
Hi, I just bought a gold link since I had a lot of the stuff needed. But what does it do? I can't seem to use it in explores.

Edited at January 5, 2021 11:06 PM by Serpents

Montak no want gold link. I have three at the moment. Edited at January 5, 2021 11:59 PM by Stormfast Empire

According to Eve, we don't find out the purpose of the gold links until the 7th~ Edited at January 6, 2021 09:39 AM by Syncopated Clock

Okay thanks! So is it today or tomorrow?

As of today, you can now give the gold link to a dwarf who appears in explore. He will list what you need to make it, and if you have it, he will offer to trade for it. You get 5 silver coins (event currency) from the trade.