
Don't post if your not one of these name the is listed

Basics Name: Elias Age: 17 Gender Male Pronouns He/Him Orientation: Bisextual Creation Date: 11/28/22 Personality Quick: Often known as jumpy, quiet, and pretty much friendly. He spends most of his time in the forest Fear(s): to be discovered Apearance: having short brunnet hair that can often cover his eyes, dark blue eyes and pale freakled skin. He's known for being tall ( 6'5)

Edited at November 28, 2022 10:54 AM by Morning Pace

Basic . Name: Henry Age 18 Gender male Pronounce: he /him Orientation: bisexual . Personally about:he is fast work and walking but he is mostly quiet and someone who only talks to himself Fear : being with someone and they leaving him Appearance :he was short black hair and brown eyes pale skin and 6.1hh

Elias He/Him The school bells rang with a startling ring and when he looked up everyone rushed out of the classroom. He sighed and gathered his stuff, sliding them into his backpack. He was glad he was almost done with highschool only a year or another and he was out. As he exited the school he looked to the deserted lot, only a few cars where left. His eyes travled from the metal items to the forest, with intrest. Edited at November 28, 2022 11:35 AM by Morning Pace

Henry He/him Henry jumps from his seat hear the bell then got up and walks out he wasn't paying attention much he when outside and meet his mom waiting for him and Henry said " why can't I drive to school" mom sighed and said "because you to dangerous on your own" Henry rolls his eyes and started walking home since they didn't have a car when he father goes to work

Elias He/Him Elias noticed somthing moving from the side of his eye, it was a kid from school. Dispite them not being a kid they where shorter than him so elias always called him a kid not to his face though. He might've been shorter but he was older and probally stronger. Elias has over-heard rumors on him.

Henry He/him Henry looks around then spots the other kid and said "get He probably heard " mom shakes her head and said "walks home you need it" as he got back in the car and drove away and Henry sighed as he continued to walks hoping people would leave him alone since now everyone hated him Henry said to himself "I want to quit school"

Elias He/Him He saw the kid vanish and sighed he eyes then travled back to the forest, he began to walk that way before he remember darkly what happened before. He pulled out his phone, his finger drifting over his contacts then decided to call Ariel: His older sister. She explained she was to busy just walk home. But if he wanted to get home quick before dark he would have to travel into the woods. He gritted his teeth and tighted his backpack straps before charging into the forest

Henry He/Him Henry go home and walks into the house and was met by his brother and said " where have you been mom not even home or wait here she is"henry shakes his head and walks away he didn't want to be mad again even at his mom Henry when up to his room to study and be alone listening to music