
Mephisto} Henchwolf "What do you think Asteraki?" He asked looking over. Asteraki¥ Daughter Lead "Well my mother told me that if any wolf comes into our territory that we don't know. She usually let's them go with a warning but if they refuse then she would just attack them but not kill them. It's a wound to remind them if they come in our territory again but we are not in our territory now so. But if my mother was here then she would tell us but she isn't here with us only the wolfnapper is allowed to tell us that a new recruit is coming to join us and help us with the royal family. But the leader will also give them a task to proof it like stealing something inside the castle without being detected." She said as she keeps her voice down a bit so the royal guards wouldn't hear them. Edited at July 6, 2023 02:36 AM by Musa

Sibra☆ hencewolf Sibras tail flicked, as she looked at the intruding wolf, then at asteraki "what if your mother sent her?" Sibra asked

Asteraki¥ Daughter "Good point and she would have also send a scroll letter along with the new recruit." She said.

Sidra☆henchwolf "True," Sidra said walking up to the new wolf still alert as she looked at the wolfs side gear in surch of a scroll

BloodClaw| Henchwolf His ears were still perked up he didn't want this wolf to attack Sidra or the leader. He to helped as well looking for a scroll on the new wolf.

Sibra☆henchwolf Sibra shook her head "I dream this wolf a spy, no scroll asteraki" Sibra said turning to look at her

BloodClaw| Henchwolf "I can't find nothing either Asteraki." He said as his ears went back against his skull. Asteraki¥ Daughter "Then we have no choice." She said her tail lashing anger her white fangs showing as her lips folded back. Mephisto} Henchwolf "Can't wait to sunk my fangs in this spy." He chuckled. Asteraki¥ Daughter "If you lead one of the royal guards then you will pay for it!" She snarled at the spy. Meanwhile Venus was outside making sure the wolves have been gone doing his royal guard patrol duty. And of course anything else unusual he also checked in the village. Edited at August 6, 2023 12:27 AM by Musa

Luna☆ royal sister ? Idk lol Luna smiled as she looked at her father, "its so good to see you father" Luna said

Nate/ King "It's so good to see you again." He said licking her scout wagging his tail happily.

Luna☆royal "Its good to be back" Luna said