
The Verdant Forest
For the Sun-Tree Clan, life has been pretty simple. There is just one rule that must be followed if you want to survive: Don’t Leave the Trees. For the Drvokhis, a species of Avian-like Elves, this is the primary thing drilled into them from the get go, that life in the trees is the only way for them to survive. The things on the ground are just too dangerous to challenge for a place there. Despite this, they’ve thrived, learning to adapt to a life where their feet rarely, if ever, touch the ground. Still, even with all the danger lurking beneath them, nipping at their heels and waiting for a mistake, life was simple and enjoyable.
Recently the Sun-Trees Leader has announced he will be stepping down and passing on his leadership to one of his daughters. Everything appears to be going according to plan, even so much that the Tribe’s Shaman claims a blessing has been placed upon the new Reign by sight of the White Stag the morning of the daughter’s coronation. Everything seems to be exactly as planned. However, shortly after everything is quickly flipped upside down when sightings of a new Drvokhis Tribe are reported.
It’s been years since another tribe has resided in the forest and the Sun-Tree clan tribe doesn’t know how they feel about this. Do they act peacefully and accept this new tribe as a part of their home? Or do they defend what is theirs and try to push them away? As confusion sets in, so does doubt, not only for their new leader, but in the Shaman who claimed the reign of the new leader was going to be a good one. With things changing, who knows what is in store for the Sun-Tree Tribe, or their new neighbors.
Edited at May 3, 2024 08:48 PM by Imperial Sands

The Roleplay Rules Follow All of Eve's and WPs Rules
1. Be Active. Do not Join just to never post or finish your forms.
2. Reservations will last 3 Days from the Moment you Reserve. Extensions will only be given when requested before the trial ends. If you do not finish in time, the spot will be re-opened and someone else could take it. Re-reserving is not allowed.
3. The Minimum for this Rp is a Semi-Literate Rp. This is a requirement for Rp and Sign Ups.
4. Since this is a Species Tene and I created, I understand if you have questions. Feel free to ask them here or in Pms. We'd rather you ask than make assumptions. Include the Missing number in your form.
5. This is set in a Fantasy World in a Fantasy Time. So there are no modern day things such as phones, electronics, piercings, modern clothes, hair dye, etc. At most there are tribal like tattoos.
6. Read Everything. I've streamlined it for Ease of Read, so read it all. And follow what has been laid out for you.
7. Drama in Rp is Allowed and Encouraged. Drama in OOC is Not.
9. Drvokhis are not going to be experts in Hand-to-Hand Combat or even Weaponry Combat because they don't really fight. The only use for their Weapons really is to hunt, only occasionally are they used for Defense.
10. Maximum 4 Characters Per Person for Now.
11. No Perfect Characters, Godmodding, Powerplaying etc.
12. Have fun!
The Sun-Tree Tribe Rules
The Dark-Moor Tribe Rules

The Drvokhis The Drvokhis are a Tree-Elf like creature, though they differ by quite a bit. They are a people who adapt to the environment they are in, some building tree houses while others build burrows in the ground. They are completely self-sustaining and live off the land in which they reside. Hand making all of their weapons, clothing and tools. They are heavily reliant on their ability to fly as well as their innate physiology. By nature, the Drvos are more feral compared to their more high born cousins, the elves.
Skin Tones: Earthy Tones and Muted/Darker Shades of Other Colors are the most Common. Bright & Vibrant Tones, like Jewel Tones, and Pale Tones are rare. I will lock pale/jewel tones if I see too many. Eye Colors: The Sclera is always Black, with their Iris capable of being any shade. Hair Color: Similar to Skin Colors, Earth Tones and Muted or Darker Shades are Most Common. Lighter or Bright Colors are Rare. Shamans and Shaman Apprentices, and Only Them, have Whire Hair [They must; edited this to make it clear what I meant]. Height: They Range in Height from 4’10” to 6’ for Females, and 5’3” to 6’2” for Men. No taller, No Shorter. Build: The Sun-Tree Clan tend to be Leanly Built to Make Maneuverability and Flying Easier. Built for Speed, Agility, and Precision, uisually not Strength or Durability. The Dark-Moor tend to be bigger and heavier, but slower and have worse maneuverability. Vocals: They can Talk, but they also use a variety of growls, hisses, grunts, etc. to communicate. Features: Elongated & Sharp Claws/Nails on Hands & Feet. Elongated Canine Teeth. Horns or Antlers on their Heads are Common, but Not Required. Can only have one or the other. Wings; Feathered is more Common, Bat-like is Less So. Excellent Night Vision. Enhanced Senses & Physiology
For Images 1, 2, 3, 8 the Credit Belongs to Deerinspotlight on Picrew.me For Images 4 and 6 Credit Belongs to Crowesn on Picrew.me For Image 5 Credit Belongs to Kei Ogawa on Picrew.me For Omage 7 Credit Belongs to Elain on Picrew.me For Images 9 and 10 Credit Belongs to Cilantro_Studios on Picrew.me Edited at May 5, 2024 12:44 AM by Imperial Sands

Sun-Tree Tribe The Sun-Tree Tribe have lived in the Verdant Forest for as long as they can recall, and have adapted to its challenges over time. They’ve built a community within the tops of the trees, their treehouses only reachable by those who can fly or climb to the platforms. They’re a thriving society that has succeeded despite the dangers that lurk below them. Due to their environment, the Sun-Tree Tribe lives and does things differently than others, with their weapons solely being spears, knives, and bows & arrows. Anything else is too heavy, and or just useless to use. They know how to use the trees to their advantage and have adjusted to being able to fly within the forest with little trouble.
Chief Chieftess Prince Princess Shaman Shaman’s Apprentice Elders Tribe Members
Dark-Moor Tribe Having lived previously in the Darkened Moor, a vast expanse of treeless land, the Dark-Moor were pushed out of their home by a clan of Orcs pushing into the land. After sustaining a multitude of losses, the Tribe traveled into the Verdant Forest to build a new home. Unaware of the threats the lurk about, they’ve set about building their home how their last one was, huts and burrows. Their weapons are swords and spears primarily, but a few also have knives, though they’re more thought of as tools than weapons. They’re not used to have to use the trees to their advantage, nor have they adjusted or learned how to fly within the forest itself. Most of their hunting right now is geared towards the fields outside or the meadows within than in the forest itself.
Chief Chieftess Prince Princess Shaman Shaman’s Apprentice Elders Tribe Members
Important Note: For the Princes and Princesses, these are currently the Siblings to the Chieftess for the Sun-Tribe, and whichever lead is reserved first for the Dark-Moor Tribe [unless they're made older, then it will be their children]. Once the Lead Pair for either have children they'll be added to these ranks, but the Siblings will not be removed from the High Ranks until one of the children of the Lead Pair reaches adulthood.
Edited at May 3, 2024 08:36 PM by Imperial Sands

The Available Roles
The Sun-Tree Tribe
Chieftan: Locked for Now
Chieftess: Reserved for MePrinces:Princesses:Shaman:Reserved for TeneShaman's Apprentice:Reserved for BeeTribe Elders:Tribe Members:Reserved for Me ____________________________________ The Dark-Moor Tribe
Chieftan: Reserved for Bee
Chieftess: Ask first
Shaman: Reserved for Salt Shaker
Shaman's Apprentice: Reserved for Spellbound
Tribe Elders:
Tribe Members: Whoever reserves the Chieftan or Chieftess first can decide whether to have the other locked or left open. Edited at May 5, 2024 12:46 AM by Imperial Sands

The Form
Name: Age: [18+] Gender: Tribe: Rank: Desired Rank: Thoughts on the Sun-Tree Tribe?: [Erase if Sun-Tree Member] Thoughts on the Dark-Moor Tribe?: [Erase if Dark-Moor Member] Appearance: [Detailed Description Minimum] Personality: [Detailed Description Minimum] Crush: Mate/Spouse/S.O.: Children: Kin: Affiliations: [Enemies, Friends, Etc.] Other:
For now I am only accepting Fully Functional Members of the Tribe, which are the Adults 18 and Older. Once we have more I might accept others, like Children.

Edited at May 5, 2024 12:48 AM by Imperial Sands


Spoopy Girl is WIP
Name: Circe Age: Gender:Female Tribe:Sun-Tree Tribe Rank:Tribe Member Desired Rank:UnsureThoughts on the Dark-Moor Tribe?: Circe has always been wary of others, this especially applies to strangers. She's worried about how this new Tribe's presence will affect the safety, security, and livelihood of her own. Appearance:
 Credit Goes to Malachitinous on Picrew.me
Personality: TBA Backstory: Born as the first and only child, Circe was almost a little miracle considering how late in life her parents had her. Her mother, a dark beauty of midnight skin and dark mahogany hard, and her father, a quirky and quiet man of dark mocha skin and sandy-wheat colored hair, loved her dearly, but in their own, separate ways. Her father was a doting man, someone who bonded quite closely to his daughter, treating her like a princess and being her best friend. Her mother, though, was a different story, as she figured her darker would come out dark skinned and dark haired, so she was taken aback when Circe came along with a bright frock of flame orange hair. It's hard to pin-point exactly why, but Circe's mother always resented her hair, she hated it, treating it like it was her own failure somehow that her daughter's hair came out bright golden-orange and not dark like her own. Whatever the reason may be, she was insistent on Circe covering her hair whenever she was out of their home, giving her different hooded cloaks, head dresses, and scarves to use to hide the brightly colored locks.
This put a strain on the two's relationship, forcing whatever bond they did have to be weak and damaged. As she aged, Circe was trained by her mother to basically be invisible, never drawing attention to herself, or, specifically, her hair. Eventually, Circe turned her entire personality into being invisible, flitting along the outskirts of the tribe, moving within the shadows like they were her second home. She prefers to go unseen.
Now, over twenty years later, Circe takes care of her parents, ensuring that they never need or want for anything. It's a tireless job, but she does it without complain, as, despite their differences, she does deeply love her parents. Crush:None Mate/Spouse/S.O.:None Children:None Kin:She has no siblings. It's just her and her parents. Affiliations:WIP - Open Other:

reserving Chieftan of the Dark-Moor Tribe and Shaman Apprentice for the Sun-Tree Tribe Edited at May 3, 2024 08:55 PM by The Bewitched