Tips | February 8, 2018 07:47 PM | |

So, I'm planning to do a big project, where I totally rebuild my pack and buy lots of Battle wolves, high rarities, DHs, and all that. but I need a few tips from experienced players how they got such amazing wolves and how they made mush and saved it on a regular basis. So, if you could put a few tips and suggestions, that'd be great.
Tips | February 8, 2018 08:33 PM | |

Make a plan on what you want your pack to focus on. It's extremely hard to do well in all areas, so choose one or few "specializations" like explore, rarity breeding, defect breeding, PVP, etc. Focus on that area and set goals for yourself. Dont spend a lot of mush on useless stuff. Learn game terminology. Learn the value of items; know whats a good deal, whats not, and what are reasonable prices. This just mainly comes from experience.
CP is the most important thing. It's usually a lot cheaper to buy wolves that already have good CP, than to buy bronze figurines. But you should make a plan as to which wolves and what traits to add CP to. Here's a guide:
Auctions under Realm is the cheapest place to get quality wolves; Ive gotten deals that are practically steals. This is because few stats are shown, so youll have to flip through a lot of wolves pages. But there are tons of hidden treasures there; you can find high CP wolves, boosts, defects, excellent ratings, etc. Find wolves that you like and be present at the auctions end if you can to get the last bid. If you have enough den space, you can even buy and resell wolves. Takes effort to go through them, but its worth it. This is how I got a good start on my pack as a beginner. I dont have much advice for breeding. But you will probably want to save up for den space for that. And, only common colors are inheritable.
For PVP battle wolves, you always want to max out battle, resolve, and agility. Most players prefer heavyweights with good vitals for optimal battle damage. However, such wolves can be expensive, and I personally dont bother with it too much. Damage amount can be adjusted by the number of BE. Different wolves will need different amounts of BE to get a certain damage. For example, my heavyweight hero Fire can do 27+ damage with 275BE. However, my lightweight Oscar will need 525BE just to do 25+, more BE needed if I want him to do well during a flood. Only certain moves will add to your damage. Heres a guide DHs
you dont need a ton. I have 4 DHs, battle semi-regularly, yet never need to use all of them in a single day, since they regain health quickly. If your opponent doesnt have a DH, then dont use a DH. Saves your wolves health. I like to get my wolves to a battle damage of 25, and just settle for that. Extra BE doesnt matter in PVP; since youll still need to land the same amount of attacks to finish an enemy wolf. If you dont have enough time to BE train, you can always hire someone to do it. Its pretty expensive, but you can compare with training prices with your estimated future profit using said wolf, to see if its worth the money. I believe explore is definitely the best way to get mush, provided that your explore wolves have good CP.
Chinese pottery is good to invest in. You'll get the most profit using them on high terrain levels, in spring and summer. Sell any excess items you don't need, check barter for lowest comparable prices and advertise in sales chat. You can even buy/resell cheap barter items if you know their worth. If you really need mush, try selling CP, playing mini-games, or entering forum contests. The money earned isn't usually worth the time though; they're just fun. Only buy apples if you really need them, or are saving up for a big project. Its best to save up tons of mush and buy apples in bulk, as they are usually cheaper that way. Customs are not good for making profit at all. They're just sentimental, really. You'll be hard pressed to find a player with a decent rarity custom who didn't spend real money on it. Most of all, just have fun! :)
Edited at February 8, 2018 08:33 PM by Life on Mars
Tips | February 9, 2018 02:40 PM | |

Life on Mars said: Make a plan on what you want your pack to focus on. It's extremely hard to do well in all areas, so choose one or few "specializations" like explore, rarity breeding, defect breeding, PVP, etc. Focus on that area and set goals for yourself. Dont spend a lot of mush on useless stuff.Learn game terminology. Learn the value of items; know whats a good deal, whats not, and what are reasonable prices. This just mainly comes from experience.
CP is the most important thing. It's usually a lot cheaper to buy wolves that already have good CP, than to buy bronze figurines. But you should make a plan as to which wolves and what traits to add CP to. Here's a guide:
Auctions under Realm is the cheapest place to get quality wolves; Ive gotten deals that are practically steals. This is because few stats are shown, so youll have to flip through a lot of wolves pages. But there are tons of hidden treasures there; you can find high CP wolves, boosts, defects, excellent ratings, etc. Find wolves that you like and be present at the auctions end if you can to get the last bid. If you have enough den space, you can even buy and resell wolves. Takes effort to go through them, but its worth it. This is how I got a good start on my pack as a beginner. I dont have much advice for breeding. But you will probably want to save up for den space for that. And, only common colors are inheritable.
For PVP battle wolves, you always want to max out battle, resolve, and agility. Most players prefer heavyweights with good vitals for optimal battle damage. However, such wolves can be expensive, and I personally dont bother with it too much. Damage amount can be adjusted by the number of BE. Different wolves will need different amounts of BE to get a certain damage. For example, my heavyweight hero Fire can do 27+ damage with 275BE. However, my lightweight Oscar will need 525BE just to do 25+, more BE needed if I want him to do well during a flood. Only certain moves will add to your damage. Heres a guide DHs
you dont need a ton. I have 4 DHs, battle semi-regularly, yet never need to use all of them in a single day, since they regain health quickly. If your opponent doesnt have a DH, then dont use a DH. Saves your wolves health. I like to get my wolves to a battle damage of 25, and just settle for that. Extra BE doesnt matter in PVP; since youll still need to land the same amount of attacks to finish an enemy wolf. If you dont have enough time to BE train, you can always hire someone to do it. Its pretty expensive, but you can compare with training prices with your estimated future profit using said wolf, to see if its worth the money. I believe explore is definitely the best way to get mush, provided that your explore wolves have good CP.
Chinese pottery is good to invest in. You'll get the most profit using them on high terrain levels, in spring and summer. Sell any excess items you don't need, check barter for lowest comparable prices and advertise in sales chat. You can even buy/resell cheap barter items if you know their worth. If you really need mush, try selling CP, playing mini-games, or entering forum contests. The money earned isn't usually worth the time though; they're just fun. Only buy apples if you really need them, or are saving up for a big project. Its best to save up tons of mush and buy apples in bulk, as they are usually cheaper that way. Customs are not good for making profit at all. They're just sentimental, really. You'll be hard pressed to find a player with a decent rarity custom who didn't spend real money on it. Most of all, just have fun! :)
Thank you so much! :3
Tips | February 9, 2018 02:57 PM | |

I cant find good male wolf and i really need one. So got any tips to get a good one??
Tips | February 9, 2018 03:16 PM | |

Snow Pack said: I cant find good male wolf and i really need one. So got any tips to get a good one??
This is a place for my questions, thanks. Make your own forum post.