
So, me and my sister's packs are linked and well, we want them unlinked. ive read the FAQ's but i couldn't find the Unlink button (or whatever its supposed to be). so does any one know how to unlink packs?

There is no way to unlink household accounts, they are a thing so households dont transfer items~

And if you wanted to 'unlink' them, leaving an account inactive for 3 months will delete it, but yeah, they're linked so it doesn't allow you to transfer anything between accounts because that is considered cheating and breaks the rules Shadows At Twilight said: There is no way to unlink household accounts, they are a thing so households dont transfer items~

Ah, alright, thanks but i've also heard that i should contact Sixbears to unlink our packs, is that possible or was it a rumor/lie? (sorry for bothering with this much questions, i am just trying to find Info/answers about the linking and unlinking packs)

Packs between family members are supposed to be linked. As far as I know, unlinking packs is more for if a friend comes over to your house and plays, and then your packs get linked.

Thank you for the info, I guess I can't unlink our packs.