
for us only, please don't post :')


Edited at April 27, 2023 10:57 PM by Iconium

Name: Levant Keliç Family dynamic: He's the oldest. His father was very harsh with him but the other siblings perceive him to be the chosen one. He didn't receive a lot of love and made a lot of sacrifices for his siblings. He's not close with his brothers but maintains a fairly decent relationship with his sister, Alev. Past relationships: Reputation: Appearance: Job: Ranch owner, manager, overseer. Backstory: Personality: Style:
Farm Duties: Other: ... Name: Alev Keliç Family dynamic: Middle child, twin sister of Deniz, and only girl. Fairly close with all of her brothers. She wasn't extremely close with either parent but never managed to anger them. She just never felt very respected or appreciated by them, either. Past relationships: Reputation: Appearance: Job: International Businesswoman Backstory: Personality: Style:
Farm Duties: Other: Edited at April 30, 2023 09:48 PM by Iconium

Name: Deniz Keliç Family dynamic: Alev's twin brother and the middle son. He received a fair amount of his father's love and the least of his mother's. He's close with Alev, okay with Selim, and not very close with Levant. It's not explosive, he just prefers to save himself the annoyance. Past relationships: Reputation: Appearance: Job: traveling ranch hand and rodeo cowboy Backstory: Personality: Style:
Farm Duties: Other: ... Name: Selim Keliç Family dynamic: The youngest, and certainly the baby of the family. Selim received the most of their mother's love and the least of their father's anger. He's not close with any of the siblings but is on good terms with Alev and okay terms with Deniz. He and Levant constantly get into huge fights and don't speak often at all. Past relationships: Reputation: Appearance: Job: Olympic-level skiier Backstory: Personality: Style:
Farm Duties: Other: Edited at April 30, 2023 09:45 PM by Iconium

Eden Cadd Eldest daughter | 30 | Heterosexual WIP

Oakley Cadd Second eldest | 26 | Heterosexual WIP

Zoe Cadd Third eldest | 24 | Bisexual WIP

Alpine Cadd Youngest and only son | 22 | Heterosexual WIP