
I have never made a new species so I decided to make... something? Not sure what to call it but I need some help! Anyone can use but with credit please

It's bad quality and the proportions are off but here's what I need help with: -Species name? -Traits -Should they be huge or really tiny? -Any Art you want to make of them for fun please! Share it here if you would ^^ -Should I make them into adopts? ~~~ Here is what I have now: -They are always dressed in jewelry, clothes, etc. just very fancy and over the top lavish -Some have wings -They have ears that are mostly giant so they can hear better? ~~~ I will post more if I end up making line arts or anything. Feel free to respond, I need help! Edited at March 15, 2021 10:12 PM by Poltergeist

I have finished a line art that anyone is free to use ^^ this is only one version of their looks. You can change around horns, ears, tails, manes, etc.  Feel free to make your own as well, this is an open species Edited at March 17, 2021 01:20 PM by Poltergeist

Name: Clotoris'? (Pronounced Klo tor es') Traits: Gentle and kind Huge or tiny: Somewhere between medium and huge (Bigger then a horse but not HUGE) Art: I might make some Make adopts?: YES

Also don't ask where the name came from cause I have no idea

Oooh!! I love this! I think that is a lovely size as well. I think the name is very nice too although it reminds me of a different word XD Cloudystar said: Name: Clotoris'? (Pronounced Klo tor es') Traits: Gentle and kind Huge or tiny: Somewhere between medium and huge (Bigger then a horse but not HUGE) Art: I might make some Make adopts?: YES

Glad you liked it! ^^ I kinda came up with the words by putting together random sounds so yeah XD Poltergeist said: Oooh!! I love this! I think that is a lovely size as well. I think the name is very nice too although it reminds me of a different word XD Cloudystar said: Name: Clotoris'? (Pronounced Klo tor es') Traits: Gentle and kind Huge or tiny: Somewhere between medium and huge (Bigger then a horse but not HUGE) Art: I might make some Make adopts?: YES

Name: Yako(yah-koh)/Yakoi(yah-coy), Teniburus(tehn-eh-buhr-us)/Teniburi(tehn-eh-buhr-ee) Traits: Mysterious but peaceful, they are the offspring of the forest and are very wise. Young are playful and mischievous and are known to prank travelers. They are very loyal to their clans and can be ferocious towards trespassers. Huge or tiny: They are a bit smaller than your average wolf but bigger than, say, a fox. Art: Yup, I'm def making one- xD Adopts?: ABSOLUTELY!! Edited at March 16, 2021 11:04 AM by geico gecko

I LOVE THAT NAME OMG! geico gecko said: Name: Yako [ singular ] | Yakoi [ plural ] Traits: Mysterious but peaceful, they are the offspring of the forest and are very wise. Young are playful and mischievous and are known to prank travelers. They are very loyal to their clans and can be ferocious towards trespassers. Huge or tiny: They are a bit smaller than your average wolf but bigger than, say, a fox. Art: Yup, I'm def making one- xD Adopts?: ABSOLUTELY!!

i added an extra name plus pronounciations lmao Edited at March 16, 2021 11:04 AM by geico gecko

quick question: what colors are they normally? are they more natural-looking, or do they have more fantastical pelts? if the colors are more fantasy-like, are they bright or more muted? are there any differences between sexes (ie. males/females have larger horns, females' tails are longer, etc.)?