Doing attempt one because everything else looks lovely *^*. I do not draw canine, anymore--yes I used to dabble back in the //first joined// ages but hopefully, you can just y'know understand that ;). While I love how you decided to do three different ones, I feel like attempt one could have some touch to it-- in case you're feeling nice and give the commissioner something to stare at; not that you know have to. ANYWAYS!
You have that edgy style, where the fur sticks out the most- as I always say go big or go home-- your attempt one could be the " GO BIG" style;o. I love the side tongue and tight collar idea, so I decided to mimic( With your permission) the style and just went crazy with the fur( Pencil work can be MUCH easier when drawing fur, you should take advantage of this punk style because it's there for YOU to improve and grow, even if you are a chibi artist( Only seen your cheebs art).
In short terms, the eye details are the show and tell, usually, when I look at canine art my eyes land on the eyes, it's the first thing I want to see- the expression, the glare, the look. I know your look is more cartoonish which I can't do but hopefully, it's still helpful.
You can do whatever with this, I only did half the job because I got uncomfortable lol.
I'll slowly add more to this so I don't spam you because again, I'm no canine artist.

Redline: (c)Nezitystudio