
Venus_ royal guard Venus found nothing unusual or out of place so he decided to head back to the castle. Nate/ King "Do you want to take a walk in the village? Some stuff has changed and your mom can join us." He said looking at Kyoshiro with a smile. Edited at August 5, 2023 05:27 PM by Musa

(But Luna is kyoshiro sister 0-0) Musa said: Venus_ royal guard Venus found nothing unusual or out of place so he decided to head back to the castle. Nate/ King "Do you want to take a walk in the village? Some stuff has changed and your mom can join us." He said looking at Kyoshiro with a smile.
Edited at August 5, 2023 05:30 PM by Soul☆Walkers

II know wait let me look at the ranks again because it's been so long since we roleplays this.... oof)) Okay so Nate is a royal guard and Kyoshiro is the queen and Hondo is the King again.)) Soul☆Walkers said: (But Luna is kyoshiro sister 0-0) Musa said: Venus_ royal guard Venus found nothing unusual or out of place so he decided to head back to the castle. Nate/ King "Do you want to take a walk in the village? Some stuff has changed and your mom can join us." He said looking at Kyoshiro with a smile.
Edited at August 5, 2023 05:35 PM by Musa

0-0 Luna is kyoshiro sister lol. I didn't know if whare to place her so I just said royal pup/ whare ever she belongs now. Soo0 Musa said: II know wait let me look at the ranks again because it's been so long since we roleplays this.... oof)) Okay so Nate is a royal guard and Kyoshiro is the queen and Hondo is the King again.)) Soul☆Walkers said: (But Luna is kyoshiro sister 0-0) Musa said: Venus_ royal guard Venus found nothing unusual or out of place so he decided to head back to the castle. Nate/ King "Do you want to take a walk in the village? Some stuff has changed and your mom can join us." He said looking at Kyoshiro with a smile.

Uh maybe royal sister? 0-0 Soul☆Walkers said: 0-0 Luna is kyoshiro sister lol. I didn't know if whare to place her so I just said royal pup/ whare ever she belongs now. Soo0 Musa said: II know wait let me look at the ranks again because it's been so long since we roleplays this.... oof)) Okay so Nate is a royal guard and Kyoshiro is the queen and Hondo is the King again.)) Soul☆Walkers said: (But Luna is kyoshiro sister 0-0) Musa said: Venus_ royal guard Venus found nothing unusual or out of place so he decided to head back to the castle. Nate/ King "Do you want to take a walk in the village? Some stuff has changed and your mom can join us." He said looking at Kyoshiro with a smile.

Okay Musa said: Uh maybe royal sister? 0-0 Soul☆Walkers said: 0-0 Luna is kyoshiro sister lol. I didn't know if whare to place her so I just said royal pup/ whare ever she belongs now. Soo0 Musa said: II know wait let me look at the ranks again because it's been so long since we roleplays this.... oof)) Okay so Nate is a royal guard and Kyoshiro is the queen and Hondo is the King again.)) Soul☆Walkers said: (But Luna is kyoshiro sister 0-0) Musa said: Venus_ royal guard Venus found nothing unusual or out of place so he decided to head back to the castle. Nate/ King "Do you want to take a walk in the village? Some stuff has changed and your mom can join us." He said looking at Kyoshiro with a smile.

Kyoshiro~ Queen "Should we go sister?" She said as she had her gorgeous crown on and a very light overgrown over her back.

Luna☆royal sister "Of course" Luna said softly standing while the raven sat on the shelf

Kyoshiro~ Queen She walks over to the front door pushes it open walking outside. It has been a very long time since she's been outside from the castle.

Luna☆royal sister Luna smiled as she followed her sister the raven come to perch on her back