
(please don't copy this idea for now) What is an Art Roleplay Well it's something I made up. So in a usual roleplay you use words to creat a story. while in this you use comic panels!
Disclaimer When entering this roleplay you are allowing your charectar to be drawn.
do not post Edited at October 28, 2023 09:38 AM by Dawnforest

(I'll add on to this) There is a pack in the woods Cardinal Pack. They have lived in harmony with their neighboring pack Lake pack until a a fire burned part of their territory. The small section of dry fields was all destroyed and prey disappeared from that area. The territory of Lake pack is large covered in birch forests and marshes and a small river. But the Alpha Flame has taken the opportunity to try to take some of Cardinal pack's land. Cardinal pack as lush forests and fields with wildflowers and tall grasses but is much smaller than lake pack's. Flame has wanted some of the territory ever since he became alpha and used the fire on an almost insignificant part of his land to justify his actions. Edited at October 28, 2023 09:29 AM by Dawnforest

Rules - follow all wp rules - Make your character easy to replicate no complicated designs but make them easy to recognize too. - make charectars semi realistic. No horns or wings. You can have semi unrealistic colors just no pinks or anything like that. - 3+ panels minimum - try to post at least once a week. - Male sure the charectars and setting is recognizable. - in this roleplay wolves can live up to 19 years old. - no an omega cannot beat an Alpha start with something smaller like one of the lower ranked hunters.put an interesting fact in other. - the ranking wolves have depend on when they eat. Ex: hunter role: the higher on the list your charectar is the higher the rank. Charectars will be added higher to lowest rank unless told otherwise. - post you panels as actuall pictures not just links. - max of 3 charectars per person Edited at October 28, 2023 09:36 AM by Dawnforest

Alpha Female: The Alpha female. Leader of the pack. Alpha Male: The alpha male. Leader of the pack. Beta: Second in command. Often the heir of the current alpha but not always. Hunters: the wolves that hunt Patrolers/ guards: the wolves that patrol the border and guard the camp. Mothers: expecting or females that have pups biological or adopted. Sometimes a wolf can choose to stay in the nursery to help care for other pups but it is rare. Pups: Wolves that are below 8 months of age. Elders: wolves above 10 years of age or wolves that have disabilities that won't let them contribute to the pack. Some elders sometimes still hunt. Omegas: the lowest ranking in the pack. Omegas help help with chores and sometimes babysit pups. Omegas are often created when a wolf is to weak. Most of them become elders at age 14.

Pack rules: - The alpha's word is law disobedience can turn you into an omega or get you exiled. - If the Alpha takes a mate then they will decide how much power that mate gets. - killing a pack member unless in self defense will get you exiled. - All wolves can be challenged except mothers, pups, and elders. When defeating the wolf you have challenged you will take their rank if their rank is higher. The challenged wolves will then be moved 3 spots below their old rank or to the bottom of their role. unless a high rank such as a Alpha or beta than they will turn to a middle- heigh ranked wolf of their preferred role. - If an alpha is challenged then their mate will be lowered to another rank with them. - the order of eating is Alphas, Beta, pups, mothers, elders, hunters( highest to lowest rank), patrollers/ guards( in order of rank), omegas (in order of rank.) - when a pup turns 8 months old the alpha will chose their rank. Hunter or patroller/ guard they will start at the bottom learning what they can form the other members in their group. If they are not good at their role they will be changed to the other if they prove not good enough to provide for their pack then they will be an omega. Edited at October 28, 2023 09:01 AM by Dawnforest

Charectar sheet: Name: Gender: age: role: preffered role: dialogue color: (to keep track of whose talking in case of similar looking wolves) apperence: ( as an actual picture) personality: relationships:( optional) freinds: mate: pups: parents: siblings: other family members: other: Edited at October 28, 2023 08:55 AM by Dawnforest

Roles: Alpha female: open Alpha male:open Beta: open Hunters: (unlimited) open open open open Patrollers/ guards: (unlimited) open open open open open Mothers: max of 4 open open open open Pups: max of 3 per mother Open open open Elders: max of 6 Open open open open open open Omegas: max of 4 opne open open open Edited at November 2, 2023 03:19 PM by Dawnforest