
Luna☆ royal pup Luna smiled and joined her sister, Jay still on her shoulder

Nate, Venus also joined them. "Finally I'm starving. Your Highness." He said bowing his head before walking over to the other side sitting down.

Luna☆hencewolf "Greetings to you both" Luna say know that they weren't talking about her but she greeted them anyway

Kyoshiro~ Queen "Where is Hondo and Chase?" She asked. Varian• Alchemist "They are still outside spending time with each other." He said as he begins to eat. Mephisto} Henchwolf “Maybe I can outsmart the royals and take one of them by a ambush? But how will that work out?“ He thought as he gets tired of pawing at the fishes that were swimming by. Edited at June 30, 2023 05:40 PM by Musa

Edited at June 30, 2023 05:18 PM by Randomness

BloodClaw/ Henchwolf Bloodclaw steps back from Sidra before walking off he and the other need to eat something because they haven't had any to eat. He lowered his head sniffing around looking for a animal or carcass scent. Or maybe he will just steal food from one of the shops. Edited at June 30, 2023 07:18 PM by Musa

Sibra☆ henchwolf Sibra smiled though upset he left..

BloodClaw/ Henchwolf Soon he picked up a really fresh meat but it leads to the village but he had to take the change. As a white wolf was walking out of the store perhaps to get food for himself he quickly sneaks in grabbing four chicken meat in a bag and quickly ran out.

Sibra☆henchwolf Sibra sat whare she was wondering whare he had gone but it wasn't safe for her to go out by herself. She got up and went into the river catching a fish she came out of the water her tail wagging as she was proud of herself

BloodClaw/ Henchwolf Soon he came back with the paper back in his mouth walking across the river. "I got something for all of us." He muffled as he drops the paper bag and the chicken meat rolls out. Mephisto> Henchwolf "Finally I was about to starve here." He said in a pup like tone and grabs one. Asteraki¥ Daughter While she rolled her eyes to Mephisto's fussing and went over to grab a chicken meat for herself. Edited at June 30, 2023 07:35 PM by Musa