
Ok so- im kinda tired of being underpayed so i was windering what some of you all think my art is worth. im also looking fir a minimul price i should set Edited at April 28, 2021 11:46 AM by Fr3ak

so i have mutiple things i do art wise so here we go . .CHARACTER DESIGHNS . i make these premade , and sometimes ill create charcters for spacific people these desighns take anywhere from 3-10 hours to make, depinding if im makeing a custom line art, or if im useing one ive allready created EXAMPLES . . . . . . . . .  . what do you think a fair price would be? Edited at April 28, 2021 11:35 AM by Fr3ak

Character comissions Examples Headshots 1-3 hours . . . Fullbodys 4-8 hours, dependimg on pose, character and background . . . ( i dont do busts)

How much are you paid now?

fullboys range anywhere form 250 mush to 5 apples on average headshots , about 1 apple charcter creationif i auction the desighn, about 15 apples if i create one, its been around 3-7 apples Sir Froggington said: How much are you paid now?

4-5 apples for a full body 2-3 apples for a headshot 7-8 apples for a ref sheet Edited at May 5, 2021 10:31 PM by Hurricane blizzards

Fullbodies should be 4+ apples no matter what. No buts Headshots should at least be 1 apple 500 mush or more depending on complexity Character creation 10+ apples off base and 8+ apples on base

Hurricane That's a bit low to me, I'd say at least 3 apples for the ref sheets and maybe 5+ apples for anything else that's hand drawn. I'm kinda bad at pricing, but that's what I would be asking if I made that! :DD Hope that helps! I think you can definately get more than that though

People seem to have no problem paying 10 apples for your fullbodies and at least 5 apples for headshots

Use this: Do people willingly buy your art with your prices now? Is anything not being bought? Have you tried raising prices, if so did people still buy?