugo | Male | 16 | Demisexual | Ambi | Emotional/Healing - Heal Physical Wounds | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “No problem at all! And hey, don't worry about that, now that I'm your lovely, amazing assistant, I'll take all the punches for ya'! No problemo!” -- Gorōta smiled softly, holding back soft laughter. He nodded though, gentle and soft. Nico was definitely nice. And cool. And funny. His friends would’ve liked to meet them. At least half of them would’ve. -- “Alright, everyone, what do you say we get going? There's plenty to see!” -- He looked over at Horatio, smiling and nodding in response. -- “Hell yeah! Let's go!” -- The loud voice of Nico almost made him wince then, the excitement was more influential though. He ended up giving a thumbs up, grinning a bit. -- “Sounds good to me! I'd like to see more of this place.” -- “Alright then, this way!” -- And Gorōta fell into step with Nico, following Horatio. They were relaxed and excited, and it was definitely contagious. Especially for him now, though he’d always been a bit more easily influenced by others than most. Nico was a nice change of pace instead of One’s harsh stares, Seven’s biting remarks, Eight’s glare and clenching fists, and Nine’s pressure. Or Six’s intrusive jabs, though those were less common. *~*~*~* Revan Rafe-Hassen Rowland | Male | 18 | Gay | Ambi | Space - Alter Gravity | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- A few moments after walking out of his room again, laptop under his arm and ready to be carried. Mr. Caeso finally addressed the group. -- “Alright, everyone, what do you say we get going? There's plenty to see!” -- Truth be told, Revan didn’t really care about the layout or building or sights to see. He just wanted to get it over with so he could work. But, well, he almost immediately agreed vocally. Because the sooner they started, the sooner they ended. And the sooner they ended? The sooner he could get back to working. He hoped the tour didn’t take too long. -- “Hell yeah! Let's go!” -- He rolled his eyes in response, resisting the urge to begin biting his already bleeding tongue again. He didn’t need to restart that habit completely. His mother would freak if she found out he even slightly restarted it. He didn’t need that mess either. That mess was harder to deal with than the regular one. He’d much rather stick with the normal, average mess. -- “Sounds good to me! I'd like to see more of this place.” -- “Alright then, this way!” -- He took a sip of his new coffee, and began to follow the group. He was closer to the back, which was fine. It just meant he didn’t have to worry about the fast, impatient, social people nearer to the front talking to him at all. He was tempted to take out his phone, work on notes or outlines or something. He didn’t, not for the moment, since he did need to know how to get from room to room. Sometimes, for just in case and all. *~*~*~* Gen’ya Hiei Hikari | AMAB Demi-Boy | 17 | Apresexual Demiromantic | Ambi | Trust/Truth - Lie Detection / Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “Alright, everyone, what do you say we get going? There's plenty to see!” -- Gen’ya looked over at Horatio from where he was still petting Coral, retracting his arm and hand from the snake. -- “Hell yeah! Let's go!” -- “Sounds good to me! I'd like to see more of this place.” -- “Alright then, this way!” -- Gen’ya followed behind, they were definitely excited to see the base. Regardless, they had to be careful about how much energy they were using. They didn’t tend to have much, a small drawback, but one they were working on just by being around Jass and how fast paced of a person she was. Either way, their pace was a bit slower than the fastest of the group.

Horatio Caeso / Male / 19 / Demisexual Panromantic / Ambi / Time- Visions / M: Everyone The base was large enough that it was pretty close to impossible to get through it in one day, even with a full twenty-four hours, so Tio, with the help of Juno and Mira, (Two girls that Horatio was close with and had (after conferring with Fher) brought into the base with him to help out. And also to get them both away from home, offering protection and supplies that neither had been presented with previously. They kept watch when Tio couldn't and were both trained in combat, though they wouldn't be going on the ship with the protectors when the time came.) scouted out the places that the group would most need to know in order to keep the time of the tour limited. They could always discover more later if they needed to. Horatio led the group down to the end of their hallway and turned in the opposite direction of the large room where they first arrived. He pointed out a few rooms here and there, mostly checkpoints for security and maps that would help them out if they got lost, only accessed by face or handprint recognition, of course. You could never be too careful. After quite a while of walking down long, mostly empty hallways, the group arrived in an area that looked much more alive with shorter hallways and more decoration. "Okay, this is the center of the base where we'll spend most of our time when we aren't in out rooms. The hall with our rooms is actually right down the hall over there," Tio pointed to the hall left to where he was standing. "I just took the long way to point out checkpoints. The whole base is circular, so everything links up eventually, with the exception of a few rooms that stick out on the sides and the underground evacuation system. The cafeteria is straight ahead and to the right, we'll go there after this. The room to the right is actually the entrance to a series of training rooms. There are several so that each of us has one suited to practice our powers with, and then there's a basic training room where everyone will be learning how to use all different kinds of weapons and fighting styles. Everyone should know how to protect themselves if needed, even if their power isn't necessarily good for offense. We'll also all be working on basic first aid, for the same reason. And this room," Tio stepped over to the door across from the training room and pushed it open, stepping aside to let the others in. "Shows us space and who's travelling where. Every ship that passes past our sensors, which are situated in orbit all around Earth, will be clocked and added to our data base. Oh, and that's Mira and Juno, they help out around the base." A girl with light brown hair and blue eyes looked up when the door opened and smiled brightly. "Hey guys! I'm Mira, as Tio said, nice to meet you!" The girl next to her, Juno, brushed a strand of blonde hair out of her hazle eyes and nodded slightly in greeting. "Hi." --- Nico Cosmos / AMAB Agender / 16 / Unlabeled/Queer / Ambi / Sound- Musical Knowledge / M: Everyone Nico hummed softly as the group made their way through the base, taking everything in easily. The route was long, but it had a pattern. Nico was good at patterns. "Okay, this is the center of the base where we'll spend most of our time when we aren't in out rooms. The hall with our rooms is actually right down the hall over there." Nico followed Horatio's finger and nodded. That made sense, the whole base seemed to be linked. "I just took the long way to point out checkpoints. The whole base is circular, so everything links up eventually, with the exception of a few rooms that stick out on the sides and the underground evacuation system. The cafeteria is straight ahead and to the right, we'll go there after this. The room to the right is actually the entrance to a series of training rooms. There are several so that each of us has one suited to practice our powers with, and then there's a basic training room where everyone will be learning how to use all different kinds of weapons and fighting styles. Everyone should know how to protect themselves if needed, even if their power isn't necessarily good for offense. We'll also all be working on basic first aid, for the same reason. And this room, shows us space and who's travelling where. Every ship that passes past our sensors, which are situated in orbit all around Earth, will be clocked and added to our data base. Oh, and that's Mira and Juno, they help out around the base." As soon as the door opened, Nico, curious as ever, trotted through, eyes widening at the large screens in front of them. "Wow, this is awesome!" He breathed, trying to take everything in. "Hey guys! I'm Mira, as Tio said, nice to meet you!" "Hi." The new sound holder beamed, immediately distracted from the view of space by the people. More new friends! "Hello! I'm Nico!" Mira giggled. "You must be the sound holder!"
He nodded enthusiastically. "Yep! How'd you know?" "Well, sound holders are usually the most social, so I just guessed." Right, made sense. --- Briar Sallow / Nonbinary / 17 / Minsexual / Poly / Manipulation/Judgement- Minor Illusions / M: Everyone Micha Abbott / Male / 17 / Homosexual / Ambi / Elemental- Air / M: Everyone It seemed to Briar that the group had been walking forever before finally stopping. They sighed softly and looked around. This area was brighter with some paintings and stuff hung around, but it wasn't that interesting, honestly. "Okay, this is the center of the base where we'll spend most of our time when we aren't in out rooms. The hall with our rooms is actually right down the hall over there. I just took the long way to point out checkpoints. The whole base is circular, so everything links up eventually, with the exception of a few rooms that stick out on the sides and the underground evacuation system. The cafeteria is straight ahead and to the right, we'll go there after this. The room to the right is actually the entrance to a series of training rooms. There are several so that each of us has one suited to practice our powers with, and then there's a basic training room where everyone will be learning how to use all different kinds of weapons and fighting styles. Everyone should know how to protect themselves if needed, even if their power isn't necessarily good for offense. We'll also all be working on basic first aid, for the same reason. And this room, shows us space and who's travelling where. Every ship that passes past our sensors, which are situated in orbit all around Earth, will be clocked and added to our data base. Oh, and that's Mira and Juno, they help out around the base." The judgement hold paused for a second before walking into the new room, eyeing the pictures of space with mild disinterest before looking at the lower screens and narrowing their eyes. Horatio had mentioned a database, which likely involved some new species or something. Now that would be cool, much cooler than random pictures. "Hey guys! I'm Mira, as Tio said, nice to meet you!" "Hi." "You must be the sound holder!"
"Yep! How'd you know?" "Well, sound holders are usually the most social, so I just guessed." Briar chuckled at that. They hadn't known the group long, but Nico definitely did seem like the most social, being the first to talk to them besides Horatio, and likely to the others too. "I don't think you're wrong about that." The offered, earning another chuckled from Mira and a sheepish grin from Nico. "Nothing wrong with it though! Friends are awesome, after all!" --- Micha hesitated as the rest of the group filed into the new room, a hint of anxiety creeping up in his chest. That was a lot of space, a lot of openness that could easily suck you in and never let go. Some of the others started conversing and Micha timidly stepped further into the room, wrapping his wings around himself protectively. He scanned the room before hesitantly approaching the person he'd grabbed onto when they first arrived, the physical holder, Micha thought he'd seen 'Aries' on his door. The guy was tall, and he looked strong, something that made M feel more protected, even though he didn't really know Aries at all and his fear was definitely unnecessary considering the fact that they weren't even in space, but still.

Gwyar ‘Aries’ Ariethous Fraoch | Male | 17 | Demisexual | Ambi | Physical - Weapon Knowledge | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “Okay, this is the center of the base where we'll spend most of our time when we aren't in our rooms. The hall with our rooms is actually right down the hall over there. I just took the long way to point out checkpoints. The whole base is circular, so everything links up eventually, with the exception of a few rooms that stick out on the sides and the underground evacuation system.” -- Glancing around the area, Gwyar nodded. He definitely wanted to ask about the evacuation system, knowing about that would be helpful. -- “The cafeteria is straight ahead and to the right, we'll go there after this. The room to the right is actually the entrance to a series of training rooms. There are several so that each of us has one suited to practice our powers with, and then there's a basic training room where everyone will be learning how to use all different kinds of weapons and fighting styles. Everyone should know how to protect themselves if needed, even if their power isn't necessarily good for offense. We'll also all be working on basic first aid, for the same reason.” -- Again, he nodded. Slower this time, processing the words. He was good at training, he enjoyed training. And self-defense was good to know. He wondered how much he already knew compared to the rest of them. He began to wonder if he could win a fight against any of them, he quickly pushed the thought aside. The smell of blood in the air and the feeling of every star and light going out was enough to keep the thought from returning. He, thankfully, didn’t clench his hands. He did, however, bite his inner lip. Just enough pressure to keep him grounded, the taste of blood wasn’t really something he enjoyed or needed. Especially right now. -- “And this room shows us space and who's traveling where. Every ship that passes past our sensors, which are situated in orbit all around Earth, will be clocked and added to our data base. Oh, and that's Mira and Juno, they help out around the base.” -- The room was very open, and that fact made him relax far more than he was willing to admit. He looked over to the two girls that had been mentioned though. -- “Hey guys! I'm Mira, as Tio said, nice to meet you!” -- “Hi.” -- Well, they both seemed nice. For now, at least. He wondered how long until that changed, if at all. He decided to believe that they wouldn’t for now. He noticed that the elemental holder; Micha, he thought, approached. The one that he had practically caught upon arrival to the base. The guy seemed anxious, maybe a bit scared. He offered him a small smile in greeting and reassurance. Whatever they were anxious about, he was sure that the issue could be handled. Somehow. He’d try, at the very least. -- “Hello! I'm Nico!” -- Gwyar glanced over, the one who had asked about the nickname… At least he finally had a name for them. That was always good. He filed away the information for later. -- “You must be the sound holder!” -- “Yep! How'd you know?” -- “Well, sound holders are usually the most social, so I just guessed.” -- “I don't think you're wrong about that. Nothing wrong with it though! Friends are awesome, after all!” -- Gwyar looked over at Micha again, speaking quietly, just for them. “You alright? You kind of seem a bit uncomfortable, is all.” *~*~*~* Gorōta Sanae Ryuugo | Male | 16 | Demisexual | Ambi | Emotional/Healing - Heal Physical Wounds | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “Okay, this is the center of the base where we'll spend most of our time when we aren't in our rooms. The hall with our rooms is actually right down the hall over there. I just took the long way to point out checkpoints. The whole base is circular, so everything links up eventually, with the exception of a few rooms that stick out on the sides and the underground evacuation system.” -- Gorōta looked over in the direction of their rooms. Luckily, with it to his left, he didn’t have to turn his head completely. The whole tour of checkpoints, and the room the group was currently in, was a bit dizzying with all the turning of his head to try and see everything. But, well, he didn’t exactly mind. The base was still really cool. -- “The cafeteria is straight ahead and to the right, we'll go there after this. The room to the right is actually the entrance to a series of training rooms. There are several so that each of us has one suited to practice our powers with, and then there's a basic training room where everyone will be learning how to use all different kinds of weapons and fighting styles. Everyone should know how to protect themselves if needed, even if their power isn't necessarily good for offense. We'll also all be working on basic first aid, for the same reason. And this room shows us space and who's traveling where. Every ship that passes past our sensors, which are situated in orbit all around Earth, will be clocked and added to our data base. Oh, and that's Mira and Juno, they help out around the base.” -- He wasn’t looking forward to the fighting lessons. He wasn’t much of a fighter, and he wasn’t really interested in being one. It went against too much of medical practice, part of the oath doctors took said they wouldn’t harm people. And doctors even had to help enemies or criminals in society. He did, however, allow this dilemma to be put aside for now. If only so he could look at the aforementioned Mira and Juno. -- “Hey guys! I'm Mira, as Tio said, nice to meet you!” -- “Hi.” -- Gorōta gave them both a small smile, before almost jumping out of his skin as Nico introduced himself loudly. -- “Hello! I'm Nico!” -- “You must be the sound holder!” -- “Yep! How'd you know?” -- “Well, sound holders are usually the most social, so I just guessed.” -- “I don't think you're wrong about that. Nothing wrong with it though! Friends are awesome, after all!” -- That was Briar, he glanced over at the judgment holder with the snake, just to try and get used to what everyone looked like. So that he could put a name to a face, and remember it. The words were definitely true though. *~*~*~* Revan Rafe-Hassen Rowland | Male | 18 | Gay | Ambi | Space - Alter Gravity | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “Okay, this is the center of the base where we'll spend most of our time when we aren't in our rooms. The hall with our rooms is actually right down the hall over there. I just took the long way to point out checkpoints. The whole base is circular, so everything links up eventually, with the exception of a few rooms that stick out on the sides and the underground evacuation system.” -- Frankly, Revan was proud of himself. He had lasted about halfway through the checkpoint tour without looking at his phone. Before it vibrated in his pocket and he had to check it. It wasn’t much, just a text from a different employee at the company asking about something. So he had answered, and the exchange lasted a bit, until Revan found himself getting sent what they had supposed to be working on and having to help. Which he did, it just meant he didn’t really notice much of the tour. -- He had looked up when Mr. Caeso began speaking, if only to make sure he wasn’t missing anything important. An underground evacuation system would be useful to know about, after all. -- “The cafeteria is straight ahead and to the right, we'll go there after this. The room to the right is actually the entrance to a series of training rooms. There are several so that each of us has one suited to practice our powers with, and then there's a basic training room where everyone will be learning how to use all different kinds of weapons and fighting styles. Everyone should know how to protect themselves if needed, even if their power isn't necessarily good for offense. We'll also all be working on basic first aid, for the same reason. And this room shows us space and who's traveling where. Every ship that passes past our sensors, which are situated in orbit all around Earth, will be clocked and added to our data base. Oh, and that's Mira and Juno, they help out around the base.” -- He looked around the room they had filed into, with screens of space and activity. That was definitely interesting, if he was ever free from work he might’ve been tempted to decide this place as his go to area. Maybe he could set up something in here instead, so that he could do work here. Just so he could still see it, it probably wouldn’t interfere with his productivity. His phone vibrated in his hand, demanding his attention. So he glanced at the girls and then looked back at his phone to continue helping. -- “Hey guys! I'm Mira, as Tio said, nice to meet you!” -- “Hi.” -- “Hello! I'm Nico!” -- “You must be the sound holder!” -- “Yep! How'd you know?” -- “Well, sound holders are usually the most social, so I just guessed.” -- The conversation already made Mira seem a bit like Katalyn. Hopefully the same method of distancing worked for her then. Juno probably wouldn’t require much effort, given the little amount of conversation from her. -- “I don't think you're wrong about that. Nothing wrong with it though! Friends are awesome, after all!” -- At that, though he didn’t look up at all, he did scoff. Friends weren’t necessary, and they never lasted anyways. They left, got injured, or died. Or they weren’t good friends, so you had to cut them out of your life anyways. And he’d rather not deal with all of that. Going through life alone, however limited, was better than that. He took a sip of coffee, his cup already about halfway empty, and continued to go back and forth responding to his colleague. *~*~*~* Gen’ya Hiei Hikari | AMAB Demi-Boy | 17 | Apresexual Demiromantic | Ambi | Trust/Truth - Lie Detection / Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “Okay, this is the center of the base where we'll spend most of our time when we aren't in our rooms. The hall with our rooms is actually right down the hall over there. I just took the long way to point out checkpoints. The whole base is circular, so everything links up eventually, with the exception of a few rooms that stick out on the sides and the underground evacuation system.” -- Gen’ya nodded, glancing around the more open area with more consistent doors. An underground evacuation system was probably smart to have. And a circular base was definitely cool, Jass would’ve been stoked about it. Circles were always left out, according to her. Not that they disagreed, they just never really paid attention to things like that. -- “The cafeteria is straight ahead and to the right, we'll go there after this. The room to the right is actually the entrance to a series of training rooms. There are several so that each of us has one suited to practice our powers with, and then there's a basic training room where everyone will be learning how to use all different kinds of weapons and fighting styles. Everyone should know how to protect themselves if needed, even if their power isn't necessarily good for offense. We'll also all be working on basic first aid, for the same reason. And this room shows us space and who's traveling where. Every ship that passes past our sensors, which are situated in orbit all around Earth, will be clocked and added to our data base. Oh, and that's Mira and Juno, they help out around the base.” -- The mention of the cafeteria was slightly nauseating but ignorable for the other information given. Training rooms, learning weapons and fighting styles? Learning first aid? Better than anything the school system ever taught him, other than poetry or how to read sheet music. But even that was less the school system and more himself. The same was perhaps true for poetry too though. Regardless, the idea of learning to fight and do first aid was pretty cool. -- The room they had filed into was also pretty cool. With screens of space and stars, they wondered just where the ships Horatio had mentioned were from. Gen’ya also wondered if there was any way that they could steal a screen or two, without anyone noticing. They wondered if their ‘no lying’ predicament would allow them to. They looked over to the two girls, one with light brown hair and blue eyes; the other with blonde hair and hazel eyes. -- “Hey guys! I'm Mira, as Tio said, nice to meet you!” -- “Hi.” -- “Hello! I'm Nico!” -- Gen’ya smiled, and nodded at Mira and Juno in greeting, barely resisting an eye roll at Nico. The Washington Irving quote definitely worked well for them. -- “You must be the sound holder!” -- “Yep! How'd you know?” -- “Well, sound holders are usually the most social, so I just guessed.” -- “I don't think you're wrong about that. Nothing wrong with it though! Friends are awesome, after all!” -- Gen’ya nodded firmly, grinning, tone half-amused, half-serious. “Must be true, one of the resident geniuses has spoken on the matter.”

Horatio Caeso / Male / 19 / Demisexual Panromantic / Ambi / Time- Visions / M: Everyone Horatio watched as the group looked around, giving them time to examine everything and socialize with Mira and Juno. The group seemed to be getting along well so far, though Revan wasn't that social, seeming more interested in his work, and both Micha and Gorōta seemed a little anxious, along with Aries, of course. No one seemed to hate anyone though, which was definitely a positive. The time holder was about to speak up again when a sudden, hot pain sliced through his skull. He quickly grabbed the wall to keep from falling over and pressed two fingers to his eyes, gritting his teeth in pain. The sensation was nothing new, it happened every time Tio had a vision, but it was something he was positive he'd never get used to. It felt like someone just hit him over the head with a metal pipe at full force, and then he was shoved into a different space where images flashed through his mind and words were spoken in his ears, but he couldn't move. 'He stood in the middle of a ship control room, watching with rising panic as the screens all glitched out, revealing a single, horrifying message; "System failure detected, shutting down." There was shouting and panicked shuffling as the group was revealed. Himself and Revan scrambled to regain control of a failing ship as Aries and Gorōta ran out of the room, leaving Micha standing in front of Briar, eyes dark and wings spread. Nico was nowhere in sight. The image slowly began to fade and a soft ticking of a clock clicked in the back of Tio's mind along with Fher's voice speaking the same words he had when he first appeared to Horatio. "These people will be your teammates and your family, you are their leader. Protect them at all costs, as they are the most important thing in our world."' And then everything rushed back to reality, causing Tio to let out a soft hiss of pain. That was certainly one of his less enjoyable visions, and a worrying one. The time holder blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes, and forced himself to stand up again. His head would likely hurt for the rest of the day, which was unfortunate, but something he could deal with. He'd have to analyze the vision later, when he had time. --- Nico Cosmos / AMAB Agender / 16 / Unlabeled/Queer / Ambi / Sound- Musical Knowledge / M: Everyone “Must be true, one of the resident geniuses has spoken on the matter.” Nico glanced over, still smiling. "Wait, we determined that there are geniuses here? Awesome!" Mira grinned cheerily, leaning lazily against a slightly irritated looking Juno. "Well, it's no surprise! From what I heard, the protesters are usually made up of a series of geniuses." She stated. Juno rolled her eyes. "Good, we need some reasonable people around. Otherwise people like this dumbass wouldn't stand a chance." Mira gasped dramatically. "I'm offended! I thought you loved me, my flower!" "I do, but you're still a dumbass." Nico laughed as Mira huffed in offense and turned her head away from the other girl. "Hey, everyone's a little dumb sometimes, right?" A quiet, teasing scoff was heard from Briar as they crossed their arms, minding the snake around their wrist, and smirked confidently at the sound holder. "Not me, I'm always smart." Nico was about to respond when Juno's eyes flickered to the back wall, widening slightly. She lightly shook off Mira's arm and stood up. "Tio, are you alright?" The sound holder frowned and turned around to see the time holder grimacing and holding the wall to steady himself. He didn't respond. "That's not good." they muttered, standing back. They weren't good at this kind of stuff, and they didn't want to make things worse. --- Briar Sallow / Nonbinary / 17 / Minsexual / Poly / Manipulation/Judgement- Minor Illusions / M: Everyone "Wait, we determined that there are geniuses here? Awesome!" Briar grinned and nodded proudly, watching as Mira shifted to lean on Juno and chuckling a little at the blonde's annoyed expression. "Well, it's no surprise! From what I heard, the protesters are usually made up of a series of geniuses." "Good, we need some reasonable people around. Otherwise people like this dumbass wouldn't stand a chance." "I'm offended! I thought you loved me, my flower!" "I do, but you're still a dumbass." "Hey, everyone's a little dumb sometimes, right?" "Not me, I'm always smart." Briar stated, only partially serious. However, their expression changed as Juno stood and looked towards the back of the room worriedly. "Tio, are you alright?" The guy was pretty obviously not alright, in Briar's opinion, he looked like he just got hit over the head or something, and the fact that he didn't respond made it worse. "Uh, don't think he is." They stated, shrugging and watching Tio critically. Who would have thought it would be the leader to get hurt the first day? --- Micha Abbott / Male / 17 / Homosexual / Ambi / Elemental- Air / M: Everyone “You alright? You kind of seem a bit uncomfortable, is all.” Micha had to resist jumping at the sound of Aries's voice, unprepared for him to actually question anything. Still, he managed a small, nervous smile in response. "I-I'm fine, just... I don't like thinking about how... how big space is, there's so much that could hurt you! I mean, stuff that you know is around is already scary enough, so there's definitely stuff that's worse that we don't know, it's just kind of terrifying." "Tio, are you alright?" Micha's eyes immediately snapped to where he knew Horatio was at the back of the room, and he flinched a little at how much pain he seemed to be in. Whatever was going on certainly wasn't helping M's anxiety, especially when Tio didn't respond. "Oh God, do you think he's okay?!"

Gwyar ‘Aries’ Ariethous Fraoch | Male | 17 | Demisexual | Ambi | Physical - Weapon Knowledge | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “I-I'm fine, just... I don't like thinking about how... how big space is, there's so much that could hurt you! I mean, stuff that you know is around is already scary enough, so there's definitely stuff that's worse that we don't know, it's just kind of terrifying.” -- Gwyar nodded, that made sense. He didn’t exactly relate to the fear, he was more unnerved by not having enough room to move, to protect himself. At least in space there’s enough room to be able to adequately respond to the threats there. -- “Tio, are you alright?” -- Immediately, he looked over to where the leader was. Horatio looked like he had gotten hit over the head with something, but he couldn’t tell for sure since pain tolerance was different for everyone. He winced at the idea, those injuries were never fun. He almost stepped forward, almost rushed over to help in any way that he could. -- “Oh God, do you think he's okay?!” -- His feet stayed planted though as Micha asked the question. Gwyar looked over at him, glanced at Horatio, back to Micha. He gave a small, hopefully comforting smile, “Can’t be that bad. Really bad headache at most, given there isn’t any evidence of an actual like… Attack or something.” -- With that said, he watched Horatio closely. Scanning for any sign of some underlying medical issue that could’ve caused the obvious sudden pain. Unfortunately, he didn’t actually know enough about stuff like that so finding signs was basically impossible. -- Luckily, the leader stood up again relatively quickly. Which was good. Standing was good, especially since he didn’t seem to be swaying. Just a bad headache then.. Odd, and probably wrong but… Well, Gwyar decided that the actual problem was probably about equal. Whatever that was. *~*~*~* Gorōta Sanae Ryuugo | Male | 16 | Demisexual | Ambi | Emotional/Healing - Heal Physical Wounds | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- Most everyone was conversing at this point, though Gorōta was more curious about the screens showing space on them. The whole thing was a lot to take in. They weren’t the only living things out there, not the only advanced life forms, and some had already mastered space travel. It was worrying, though the extra emotions in the room definitely made the anxiety easier to ignore. At least there was that. -- “Tio, are you alright?” -- Gorōta looked over at where Horatio looked to be in pain, immediately stepping over into the group closest to him, worry painted on his face. -- “Uh, don't think he is.” -- “Did he hit his head on something? Should we get him some ice?” -- He shook his head. Ice wouldn’t really help, except for with swelling. Though, Tio didn’t look like he had actually been hit. He seemed as if a terrible migraine had just come up out of nowhere. If anything, he would’ve suggested Tylenol or Ibuprofen. -- A small hiss of pain from Horatio as he stood again, rubbing his eyes. Gorōta stepped forward and over to him. He didn’t reach out, but he did speak quietly. If it was a migraine, being loud would not be helpful. “Do you need some Tylenol or water?” *~*~*~* Revan Rafe-Hassen Rowland | Male | 18 | Gay | Ambi | Space - Alter Gravity | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- Frankly the entire conversation he could hear in the background was hard not to roll his eyes at. In fact, a few times, he did. A few times, he scoffed too. Otherwise though, his gaze stayed on his phone, making sure his colleague knew what to do and how to do it. -- “Tio, are you alright?” -- Revan glanced up, eyes scanning and finding Mr. Caeso with ease. Though he looked in pain, using a wall to steady himself and holding his head. He bit his tongue to keep himself from saying anything, from doing anything. -- He looked back down at his phone. Showing any kind of care towards them would lead to attachment. If their ‘leader’ wanted to get hurt randomly then getting attached wasn’t an option. Which meant caring that he’s hurt wasn’t an option either. He couldn’t risk it. He could do more by sitting on the sidelines when it came to people. -- “Uh, don't think he is.” -- He rolled his eyes, responded again to his colleague, and took a sip of his coffee. He was careful to keep his movements just as loose as before. If they seemed strained or forced then they would think he cares. And then they wouldn’t leave him alone. He couldn’t risk getting attached to any of them. It would be a waste of time for both parties involved anyways. -- “Did he hit his head on something? Should we get him some ice?” -- He didn’t look up, he didn’t speak. He doubted it was said towards him anyways. He focused on answering his colleague, on doing what little work he could do right now. He heard someone stand, he kept his eyes glued to his phone. *~*~*~* Gen’ya Hiei Hikari | AMAB Demi-Boy | 17 | Apresexual Demiromantic | Ambi | Trust/Truth - Lie Detection / Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “Wait, we determined that there are geniuses here? Awesome!” -- Gen’ya nodded in agreement. “That, it is.” -- “Well, it's no surprise! From what I heard, the protectors are usually made up of a series of geniuses.” -- “Good, we need some reasonable people around. Otherwise people like this dumbass wouldn't stand a chance.” -- “I'm offended! I thought you loved me, my flower!” -- “I do, but you're still a dumbass.” -- “Hey, everyone's a little dumb sometimes, right?” -- “Not me, I'm always smart.” -- Gen’ya snickered at Briar’s response, before looking to where Juno was looking at Horatio. Who definitely didn’t look too good. -- “Tio, are you alright?” -- Horatio didn’t respond, which was worrying. He looked at Briar and Nico, the two that he was closest to at the moment, and then back at Horatio. Gen’ya wasn’t exactly good at this, but he was pretty certain that Tio was not fine. -- “Uh, don't think he is.” -- At least more than just them thought that. They stepped forward, a bit towards Horatio, before looking at Juno and Mira. Those two probably knew what to do since they knew Horatio better. Hopefully. “Did he hit his head on something? Should we get him some ice?” -- A few moments later though, Horatio let out a small hiss of pain and stood, rubbing his eyes. At least he was standing…? Probably still a good idea to see if he needed to get Tio some ice though. Right?

Horatio Caeso / Male / 19 / Demisexual Panromantic / Ambi / Time- Visions / M: Everyone “Do you need some Tylenol or water?” Horatio blinked his eyes open again, slowly coming to the realization that the whole group (except Revan) was staring at him with various expressions of worry and confusion. "Ah, I'm alright, thank you, Gorōta." He said quickly, managing a small smile. "I apologize for that, everyone, it's simply a part of my power. I get visions and, unfortunately, they tend to come out of nowhere accompanied by rather terrible headaches. I'll be just fine though, no need to worry." Mira relaxed visibly, while Juno gave a curt nod and sat back down again, folding her hands in her lap after lightly smoothing her dress out. She wasn't one to show her emotions much and had caught herself off guard with the sudden and obvious concern for one of her only real friends. Nico relaxed as well, their signature smile returning. "Hey, no worries, boss! Glad you're alright!" Tio nodded lightly, trying to keep his movements small to avoid increasing the pain in his already pounding head. "Thank you, Nico." "So, visions? Sounds interesting. What'd you see this time then?" The time holder's eyes flickered over to where Briar was standing, arms still crossed and eyes curious. He smiled slightly, trained in keeping a calm exterior. Mostly, he just hoped that Gen'ya wouldn't give him away, considering their power. "Nothing worth noting. Many of my visions are scrambled and don't have much meaning or aren't very helpful if they do, this is just the same." The first part was a complete lie, as was the ending, only the middle part of Horatio's statement held any truth. Briar narrowed their eyes slightly but shrugged. "Sure, if you say so. I'm hungry, can I ask when we're getting lunch?" Silently, Tio relaxed a little and nodded slightly again. "We can head to the cafeteria right now if you'd like." Briar grinned. "Yesss, I love food!" --- Nico Cosmos / AMAB Agender / 16 / Unlabeled/Queer / Ambi / Sound- Musical Knowledge / M: Everyone "Ah, I'm alright, thank you, Gorōta. I apologize for that, everyone, it's simply a part of my power. I get visions and, unfortunately, they tend to come out of nowhere accompanied by rather terrible headaches. I'll be just fine though, no need to worry." The second that Horatio spoke, Nico let out a quiet sigh of relief and smiled again. "Hey, no worries, boss! Glad you're alright!" "Thank you, Nico." The sound holder nodded happily, glad that everyone seemed alright again. "So, visions? Sounds interesting. What'd you see this time then?" Nico raised an eyebrow and looked over toward Briar. That seemed like an unnecessary question, honestly, if Tio wanted to share what he's seen, he would probably do it on his own, but whatever, Briar had already asked. "Nothing worth noting. Many of my visions are scrambled and don't have much meaning or aren't very helpful if they do, this is just the same." "Sure, if you say so. I'm hungry, can I ask when we're getting lunch?" "We can head to the cafeteria right now if you'd like." "Yesss, I love food!" Nico laughed. They weren't particularly hungry, which may have something to do with the fact that they rarely ate more than one or two days in a row, but he certainly wasn't going to complain at the idea of moving again. Besides, sitting down together was one of the best ways to get everyone to communicate with each other! The sound holder looked around at who they hadn't spoken to yet, pre-planning who she should sit next to so they could talk to everyone at least once today. --- Briar Sallow / Nonbinary / 17 / Minsexual / Poly / Manipulation/Judgement- Minor Illusions / M: Everyone Briar watched as Horatio seemed to come back to his senses and spoke up again. "Ah, I'm alright, thank you, Gorōta. I apologize for that, everyone, it's simply a part of my power. I get visions and, unfortunately, they tend to come out of nowhere accompanied by rather terrible headaches. I'll be just fine though, no need to worry." Visions? What kind of visions? That sounded awesome! Nico said something that Briar didn't catch, too busy thinking about what Horatio might have possibly seen before realizing that they could just ask. "So, visions? Sounds interesting. What'd you see this time then?" Horatio smiled, eyes landing on them. "Nothing worth noting. Many of my visions are scrambled and don't have much meaning or aren't very helpful if they do, this is just the same." Briar's eyes narrowed. They honestly didn't believe that for a second, but, whatever. If Tio didn't want to share, that was fine. Maybe it was something he couldn't share. That could make sense too. Shrugging, Briar pushed the thoughts away. "Sure, if you say so. I'm hungry, can I ask when we're getting lunch?" "We can head to the cafeteria right now if you'd like." They grinned brightly. "Yesss, I love food!" Horatio nodded and turned toward the doorway again, preparing to lead the group to the cafeteria. --- Micha Abbott / Male / 17 / Homosexual / Ambi / Elemental- Air / M: Everyone “Can’t be that bad. Really bad headache at most, given there isn’t any evidence of an actual like… Attack or something.” Micha nodded in acknowledgment of Aries's words, he was probably right, there was nothing here to physically attack Horatio after all. At least, not without being seen. Still, seeing someone doubled over like that was unnerving, especially Horatio, who seemed to be so well put together. "Ah, I'm alright, thank you, Gorōta. I apologize for that, everyone, it's simply a part of my power. I get visions and, unfortunately, they tend to come out of nowhere accompanied by rather terrible headaches. I'll be just fine though, no need to worry." Micha's shoulders slumped slightly in relief, though he was still tense with the unease of being surrounded by pictures of space. "Hey, no worries, boss! Glad you're alright!" "Thank you, Nico." The element holder nodded in silent agreement with Nico as Briar spoke up. "So, visions? Sounds interesting. What'd you see this time then?" And just like that, Micha's breath caught again. Questions like that could be dangerous. They could conflict if you asked the wrong person, or they could put whoever you were asking in an awkward situation. Luckily, Tio seemed to take it well, smiling at Briar. "Nothing worth noting. Many of my visions are scrambled and don't have much meaning or aren't very helpful if they do, this is just the same." "Sure, if you say so. I'm hungry, can I ask when we're getting lunch?" "We can head to the cafeteria right now if you'd like." "Yesss, I love food!" Micha relaxed. No conflict and they were leaving the room. That was good. This was all good.

Gwyar ‘Aries’ Ariethous Fraoch | Male | 17 | Demisexual | Ambi | Physical - Weapon Knowledge | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “Ah, I'm alright, thank you, Gorōta. I apologize for that, everyone, it's simply a part of my power. I get visions and, unfortunately, they tend to come out of nowhere accompanied by rather terrible headaches. I'll be just fine though, no need to worry.” -- That made sense. Gwyar was just glad that he hadn’t been attacked by some invisible creature they couldn’t see with some invisible weapon they couldn’t block. Visions that caused bad headaches were definitely easier to deal with. -- “Hey, no worries, boss! Glad you're alright!” -- Gwyar nodded, stepping back next to Micha where he had been originally. The possible threat was taken care of and everyone was fine. Which was good. Definitely good. -- “Thank you, Nico.” -- “So, visions? Sounds interesting. What'd you see this time then?” -- He paused, looking between Horatio and Briar. Asking questions like that got messy, he didn’t think Horatio would do anything but… Well, how was he supposed to know? Sometimes simple things were all that had to happen to make someone snap. -- “Nothing worth noting. Many of my visions are scrambled and don't have much meaning or aren't very helpful if they do, this is just the same.” -- That was… Not what he’d been expecting. Which was good, what he’d been expecting was worse. Far worse. -- “Sure, if you say so. I'm hungry, can I ask when we're getting lunch?” -- His worry was right back. The question was harmless, innocent. But asking multiple within that span of time? Just as worrying as the first question asked. He kept his eyes trained on Horatio. -- “We can head to the cafeteria right now if you'd like.” -- Gwyar blinked, and then blinked a bit more to get out of his temporary confused daze. That definitely hadn’t been what he was expecting. -- “Yesss, I love food!” -- And with that, Horatio was turning to lead them out of the room. He followed easily, forcing the odd interaction out of his mind as much as he could for now. He could think about everything later, for now? He just needed to keep up with the tour. *~*~*~* Gorōta Sanae Ryuugo | Male | 16 | Demisexual | Ambi | Emotional/Healing - Heal Physical Wounds | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “Ah, I'm alright, thank you, Gorōta. I apologize for that, everyone, it's simply a part of my power. I get visions and, unfortunately, they tend to come out of nowhere accompanied by rather terrible headaches. I'll be just fine though, no need to worry.” -- Gorōta nodded, stepping back. He’d still make sure that Horatio drank some water whenever they went to eat lunch. Water could never hurt when it came to headaches. Or just in general. Unless someone drank like, a thousand times their body weight in liters or something. -- “Hey, no worries, boss! Glad you're alright!” -- “Thank you, Nico.” -- “So, visions? Sounds interesting. What'd you see this time then?” -- He looked at Briar before again at Horatio. That was actually a really good question. A question that One would have hated. If they wanted you to know then they would’ve told you. He bit his lip, still listening for the answer anyways. -- “Nothing worth noting. Many of my visions are scrambled and don't have much meaning or aren't very helpful if they do, this is just the same.” -- “Sure, if you say so. I'm hungry, can I ask when we're getting lunch?” -- The tone seemed odd, like Briar didn’t believe Horatio. That was a dangerous tone to have with who was basically authority. The leader of the group. Luckily, Horatio looked calm enough to relax any nerves Gorōta had. -- “We can head to the cafeteria right now if you'd like.” -- “Yesss, I love food!” -- Gorōta grinned in response, following along as Horatio turned to lead the group out of the room. Crisis averted, thank the stars for that. Tio reminded him a lot of Two, actually. A thing that he was, regretfully, rather thankful for. One was great, of course, but Two had always been… Nicer. More understanding. *~*~*~* Revan Rafe-Hassen Rowland | Male | 18 | Gay | Ambi | Space - Alter Gravity | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “Ah, I'm alright, thank you, Gorōta. I apologize for that, everyone, it's simply a part of my power. I get visions and, unfortunately, they tend to come out of nowhere accompanied by rather terrible headaches. I'll be just fine though, no need to worry.” -- Revan’s eyes stayed glued to his phone, only glancing up at the implications of visions. It was interesting, but a vibrating phone in his hand held more importance at the moment. Besides, asking was out of the question anyway. -- “Hey, no worries, boss! Glad you're alright!” -- “Thank you, Nico.” -- He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, instead biting down on his rather raw tongue. This group that he was apparently supposed to be a part of was made out of a bunch of morons. -- “So, visions? Sounds interesting. What'd you see this time then?” -- He took that back. This group was made of a bunch of morons and a complete, utter, pathetic idiot. If Mr. Caeso had wanted to tell them then he would’ve already done so. Besides, asking a question that would put a source of authority into an uncomfortable position always ended with the one asking on the losing side. -- “Nothing worth noting. Many of my visions are scrambled and don't have much meaning or aren't very helpful if they do, this is just the same.” -- “Sure, if you say so. I'm hungry, can I ask when we're getting lunch?” -- Revan scoffed, continuing to respond to his colleague. This entire interaction he was being forced to listen to was annoying. At least knowing when would let him know when he’d be able to work again. The tiniest of silver linings. -- “We can head to the cafeteria right now if you'd like.” -- “Yesss, I love food!” -- He heard the group begin to walk, so he fell into step and followed. Hopefully no one would try to make conversation, he’d prefer being able to work in peace. For once, at least. His eyes stayed on his phone as he walked. *~*~*~* Gen’ya Hiei Hikari | AMAB Demi-Boy | 17 | Apresexual Demiromantic | Ambi | Trust/Truth - Lie Detection / Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “Ah, I'm alright, thank you, Gorōta. I apologize for that, everyone, it's simply a part of my power. I get visions and, unfortunately, they tend to come out of nowhere accompanied by rather terrible headaches. I'll be just fine though, no need to worry.” -- “Hey, no worries, boss! Glad you're alright!” -- Gen’ya nodded in agreement, it was definitely a good thing that Horatio was alright. That whole thing was a bit odd, and concerning. So him being okay was good news. -- “Thank you, Nico.” -- “So, visions? Sounds interesting. What'd you see this time then?” -- Gen’ya glanced over at Briar, the idea of visions clicking in their head. They looked back at Horatio, curiosity lining their features as they waited for an answer. That would probably be good to know, right? -- “Nothing worth noting. Many of my visions are scrambled and don't have much meaning or aren't very helpful if they do, this is just the same.” -- He blinked, giving a slight hum in thought. Horatio probably had a reason for not telling them… It could’ve been bad and he didn’t want the group to worry. Still, the idea that Tio was already lying to the group… -- “Sure, if you say so. I'm hungry, can I ask when we're getting lunch?” -- At least Briar sounded skeptical still. Either way, Gen’ya couldn’t tell them that Horatio was lying. For one, they didn’t know everything. The vision could’ve been bad and Tio had a good reason to lie. Plus, if they told the group then they would react even worse. They wouldn’t trust Tio, they’d be worried about the vision, and who knew how each individual member would react. -- “We can head to the cafeteria right now if you'd like.” -- “Yesss, I love food!” -- The idea of food made him a bit nauseous again, but he still followed as Horatio began to lead the group out. He wouldn’t tell the group about the lie for now, if it became a problem or recurring theme of Tio lying to them then he might. But for now? He was fine with playing it cool. He just had to hope no one asked him about it.

Horatio Caeso / Male / 19 / Demisexual Panromantic / Ambi / Time- Visions / M: Everyone Horatio led the way down to the cafeteria, a large room with rounded tables surrounded by chairs, cabinets, a sink, and a refrigerator all against one wall. It wasn't anything too fancy, but it was enough. "In the top cabinet, there are plates, there are cups in the one beneath it. Luckily for some of us, we don't have to do any cooking, just think about what you want and it'll appear on your plate. Though, we do have some food that we can physically cook if we want." "Wow!!! That's awesome!" Nico practically squealed, eyes lighting up again. "Holy shit, is everything here magic?" Briar questioned, trotting over to grab a plate. "That's cool." Tio nodded and smiled before he allowed most of the others to pass him and slowed to stand next to Gen'ya, lowering his voice so only they could hear. "If you want to eat in your room, that's totally fine. We don't have any rules or anything about meal times or where you can or can't eat. Let me know if you need anything, alright?" --- Nico Cosmos / AMAB Agender / 16 / Unlabeled/Queer / Ambi / Sound- Musical Knowledge / M: Everyone Nico followed Horatio down the hall and looked around the cafeteria. It wasn't really grand like they'd been expecting, but it wasn't terrible. "In the top cabinet, there are plates, there are cups in the one beneath it. Luckily for some of us, we don't have to do any cooking, just think about what you want and it'll appear on your plate. Though, we do have some food that we can physically cook if we want." "Wow!!! That's awesome!" It was, I mean, who would have thought that magic plates were a thing? That was straight out of "Harry Potter!" Well, except that there were actually elves or something making the food in "Harry Potter," so this was even more awesome! "Holy shit, is everything here magic? That's cool." Nico nodded in agreement. They still weren't remotely hungry, but they were happy to sit and talk while everyone else ate. Looking around again, Nico double-checked who she'd talked to and who they hadn't as well as who had other people to talk to and who didn't. Horatio and Gen'ya were talking, Micha seemed to be sticking to Aries's side for now, and they'd already spoken a lot to Gorōta. That left Briar and the guy that had introduced himself as 'Rowland.' Briar seemed a lot more social, so it was likely that they'd find conversation with others easily, so Nico decided on the business guy. Who was, in fact, glued to his device. He had been since the first interaction between him and Horatio. Smiling casually, Nico trotted over, trying to decide what his best introduction would be if they didn't want to immediately be snapped at. Then he shrugged, he didn't actually care that much, they'd get through to this 'Rowland' figure eventually, she'd make sure of it. "Hi! I'm Nico, you're Rowland, right?" --- Briar Sallow / Nonbinary / 17 / Minsexual / Poly / Manipulation/Judgement- Minor Illusions / M: Everyone "In the top cabinet, there are plates, there are cups in the one beneath it. Luckily for some of us, we don't have to do any cooking, just think about what you want and it'll appear on your plate. Though, we do have some food that we can physically cook if we want." The second that Horatio explained the plates, Briar was across the room and opening the cabnit, excitedly grabbing a plat. "Wow!!! That's awesome!" Damn right it was! Magic plates with infinite food! Abso-fucking-lutely amazing! All of the food that Briar had dreamed of but never had, right in the palm of their hand! "Holy shit, is everything here magic? That's cool." Grinning, Briar went to one of the tables and sat the plate down. What did they want to try first? Steak? They'd heard good things about steak. Or maybe some kind of seafood? Hell, even just ice cream! They'd never had any of it! The best they ever got was a stupid peanut butter and jellie sandwich and terrible school food, anything was better than that! Steak then. They'd try the steak first and then other things later, they had time now. Time like never before, and a good supply of food and water, and a bed, hell, they had a whole room! This place was awesome! --- Micha Abbott / Male / 17 / Homosexual / Ambi / Elemental- Air / M: Everyone "In the top cabinet, there are plates, there are cups in the one beneath it. Luckily for some of us, we don't have to do any cooking, just think about what you want and it'll appear on your plate. Though, we do have some food that we can physically cook if we want." "Wow!!! That's awesome!" "Holy shit, is everything here magic? That's cool." Micha smiled, wings relaxing slightly from where they'd been still pulled around his body. That was pretty cool. Niki would have absolutely loved it here, and Kage too. They'd have so much fun. Shaking the thought from his head, Micha watched as Briar ran to the cabnets and grabbed a plate, starring at it for a moment before a steak appeared. The element holder looked up at Aries, who he was still standing next to him and smiled slightly. "Well, um, do you want to get food? That looks pretty cool."

Gwyar ‘Aries’ Ariethous Fraoch | Male | 17 | Demisexual | Ambi | Physical - Weapon Knowledge | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “In the top cabinet, there are plates, there are cups in the one beneath it. Luckily for some of us, we don't have to do any cooking, just think about what you want and it'll appear on your plate. Though, we do have some food that we can physically cook if we want.” -- Gwyar glanced around the area but otherwise stayed still. Plates that made anything someone wanted to eat appear? The idea was odd to think about. He almost wished that Horatio was lying. But that would be rude to the rest of the group, so he didn’t. -- “Wow!!! That's awesome!” -- “Holy shit, is everything here magic? That's cool.” -- He watched as Briar grabbed an empty plate and sat down. Watched as Briar stared for a moment before, what at least looked like, a slab of meat appeared on the plate. He stared for a moment, blinking in a sort of disbelief despite having been told that would happen. -- “Well, um, do you want to get food? That looks pretty cool.” -- Looking over at Micha who was still standing next to him, Gwyar tried reading his face for a moment. He wasn’t exactly sure why he’d be asking him… But, well, he still needed to answer. Though the question could’ve been rhetorical, or expecting a certain answer… And that could get tricky too… Being safe with his words was probably the best idea then. He didn’t want to make anyone upset. “I mean, sure. Want me to grab you a plate?” -- He hoped that worked. Hoped the offer made up for him agreeing about wanting something. But agreeing was usually better in the long run, especially if he could offer something too. *~*~*~* Gorōta Sanae Ryuugo | Male | 16 | Demisexual | Ambi | Emotional/Healing - Heal Physical Wounds | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “In the top cabinet, there are plates, there are cups in the one beneath it. Luckily for some of us, we don't have to do any cooking, just think about what you want and it'll appear on your plate. Though, we do have some food that we can physically cook if we want.” -- Gorōta stared at the cabinets, his singular eye wide with awe and something akin to surprise. Honestly, he preferred to cook. It was just harder for him to do so. Plus, he didn’t really want to miss out on the magic plates. -- “Wow!!! That's awesome!” -- “Holy shit, is everything here magic? That's cool.” -- Gorōta nodded in agreement, and slowly made his way over to the cabinet. Other than Briar and himself… No one else seemed to be going to get a plate at the moment, which was slightly odd but… Well, he’d keep his eye on them. It was important that everyone ate. -- Regardless, he took a plate after Briar and watched as the aforementioned sat down, stared at their plate, and made a steak appear out of thin air. Gorōta blinked, almost surprised it actually worked. Then, slowly made his way over and sat down too. He kept his eyes on his own plate, and tried deciding what he should have. -- Choices like this were hard, he quickly found out. He wasn’t very good at picking. Usually, he just ate whatever was put in front of him whenever he stayed at Two’s or one of his other friend’s houses. Or stole snacks from the kitchen pantry that he knew his parents wouldn’t notice at midnight if he wasn’t staying with a friend. -- He bit the inside of his lip. Comfort food might be good right now. It might help with any eventual anxiety that he’d no doubt have after he wasn’t surrounded by people that somehow weren’t incredibly anxious. And it might help with the anxiety he still felt, even with everyone around him. -- But what counted as comfort food for him? The only thing he could really think of was the dish Two made once. The mushroom stroganoff. That sounded pretty good right now, actually. So, continuing to stare at his plate for a moment, he tried to conjure it up. A second later, it was there, sitting on his plate. He blinked in surprise, half expecting it to not work for him. But it did, and it definitely looked good. *~*~*~* Revan Rafe-Hassen Rowland | Male | 18 | Gay | Ambi | Space - Alter Gravity | Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “In the top cabinet, there are plates, there are cups in the one beneath it. Luckily for some of us, we don't have to do any cooking, just think about what you want and it'll appear on your plate. Though, we do have some food that we can physically cook if we want.” -- “Wow!!! That's awesome!” -- “Holy shit, is everything here magic? That's cool.” -- Revan kept his eyes to the screen of his phone, glancing up only once to try and get the layout of the room. Chances were that he’d still have to come in here every now and then. It seemed pretty typical, which was good enough for him. Eyes on his screen again, he saw someone walking towards him. Inwardly, he cringed and kept his eyes on his phone, typing out a response to his colleague. -- “Hi! I'm Nico, you're Rowland, right?” -- He bit down on his tongue, waiting for a response on his phone that he’d be able to use to ignore this ‘Nico’ person. A moment passed with no response, from him or his colleague. He huffed and, without looking up from his phone, he spoke in his typical cold, disapproving tone of voice. “Did you need something?” *~*~*~* Gen’ya Hiei Hikari | AMAB Demi-Boy | 17 | Apresexual Demiromantic | Ambi | Trust/Truth - Lie Detection / Mentions; Everyone(Dir/Ind). -- “In the top cabinet, there are plates, there are cups in the one beneath it. Luckily for some of us, we don't have to do any cooking, just think about what you want and it'll appear on your plate. Though, we do have some food that we can physically cook if we want.” -- The mention of food, and how easy it would be to get it, made him nauseous within seconds. He managed to not let it show on his face, as swallowed bile down carefully. He really hoped Horatio remembered his question… Really hoped he wouldn’t have to eat, let alone in front of the group. -- “Wow!!! That's awesome!” -- “Holy shit, is everything here magic? That's cool.” -- They wondered why, for a split second, why everyone else seemed so excited to go and eat. And then they remembered that everyone else didn’t have any reason not to be. That everyone else wasn’t as disgusting as they were. -- Gen’ya saw Horatio slink over to him, and he paused, forcing down his self-loathing and pity so he’d actually hear what Horatio had to say. He only hoped that he hadn’t been too obvious with his expressions. -- “If you want to eat in your room, that's totally fine. We don't have any rules or anything about meal times or where you can or can't eat. Let me know if you need anything, alright?” -- They almost sighed in relief at that, biting their tongue just in case kept them from doing so though. Instead, they nodded and spoke, voice lowering down to match the volume of Tio’s. “Thank you, Horatio. And I will.” -- With that, he ended up slinking away to grab a plate to go back to his room with. He wouldn’t use it, but he didn’t want the others to worry at all. He’d take a plate, go back to his room, and put it somewhere else. He kept his teeth biting his tongue as he went through the motions so he wouldn’t accidentally spill what he was doing at all. He was just glad doing that worked.