
Welcome in! ______________________________ This is the roleplay discussion for The Sickened Sun. Please do not post here until you've had at least one character accepted! ___________________________________________________ Links: Edited at August 26, 2023 10:01 AM by Shadows Paradox

Will there eventually be a cure or a way to help the infected, or is that determined later in the roleplay? Edited at August 26, 2023 11:39 AM by Red Ash

If I'm being completely honest, I haven't thought out every aspect of the roleplay yet. I think it ultimately would be a good goal to have throughout the roleplay; to find a cure... That's why I have this discussion though! I'm open to more development, I love hearing everyone's ideas. Edited at August 26, 2023 10:27 AM by Shadows Paradox

Ok, thank you! I was thinking about infecting one of my characters, Im mean to them, but just wanted to know if there was a cure or not because im already attached to them.

Haha, understandable. I think it'd only be fair to find some kind of treatment, I just haven't played out the "how" yet. Between kicking off a 1x1 roleplay, this group rp, and writing 2 college papers at the same time my brain is mush >.< I can't seem to get away from roleplaying though so I do it to myself, lol Edited at August 26, 2023 11:57 AM by Shadows Paradox

I think there should be a way to cure them, one minute while i think of ideas-
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They'll eventually start taking risks and leaving the depths of the den. Maybe they start "experimenting" with different things on the animals they have in quarantine but something ends up going wrong and rather than making a cure it makes the infected stronger... it's not a great idea for finding a cure but it adds to the climax of the story. Let me know what y'all think.

Shadows Paradox said: They'll eventually start taking risks and leaving the depths of the den. Maybe they start "experimenting" with different things on the animals they have in quarantine but something ends up going wrong and rather than making a cure it makes the infected stronger... it's not a great idea for finding a cure but it adds to the climax of the story. Let me know what y'all think.
I looove it! :D
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Ooh nice, cant wait. Ill happily volunteer one of my characters lol

Hi everyone! Oooo, that sounds super cool actually! Imagine the chaos that breaks out because of it, the numbers that would drop because of their increasing strength, and the finger pointing after the pack manages to regroup