
- Randomness - The cats of randomness home has suddenly appeared near the land of the normal cats. The stretch of land literally just popped into existence with a small group of chaos cats on it. No explanation needed for the new cats. Plenty needed for the normal cats. The two nearby Clowders ( group of cats) have just had a territorial dispute and now many fear they have another group of cats to deal with. - links signups: here Roleplay: none Edited at May 20, 2024 03:52 PM by Dawnforest

The cats of randomness These are the cats who story will be fallowed in this roleplay. The cats of randomness, also known as chaos cats, are based off of random things ex: a flower, a clock, weather, random everyday objects and in the rare chance, insects. They are never based off of animals other than bugs or vehicles ex: mice, frogs, trains, cars. If a cat has something growing off of them (ex paper, flowers,) then they can take it off and give it to another cat. Ex: a herb cat is based off a herb a healer uses and the herb cat has herbs growing off of them than that herb cat can give the healer a herb, Their names can be what they are based off of or not. The cats live in a group called The Tribe of Disarray. - Quick example of a chaos cat based off a clock.( do not directly copy this) Edited at May 22, 2024 08:13 AM by Dawnforest

The Tribe of Disarray The tribe of disarray is made of many groups of cats. Many more than the Leader, members, trainees, elders, mothers, and kittens like in normal clowders. In the tribe the roles are named after cheese. Their home is made of candy; lollipop and cotton candy trees, licorice vines, Swedish fish fish, ect. The land that traveled with them to this ' new world' is small. Only about the size of a rough square each side being 1 mile long . Their camp is a hole in the ground with a jello ground, they have made one giant den in the center. It's basically a jello dome. Their 'nests' are made of anything they can find. - Tribe Rules 1. Do not disrespect the ranks higher than you 2. Fallow the rules. 3. Don't steal. 4. Don't eat the den. 5. don't go out of out territory, we don't want to make the other cats angry. -
What they eat The chaos cats eat of course Swedish fish, but also some of the candy can move. For example a cat might come across a peppermint that is rolling around. All the cat has to do is sneak up on the candy before it can sense it and grab it. The peppermint will then 'die' and the cat can take it back to camp. - The Other ( Regular) cats land
The Tribe of Disarray knows close to nothing about the other cats. They just know what the scouts look like. Not like them, all furry and similar looking. The land the other have is a thick oak forest with patched of pine trees. The borders of the two clowders are unknown. Edited at May 22, 2024 07:30 AM by Dawnforest

- Roles in order of rank - The Cheese Because everyone knows that cheese is delicious. The Cheddar cheese acts as the leader in the tribe. The Cheddar Cheese Since cheddar cheese is the best cheese. the Cheddar cheese acts as an advisor to the Cheese. The Swiss The Swiss is the cat that you can trade things to. Feathers, shells, shiny things. Almost anything really. If they like your trade they will give you something in return. They can act like normal Parmesans. The Goudas The Goudas are the healers. When they grow old they get a String cheese. The Parmesans The Parmesans are the bulk of the tribe. The members. String cheese the apprentices Brie Bries are the mothers of the tribe. Fresh Mozzarella Kittens. Below 6 months. They have. No responsibility's. Aged Cheddar Elders. Over 10 years. Highly respected. Edited at May 22, 2024 10:47 AM by Dawnforest

Roleplay rules - 1. all WP rules apply 2. No op charectars 3. max of 2 charectars per person. Both can't be high ranking 4. at least 100 words per post. I expect to see at least this much in sign ups. More is encouraged 4. post a few times a week 5. make your cat fit the description of the chaos cats, 6. Put the repeating number In other. 7. I can decline any form 8. you have three chances to fox your form. 9. I control weather and time of day. I will post a weather/ time of day change in the roleplay form, 10. I control all 'normal' cats. 11. your cats can have accessories such as bags and necklaces as long as it's not too crazy, 12. reservations last 2 days, 13. if it looks like you did not read the rules at all or skipped a lot of the information you will be ignored. 14. original cats are preferred. They can be similar if related 15. make sure to PM me if you have any questions. Edited at May 13, 2024 06:33 PM by Dawnforest

Roles - Cheese (0/1) - Cheddar cheese ( 1/1) Hirsch/ male adjacent/ inter sex/ 5y/ giraffe stag beetle/ space man - Swiss (1/1)
Bee hive ( Bee)/f/ 3y/ bee hive/ Dawnforest - Gouda(1/1) Nori/f / 3 y/ Basil/ Bobcat - Parmasans (2/3) Rush/ M/ 4y/ Cat tail/ Blade of Dreams reserved for space man - String cheese (1/1) Ciara/ f/ 7m/ Stag beetle ( grub)/ los campesinos - Brie not open - Fresh mozzarella not open - Aged cheddar Not open Edited at May 27, 2024 11:07 AM by Dawnforest

Charectar form Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Desired rank: Thing based of off: Thoughts on situation: Appearance: Assesories: not required Perosnality: Relationtion ships: Mate, siblings, kittens, freinds, ext Likes: dislikes: Other

Name: Bee hive Nickname: Prefers to be called Bee Age: 3 years Gender: female Rank: Swiss Cheese Desired rank: fine where she is Thing based of off: a bee hive. Thoughts on situation: indifferent to the cats that where already there. Doesn't understand why they are so aggressive though. Appearance: from far away bee could look just like a normal, small sized. short furred cat. Close up though is very different the surface of her furless body is made of the off white waxy substance that the outer part of a beehive is made of. Some of the honeycomb hexagons are uncovered and dripping with golden honey. The uncovered spots are around her shoulders, haunches, and neck. Her size small, she is around half a head smaller than a normal cat. She has honey colored eyes with a black nose. She has white claws. Around her are usually some bees. They live in her honeycomb and in return they somewhat protect her and give her honey. She somewhat influence what the bees do. The honey her bees make is very sweet. It's probably because the bees get the pollen and nectar from flowers made of sugar. Assesories: Honey has two bags one of each side of her body. They are brown, and square shaped. Each one has two compartments a small section on the top of the bag and the rest of the bag is another. Perosnality: Bee is a cat that is prone to make sarcastic comments and jokes. Sometimes she insults others without realizing it. She doesn't read others reactions to things very well. Bee tends to be more reserved around other cats. If they approach her for a trade she doesn't like small talk and just wants to do business. if you are close to her however you have a freind that will keep secrets, talk to, and go to if no one else will join you in a hunt, a patrol, or a game. Do not expect her to comfort you or prevude any good social advice though. Bee tends to enjoy the company of those who ares art and know things. She doesn't like to have to explain things over and over again. She is usually energetic but can be the sort of cat that just wants to do nothing from time to time. She enjoyed games and activities and can act quite childish at times. Bee doesn't like big crowds, she often avoids them if she can. She is fine with small groups of other cats though. she doesn't like the small kittens. The ones that get into everything and are generally just annoying. Relationtion ships: mate: possibly in the roleplay kittens: none parents: open Sibling: open freinds: open Likes: honey, bees, flowers, fair trades dislikes: Things that crumble, being tricked, things that could hurt her bees. Other: read the rules Edited at May 19, 2024 07:59 PM by Dawnforest


Reserved Austan vindar said: Res parmesan and gouda