
I'm just really bad at it. It takes me forever and it still looks like shit .-. Also any tips for coming up with cohesive designs?

What art program do you use?

TKO said: What art program do you use?

You don't have to do everything in one line. I often will use multiple lines and erase and make it into one smooth line Pen pressure can make lines look a lot better, some areas larger, some thinner Also correction tool for lines if you have trouble with drawing non wobbly lines is very useful

Evermore said: You don't have to do everything in one line. I often will use multiple lines and erase and make it into one smooth line Pen pressure can make lines look a lot better, some areas larger, some thinner Also correction tool for lines if you have trouble with drawing non wobbly lines is very useful
Thank you so much ^^ If anyone has anymore tips, especially on coming up with character designs that would be awesome

I find inspiration from the world around me. For example I made a closed species based on a dog I saw who had a really beautiful patches pattern and a plumey tail. You can also do themes. I also look at art, sometimes the mood of the piece, or the message, or the color scheme inspires me :) I actually created my absolute favorite character by just drawing. I didnt have a plan or an idea, I just added what I thought would look nice, and what I liked.