
Here I'll be listing my Wolfplay characters, and possibly other OCs in the future. But for now I just need a place to organize my wolves. I'll also update with my roleplay rules soon.
(I'm new to this site so excuse me if my posts are messy.) Edited at April 18, 2017 05:52 PM by Anunnaki

Name: Abzu Species: Wolf Gender: Male Age: 5 years Pack: Anunnaki Rank: Alpha Male Mates: Nammu & Mummu Pups: N/A
Appearance: Abzu is a large, muscular wolf, and you can almost tell he's an alpha just by looking at him. His size and his confident stance speak of power and authority. His fur is black as night and contrasting markings in the purest white. If you look closely you can see that he is badly scarred underneath that thick fur coat. His ears, especially, have been torn and shredded in countless battles. He's permanently missing a patch of fur on his throat from when one of his sons tried to usurp him. Needless to say, the son was unsuccessful.
Personality: Abzu is vicious and mean, and he selfishly puts his own needs and priorities over those of the pack. He is not well-liled but he is a good protector, as he can tear apart nearly any creature that tries to harm him or his packmates. On top of that Abzu happens to be exceptionally clever. He can outwit almost any wolf that tries to tets him. Edited at April 18, 2017 06:14 PM by Anunnaki

Name: Nammu Species: Wolf Gender: Female Age: 5 years Pack: Anunnaki Rank: Alpha Female Mates: Abzu & Kingu Pups: N/A
Appearance: Large for a female. White with black markings.
Personality: Very emotional, easily affected by the moods and actions of others. Edited at April 18, 2017 06:19 PM by Anunnaki



Fate the mysterious loner