
The Plot The Empire Of Shvihga is powerful nation, known for their prowess in conquering others. Their nation was built by bloodshed of others - taking what they deemed theirs, and making sure only the strong survived. This was what they lived by, the nation being ruled by the Delafontaine Family ; no one knows where they came from or how they've managed of keep their family like in power for so long - many say that they killed the original ruler and took their place and no one asked questions. The Delafontaine created a reputation for themselves ; the family known for their wicked intelligence, their remarkable strategies, and for their silver tongues- whether it be for manipulation or just to get something they wanted . They somehow came from the bottom, up to something more powerful - it is noted that the women of the family never took the last name of their husband, no - rather, the husband took her last name which was very scandalous. But it was the price to pay to be in such a well connected family of nobility. If it's one thing this was also, it was ambitious. They collected many rare and mythical creatures and learned how to use them to the advantage of their people. They found mythical people strange and threatening, so they decided to eliminate said threat once and for all. It was horrible, a motion labeled as The Great Purge, occurred and many nations and species died or fled before they could be slaughtered . Many rejoiced in the slaughter of the peoples, but some didn't - however, little did they know that in Geiger Forest, a small group of sorcers lived in hiding. That was until patrol force reported strange activity within the forest, and so, the Emperor imposed his Sorceress to find and obtain these strays, in exchange for her own freedom, and so she did. Now these once free people were at the mercy of the Emperor, who wanted fo see them dead - yet, his wife suggest they make them underlings within their nation as it would be a waste of their powers. So not these sorcerers are used as mere servants and entertainment for the royals and the nobility.
Now as mentioned, not all agreed with the mistreatment of the mythical nations and lands. So what happens when word of a small rebellion comes to light? Will the royals be able to squash it before it can even begin or will the flames of justice only get fanned quicker.

Rules All of Eve's Rules apply obviously 1 : Be active . Please don't join up just to leave - I would like this RP to last for a while. I expect posts 1-2 a week , and if you need to take a break or be inactive please inform be beforehand via PM or Discussion. Inactivity will lead to your character being removed from the RP. 2 : No OP or Mary Sue, Weeping Willow's , Gary's or any characters of the like. 3 : This is a Semi-Literate to Literate RP. I expect at least 150 + words per post. Put the missing number somewhere in your form, hidden. Also, I required a detailed and well-written appearance and description for your character. This includes proper grammar rules and any form not following these requirements will be declined. 4: No OOC problems. Hate the character but not the player - any instances of unbecoming behavior will not be tolerated, and mods will be contacted if needed. 5: Reservations last for 48 hours and you may only reserve two roles at a time. The reservation doesn't start until you actually post and begin working on the forms. You will be allowed to have 2 - 12 hour extensions if needed to complete a form, otherwise the spot will be open for someone else. 7: I as the owner of the RP reserve the right to accept and decline forms as I see fit. I will not tolerate rude behavior towards me just because you got declined - if you do get decline , try and work on your form and maybe it'll get accepted due to the corrections. Put, thunderbird in other. I hope to RP with many new faces - so come on, I don't bite. 8 : I will make a 4 character limit , however as the RP progresses people will die - so I suggest having 2 characters to start. You can also only reserve 2 characters at a time. 9: I will allow art for your characters since cartoonish human art is allowed - make sure they are properly credited and follow all of the WP regulations or this rule will be redacted. 10: This RP is not a heavy romance RP and their may be some hints of it so I'll get this out the way - no romances between your own character [the exception is if the character has a deceased lover or one that'll die later on.] Also, you are allowed to have your characters be siblings, cousins, and etc. 11 : Don't be the character constantly disrespecting the superiors and higher ups - it can be fun but it's also annoying. After all why do you want your character to constantly get in trouble. 12 : Any questions are to be asked via PMs - I don't want this thread clogged up. 13 : I understand that backstories are fun and giving characters angst and tragedy makes them spicy, but come on - not every single character needs a sob story, but also please don't anyways make your characters have the best or perfect life. Happy middle class families are nice to hear about. But also be creative with this. 14 : Make sure to read everything ! 15 : Have fun ;)

Kingdom Lore Pt. 1 The Cities The Festivals The Culture Edited at May 18, 2023 11:23 AM by Spellbound

Kingdom Lore Pt 2 The Palace Hierarchy Edited at May 18, 2023 11:24 AM by Spellbound


The Roles ___________ The Sovereign Emperor Open The Sovereign Empress Reserved [ Spellbound ] The Noble Consort Open The Royal Concubines 1. 2. The Crowned Heir Reserved By Polly The Pure-Blooded Royal Children 1. Reserved [ Spellbound ] 2. 3. 4. The Illegitimate Spawn 1. 2. The Nobles Of The Royal Court 1. 2. 3. The Head Apothecary Open The Assistant Healers 1. 2. The Chief Commander Open The Padalins Of The Alabaster Order 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Female Servants 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Male Servants 1. Reserved [ Spellbound ] 2. 3. 4. 5. The Captured Sorcerers 1. Reserved [ Spellbound ] 2. Reserved By Polly 3. 4. 5. 6. Edited at May 14, 2023 12:13 PM by Spellbound

The Forms Name: Name Meaning: Preferred Name: Nicknames: Addressed As: Age[21+]: Gender: Sexuality: Pronouns: Thoughts On The Sorcerer's [ Kingdom ]: Your Magic/Abilities [ For Sorcerer's Only ]: Rank: Desired Rank: Appearance: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: Familial Relations: Affiliations: Relationship Status: Crush: Paramour or Significant Other: Exe(s) Children: Other: