
Hi, I know I'm new and all, but last night I whipped up my icon and I really enjoyed doing it! That being said, I want to Icon commissions in a similar style, but I'm not sure how much I should sell them for because I've never done something like this before ^^; I don't want to overvalue or undervalue my art, so I genuinely want to know how much you'd be willing to pay for an Icon like mine? I'd also wouldn't mind getting tips on how to set up commissions as well, considering that I'm new to this as well :) Thank you for the help

Would you be doing animal icons? I don't believe (apologies if I'm incorrect) that human art is allowed, but that could just be for roleplays if I read it wrong.

Oh I didn't know about that rule! But yes, I not that confident about my skills with drawing animals normally but I'm fine with drawing chibis! If that's a rule I'll probably change my icon ^^;

Sadly human art is not allowed to WP >.< if you do animals I'd say maybe 700mush to and apple or so?

Well thank you! I'll probably get to working on a proper icon for me that doesn't include humans than! after that I probably open icon commissions then :) Thank you for the help!