
Howdy! I have been considering opening up an art shop, but I need some help with pricing! I don't want to over or under price my art but I don't know exactly what it's worth, so I'd like your input! What do you think?
Edited at June 22, 2022 02:03 AM by My Beloved <3

Over 250 mushrooms I'd say- I'm bad with pricing but your art is really good!

Firefox said: Over 250 mushrooms I'd say- I'm bad with pricing but your art is really good! Oh, thank you so much! <3 For both the compliment and your input! It is very much appreciated! Edited at June 22, 2022 03:46 AM by My Beloved <3

Skshdjfkdjshs I LOVE YOUR STYLE Maybe 300-600 mush?

1-5 apples for a fullbody. At least!

Reverie said: Skshdjfkdjshs I LOVE YOUR STYLE Maybe 300-600 mush?
Omg, thank you so much! I'm glad you like my style! I really appreciate your feedback!

Petrichor. said: 1-5 apples for a fullbody. At least! Thanks so much, I very appreciate you giving me your opinion on this!<3

i agree with petrichor, your art is very well done and super high quality, id suggest apple prices all the way ^^