
Sibra☆henchwolf Sidra turned her head then turned back aw a y lowering her head as she felt it was her fult.. always worried about the raccoon.

Mephisto} Henchwolf "Hey wait." Seeing one of them leave the group. "I know how you feel Sidra I to made mistakes myself but I got over them. And what you need is to overcome your fear." He said.

Sibra☆henchwolf "Yeah right, im half blind nothing can fix that" sidra said glancing over at bloodclaw

BloodClaw> Henchwolf "And your not useless you just need use your ears and listen which direction the wind is blowing." He said as Mephisto agrees as his tail gently thumped on the ground.

Sibra☆henchwolf "I'm practically useless" she says getting up to sit walk over and sit next to bloodclaw. Laying her tail over his she smiled softly

BloodClaw/ Henchwolf He smiled back giving her a lick on the tip of her ear.

Sibra☆henchwolf Sibra smiled as bloodclaw licked her ear. Her tail wagging slowly as she was content and happy

Mephisto} Henchwolf "I'm guessing we are just going to stay here as you three recover from your battle wounds." He said turning his back looking at the river as fishes swim by. Meanwhile Kyoshiro~ Queen Her nose catches the scent of food. "Come on Varian is done with the food." She said happily wagging her tail as she heads to the dining room.

Luna☆royal pup "Sweet im starving" Luna says quickly following after her sister

Kyoshiro~ Queen She jumps onto the chair as her snout filled with the delicious smile that was on the table.