
Disclaimer: this is a limited spot Roleplay. This means that there will only be a few spots. Also first come first serve, no reservations. This is also; Human(oid) Fantasy. ------ Plot; A group of college kids, yeah, for spring break go somewhere on vacation(we will decide via discussion). B u t on the way there, they end up in a fancy-fancy hotel, (which tbh, looked like absolute trash from the outside). While in here, each of the kids find an item that pertains to their new upcoming abilities. The hotel manager warns them that they're not on earth anymore and that someone else is going to be looking for those items in particular... and them as well.
Do they try and confront said person, decide to try and find a way back home or lay low and hope they can outrun this person?
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Rules: 1. Semi-lit. So, a good 150+ words, proper spelling and grammar. 2. Hate the character not the person. IC drama? Yes. OoC drama? Absolutely not. 3. Be active! If not, just let us know in the discussion! Life happens, we understand. 4. Pg-13 y'all. Keep it within the limits of the WP rules. 5. Don't be OP with abilities. WE'll get injured, we'll throw hands, etc. be fun! 6. Put your favorite fun fact in other! 7. For now, let's go with 1 character per person, just so we don't have too many at once. 8. Your character abilities (if you need to change them) must be approved by me first. --------------------- Links: discussion: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=36&t=90743 roleplay: tbd Edited at April 26, 2024 10:36 AM by Zeraphia
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Character Roster: - Jackson Sharp // Pyrokinesis + wings // Male // 23 // Zeraphia - - - - - Sign-up Sheet: Name: Nickname: Age: Gender: Orientation: Item + Ability(ies): Appearance: (must have a paragraph at least) Personality: (must have a paragraph) Other: Edited at April 26, 2024 10:34 AM by Zeraphia
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Name: Jackson Sharp Nickname: Jack Age: 23 Gender: Male Orientation: Asexual/Demiromantic Item + Ability: Red Pendant. This red pendant that looks eerily similar to maybe a butterfly or moth wing is a somewhat inconspicuous little item. However, this little beast gives the bonded wearer a pair of vibrant red moth wings... and pyrokinesis. Hope you like fire because you're stuck with it now. Luckily, you can hide the moth wings. APPEARANCE: With a blond Californian beach-boy sort of look to him at the first glance, Jackson stands with broad shoulders and gentle fair skin that has been sun-tanned over years. His fair skin, though, is peppered with gentle freckles over his cheeks and his shoulders. Despite that, his eyes are a vibrant blue color and windows to the soul. While his wardrobe has been limited to one outfit--because hello the world ending seems to have a hand in that. He wears a grey shirt, golden locket, pants that are ... well-worn and occasionally pulls around a brown leather jacket, but usually abandons it if the day is nice enough. His red all-stars are well worn as well but he refuses to even try and replace them. https://i.postimg.cc/4xLRWqS0/Jackson-before.png However, after he gets his pendant and bonds with it, Jackson's clothing changes. A darker reddish-grey Greek style like toga replaces his shirt. The golden trim accents his hair and eyes. But the young man still retains his jeans and shoes. Strange. A golden cuff loops around his right forearm, perhaps symbolizing something. The moth wings he can occasionally hide are large. They're soft and powdery, but rather sturdy. Surprisingly. These red, orange and light yellow wings have a vibrant pattern to them. https://i.postimg.cc/3wk5V9Mx/Jackson-after.png PERSONALITY: Tired may or may not best explain Jackson best. His ability to have the most subtle emotions is astounding. However, his face often gives him away. He hasn't mastered, at all, the art of a neutral look. His thoughts and emotions are always on display. Tired is a solid expression he wears. The RBF is real. But, so is his subtle fear. He always worries about something, even if it really doesn't make much sense to worry about. Often it's the weird things. Such a mess this poor kid. It's a wonder how he's gotten this far through an English degree. Perhaps it's the attention to the dumbest details. Who knows. OTHER: Random fun-fact that I know for no good reason; The largest earth made dam is in the North East corner of Montana. It supports a large fishing tournament every summer, was built in the 1930s, still functions today. It is the Fort Peck Dam.
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Name: Cassandra Silva Nickname: Cass or Cassie Age: 21 Gender: Female Orientation: Straight Item + Ability(ies): A featureless black mask, apart from two eye-holes cut out. It almost seems to suck in the light around it. When she puts it on, it grants her the power to blend into shadows, travel through them to any other place, and also to change the shape of the shadows, for example, making them bigger to darken an area, or to make them protrude out of the ground to manifest as tentacles or limbs, but they go through anything that's not herself or other shadows. Appearance: (must have a paragraph at least) She has a slender form, and tends to wear a white, slightly oversized t-shirt and grey track-pants. She has albinism, her long, wavy hair is as white as snow, her skin is pale as moonlight, and her eyes are as red as blood. She usually wears her hair either let down or in a braid. She has a smile with dazzling white teeth that teachers don’t like, as it makes people think she is up to no good. She is also quite tall, about 1.78 metres. Edit: After: Once she puts the mask on, her hair becomes black tentacles (but they go through anything that's not her). Her fingers curl into talons and her arms become black up to the elbow, but irregularly, so it looks like she's dipped her forearms in pitch black paint, and has dripped slightly up past her elbow. Her pupils narrow into slits, and the mask can open into a mouth with razor harp, jagged black teeth. (I can't draw very well, and I'm on a computer, so no pics for now) Personality: (must have a paragraph) Edit: Cass is mostly composed, sensible and smart. She appears well-mannered, social and optimistic. But she is also quite naive and gullible, a little too trusting. She gets taken advantage of, and is very glad she has found some friends who won't use her then throw her away. She tends to get distracted easily, and is quite forgetful. She will panic in a scary situation, and will try to run away if possible. She doesn’t like loud noises or jumpscares. She tends to overthink situations and imagines them worse than they actually are. She tries her best not to care about what other people think of her, but deep down, she really does. Other: Cass is very, VERY weak. she can barely lift 10 kilos, but she is quite fast and tends to use her momentum to move things rather than strength alone. Fun facts: Typewriter is the longest word you can type using the qwerty keyboard. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated Your bones are wet. Edited at April 26, 2024 11:12 PM by Embershed

I'm sorry but I don't think that personality is going to work for a roleplay like this! Since all the characters have to start out as friends, and friends enough to go on a vacation with just each other, at first.
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Oh, ok. I can change it! Edit: Will that work now? Zeraphia said: I'm sorry but I don't think that personality is going to work for a roleplay like this! Since all the characters have to start out as friends, and friends enough to go on a vacation with just each other, at first.
Edited at April 26, 2024 10:46 PM by Embershed

The personality is definitely better! I think the first ability is a no-go since it would involve other players' characters and I don't think we want to even think about dealing with it. The second one is a little on the OP side though.
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Hmmmm...ok...I'll see what I can do to nerf it Maybe I should get rid of the travelling through shadows part? Or maybe reduce it to short-distance travelling, to make it easier to sneak up on people or something... Zeraphia said: The personality is definitely better! I think the first ability is a no-go since it would involve other players' characters and I don't think we want to even think about dealing with it. The second one is a little on the OP side though.
Edited at April 26, 2024 10:51 PM by Embershed

I'd say the traveling is alright. But the spikes and stuff, is more on the OP side.
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