
You can start the character sheets


Name Misfit Gender Female Age 2 years Appearance Other None Backstory Unknown Mother A normal German shepherd Father Bear(Retried K9 unit) Brother Ze'ev (Panda Shepherd)K9 unit for a different force Sisters None Breed Purebred German shepherd

Er..what kind of pairing is it btw? Lol kinda just finished my oc and rip

flying potato said: Er..what kind of pairing is it btw? Lol kinda just finished my oc and rip
I don't mind what kinda of pairing to be honest

Ok, well my charter is female

flying potato said: Ok, well my charter is female
Okay I can change it to her brother if you want

If you rather that, but it's up to you Lunar Eclipse said: flying potato said: Ok, well my charter is female
Okay I can change it to her brother if you want

flying potato said: If you rather that, but it's up to you Lunar Eclipse said: flying potato said: Ok, well my charter is female
Okay I can change it to her brother if you want
I can play either genders

Name: Aspen Gender: Female Age: 2 years Appernece: How she got hurt: a few days ago a few hunters found her pack killed everyone gravely wonded her, she walked a few miles and can't go any further. Breed: mixed wolf breed