
Roles: Alpha female (1/1) Kira-in-VR - Alpha male (1/1) Spider - Beta female (1/1) Bobcat - Beta male (0/1) Open - Omega male (0/1) Open - Omega female (0/1) Open - Juvenile (0/2) Open - Pups (2/4) Open - Elders (0/6) Open - Other info: One pup is reserved to Bobcat's pup and mine. You can ask to reserve a pup even if you don't have one. We can say the wolf is pregnant and reserve the pup. Edited at May 26, 2024 01:07 AM by Kira-in-VR

name: Roxanne Nickname: Roxie Age (human years): 3.8 A gray wolf with long fur and beautiful green eyes. She has a scar from her nose to her chin. Long tail with white spots. Mate: nope (needs an alpha male) Alpha female Strengths: Fighting. She has lost a pup in a battle because she was a poor fighter. She started training, and she is as strong as a wolf can be! Swimming. She has always loved the water. Hunting. Started hunting since 1 years old. Weaknesses: Being alone. She was abandoned after an incident by her friends and mom. Her dad still loved her no matter what. But she was scared about her eye. She was scared that everyone was far away from her because of her eye. Fainting. She always freezes when she sees someone faint. It reminds her of her dad. He fainted. Thank God he didn't die though. Digging. She's just not good at it. Personality: kind and caring. She helps wolves that need help. Even if it's from another clan. Other info: when she was hunting at 1.7 years old, she got attacked by something. She doesn't know what it was. It scratched her eye, making her half-blind. Everyone made fun of her. She had no friends. But her dad still loved her no matter what. Her mom didn't. She still has three scars, one one her eye, one from the nose to the chin, and one in her heart. If interested, comment some info on your character. (Can be female or male.) LGBTQ+ is approved. ANYONE can turn this into a romance, a pack battle, or a sad story. Edited at June 20, 2024 06:14 AM by Bambie Thug

Name: Nightingale Nickname: Gale, Night Age (in human years please): 3.75 years Gender: Female Sexuality*: Straight Rank: Beta Aspired rank: Mother someday Description: A large female wolf with a muscular frame and dark blue eyes. Her fur is dark gray with black paws and a thin scar through her left eye. Luckly she retaned her sight in that eye. Nochted ears are from various fights with prey and other wolves. A lighter belly and tail tip finish the look. Personally: This loyal wolf is brave and proud. As Beta, she keep in touch with her pack and her Alpha. A sweet she wolf with a forgiving spirit. Her punishment are light when she gives them at all. On the other paws, cunning and dominace will be aserted on the wolf in they breck a major rule or disobay the Alpha. Likes: Darkness Her pack Hunting Dislikes: Hrashness Permature judgement Not knowing Back story*: Her rank before Beta was hunter Crush/Mate*: Sparrowhawk (Mate) (Blade of Dreams OC. My favorite ship ever) Other: I will be writing in first person. Please ignoe if I switch to 3rd for a post. That may happen.

Name: Skylark Age(Human Years):3.7 Gender:Male Rank: Alpha Male Rank wanted: Father Appearance(Please be detailed): He is a grey wolf has blue eyes has a long scar going from his shoulder to his belly. He got it from a previous fight and he got injured badly. He has a ear the is half cut and floppy. His fur has white spots and he has a long black tail with white spots and it does a little curl at the end of it. He's tall and his fur is very soft making it easy for him to get through tight fit spaces Personality(See Appearance) He is a very chill funny guy. He doesn't want to hurt peoples feelings he never wanted to send away part of his pack he had a difficult time dealing with it but he's happy he kept some of his wolves with him. He struggles with a little bit of depression but not much that people notice. He usually stays in his den or is sleeping outside. He occasionally talks to wolves because he loves doing it but that has dimmed down since the wolves being sent away. Strengths(At least three) Talking to wolves. He loves talking to wolves and animals in general Fighting. He started fighting when he was young and always loved doing it Hunting. He likes to be on the patrols see how well the wolves have trained and such He loves Swimming he likes water in general Weaknesses(At least three) He hates the darkness if he's not with someone he thinks he's alone and doesn't feel safe therefore Darkness If he's alone he starts to hyperventilate so Being alone is one of them He hates people whoare rude and mean and only care about themselves Edited at May 24, 2024 11:42 AM by Spider

Edited at May 24, 2024 11:41 AM by Kira-in-VR

Spider, remember that you need to put a rank also. It's okay. Next time you know. In THIS rp, you have to because it's a pack. No pressure though. Spider said: Name: Skylark Age(Human Years):3.7 Gender:Male Appearance(Please be detailed): He is a grey wolf has blue eyes has a long scar going from his shoulder to his belly. He got it from a previous fight and he got injured badly. He has a ear the is half cut and floppy. His fur has white spots and he has a long black tail with white spots and it does a little curl at the end of it. He's tall and his fur is very soft making it easy for him to get through tight fit spaces Personality(See Appearance) He is a very chill funny guy. He doesn't want to hurt peoples feelings he never wanted to send away part of his pack he had a difficult time dealing with it but he's happy he kept some of his wolves with him. He struggles with a little bit of depression but not much that people notice. He usually stays in his den or is sleeping outside. He occasionally talks to wolves because he loves doing it but that has dimmed down since the wolves being sent away. Strengths(At least three) Talking to wolves. He loves talking to wolves and animals in general Fighting. He started fighting when he was young and always loved doing it Hunting. He likes to be on the patrols see how well the wolves have trained and such He loves Swimming he likes water in general Weaknesses(At least three) He hates the darkness if he's not with someone he thinks he's alone and doesn't feel safe therefore Darkness If he's alone he starts to hyperventilate so Being alone is one of them He hates people whoare rude and mean and only care about themselves


Edited at May 24, 2024 11:45 AM by Kira-in-VR

Okay. You are Roxanne's mate. She is an alpha female. Spider said: Ok I fixed it :)
Edited at June 17, 2024 02:28 AM by Kira-in-VR

Can Night have pups in this RP? We can say her mate died.