
When is the best time to feed a wolf? Like, what level of hunger should you feed them?

Pack of the Lake said: When is the best time to feed a wolf? Like, what level of hunger should you feed them?
Im probably not the best person to answer this but I usually just feed them before exploring, i dont really care about Pack Happiness a lot :T It doesnt really affect your pack so i dont really mind if its almost at 0 until I explore.

I usually feed mine when they get to 0.

I usually feed mine fore exploring or battle. XD

I don't usually feed my wolves unless I'm exploring or about to explore - usually, if I see their health in the "red" area while I'm exploring, I'll go to open up another tab and feed them. :p

it really depends on how much food you have, how often you explore, and how much food you get while exploring.
i always have a lot of feedings and explore often, so i can feed my wolves whenever they get down to 50 or so
