
Discussion Thread Obviously, don't post please if you're not a part of the roleplay. Otherwise, feel free to chat here :) Ideas are always welcomed. IMPORTANT DETAILS/ANNOUNCEMENTS We should brainstorm ideas of where the RP should go from here. I will make a post soon with my own.


I think th second one looks like how you described the personality.

that's what i was thinking ^^

I agree, the second one gives more wisdom vibes. And I like the silver pelt, seems more "shaman" than the more typical brown pelt wolves.

Some ideas and brainstorming from me.. The ShadowBane pack comes and "demands"/asks to suddenly form an alliance with the other packs? I could see them being secretive for the reasons behind suddenly trying to form an alliance when they had been basically absent in the past. We can brainstorm more reasons in the time being. And from there, the packs can decide if they honor the alliance or not. Could imagine most of them would be very skeptical/hesitant. Maybe this creates tension between the packs, with some leaning yes and some leaning no. But this idea is what I got so far. If at least some packs(or one) agree to it eventually, ties are formed between the shadowbane pack and the pack(s) in agreement. Can be fun forbidden romance there too. Or maybe the ShadowBane pack is just trying to create an ally and tries to convince their ally to turn against the other packs? Creating a massive war? Or maybe they truly want a peaceful alliance and to be in contact with the other packs after being in solitude for so long. I am also imagining a scene/event when in order to prove themselves as not monstrous, they invite a single representative from each pack as a guest to their territory to see their inner workings for a few days or so. If a pack is interested, whether truly curious or for gathering information/spying, they can send a wolf. And in order to make it fair, the ShadowBane is willing to send a wolf or two into the other pack camps. Just as collateral, or maybe to spy? We can decide. But this could be an interesting event I thought. The swapping of wolves around can be for spying, can create some new friends/enemies, etc. Anyway, let me know what you think. These are just ideas for now :) I like drama, so the more the merrier.

For alliance would it be 'we promise not to attack each other/ we will fight for the other pack if they are being attacked' or something like we can use each other territories or something.

^ I was imagining just to not attack each other and try to be peaceful kinda. They wouldn't be allowed on each other's territories unless it was for a special reason.

Thanks for clearing it up.

i like the ideas there!
i was sorta imagining that, since the shadowbane pack is sorta like a 'legend' that some packs don't even believe they're real? that they're truly /the/ shadowbane pack because of how 'out of touch' they seem? obviously the closer packs are aware that they exist and have known for quite some time, but say they were to go out further than just neighboring packs to make their demands - that could raise more tension and maybe the alliance idea could come into play there. those they make an alliance with is quick to de-escalate the situation by showing the further out packs that they are really these wolves they used to hear stories of when they were pups.
as for a war idea- they could definitely try to turn their allies and use them against each other for their own amusement. but an idea i had was that maybe they actually have a reason to start a war with another pack. it could be a slightly newer pack, unaware of the shadowbane, and tries to dominate the area. because they are 'foreigners', this new pack could care less about the legends and stories. that said, they try to evade shadowbane's home, which catches them by surprise because nobdoy ever goes there. this draws shadowbane out, thus making alliance and voicing their cause. they probably use some sort of threats and manipulation like "they'll take things from you too", "they're trying to take the home you live on", etc.
again, could be good use for forbidden romances and such and even more drama.