
My Alphas'(the starter wolves) affinities have dropped from excellent to good._. Apart from spending apples which I don't have on the "make friends" thing is there anything I can do? Edited at August 8, 2020 03:04 AM by Sabrecrest

I mean, you could replace some wolves who have a bad temper (those who hate just about everyone in the pack) and replace them with ones who like your wolves? But that's about it.
Or get new Alphas.

Embers Rising said: I mean, you could replace some wolves who have a bad temper (those who hate just about everyone in the pack) and replace them with ones who like your wolves? But that's about it.
Or get new Alphas.
Oops, never saw this ;-; Thanks for the help! ^w^

I suggest that you look for wolves that have an excellent affinity before you buy them. There's a filter for it in the trading post should you choose to use it