

Name: Haven Woods The Evergreen Kingdom Status: Princess Age:20 Personality: Smart,sassy, kind once you get on her good side, funny, and brave. She is an amazing fighter. She likes to start trouble and play games. She has never let her royal status go to her head. Human look: [Mod edit: Image removed for no credits, photographs of humans are not allowed on the forums. Imgur is not an acceptable image host.] Wolf Look: [Mod edit: Image removed for no credits. Imgur is not an acceptable image host.] Edited at November 9, 2022 05:26 PM by Eternity

Name: Eclipse Eterna The Eterna Kingdom Status: Prince Age: 21 Personality: Ambivert, not afraid to stand up for others. An amazing fighter who never lets his status get to his head.
Human Form: [Mod Edit: Image removed for no credits.] Wolf Form: [Mod Edit: Image removed for no credits.] Edited at November 9, 2022 05:24 PM by Eternity

Haven growled as she ran through the halls of the royal home chasing after her younger brother. "Hades come back here and give me my bow" she yelled. She had been outside practicing her archery when he had come and taken her bow before running away. Following him into their parents study she came to a halt when she saw her mother standing there with her arms crossed, Hades stood behind her, a big smile on the 11 year olds face. Her mother took in the muddy jeans and ragged hoodie she was wearing and narrowed her eyes. "Haven Ever Woods, what are you doing running through the halls chasing your brother, screaming like a banshee and dressed like a teenage boy for" she yelled. Haven winced and then straighted her back and raised her head "mother I was practicing my archery and he came and stole my bow" she said waving her hand towards her bow in Hades hands. The Queen shook her head "Hades stop taking your sisters things" she told him snatching the bow from him and tossing it to Haven who caught it and grinned. "Now the two of you go wash up and get ready, the Empieral Kingdom is having a ball and our rivials the Eterna Kingdom will be there so we must be alert." she said. Haven nodded and turned to head to her room. Edited at November 7, 2022 09:11 AM by Shadowed Ice

He sighed, beginning to draw again. As he added more pencil strokes, his process was interrupted by the opening of his door. "Sire, you have been requested in your parent's study." He got up and turned around, seeing one of the maids in a curtsy. "Thank you, you are dismissed." The maid nodded and straightened, exiting. What now... He wondered why he was requested, walking down the hallway to the study. . . . "Eclipse, we have been invited to the Imperial Kindom's ball. Our rivals, the Evergreen Kingdom, will also be there." His parents explained. "So go get ready." . . . After Eclipse got ready, he stood before the carriage, about to get in. He had brought his black and raven blue cloak, as he didn't want to be identified by anyone and cause any trouble with his kingdom's rivals. . . . Eclipse now stood in front of the Imperial Kingdom's castle, putting on his cloak. Once he finished, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then headed in. Edited at November 10, 2022 05:36 AM by Crystal Hills

Haven stepped out of the carriage at her mothers side her faher and brother standing in front of them. Her midnight blue gown flowed around her as she followed her family into the castle with her back straight and head high like a true princess. She sighed as she entered the ball room and reached up to fix the small crown on her head. Twirling her hair she looked around but stopped when she caught her mothers narrowed gaze. She was to be on her best behavior tonight due to who was in attendance and the fact that she only had a month till she was 21 and of age for marriage and the crown. Seeing her brother run off to be with the younger royals she smiled and her parents before heading off to find a few of the other princesses she knew. Her wolf perked up as she headed farther into the room becoming alert. Edited at November 7, 2022 10:20 AM by Shadowed Ice

As he walked in, Eclipse gazed around, analyzing his surroundings. His cloak fluttered as he walked in, but was secure and at least the hood was staying up. "Remember, behave yourself like a true Crowned. And if someone finds out who you are, don't make a big... situation... about it." His father spoke to him in a quiet voice. "You know I won't, Father. I never do." Eclipse spoke back in the same tone. Eclipse's father nodded, walking away. As he faded away, Eclipse went over to a wall and leaned against it. Closing his eyes, he relaxed his muscles as much as he could. Edited at November 8, 2022 09:46 AM by Crystal Hills

After a short while of moving around the room and mingling Haven made her way out onto the balcony. Leaning against the railing she sighed and closed her eyes as the slight breeze blew over her. She was born a princess and was use to the standards required from her now. Haven looked out at the woods past the estate and smiled. She would rather be running through them right now then stuck at the ball. Through out the night she had been approached by her mother with a new prince or duke trailing behind her. Haven greeted them all with a smile on her face and a curtsy, but none of them held her interest. Edited at November 7, 2022 10:37 PM by Shadowed Ice

As he leaned against the wall, Eclipse felt the breeze from someone passing him. He opened his eyes, and looking over to where the breeze came from. There stood the doors to a balcony. Eclipse wondered who went out onto the balcony. Who went out there? Why aren't they with the rest of the people? Deciding to go find out who it was, Eclipse straightened up, fixing his cloak and his hood, and adjusted the clip that held his cloak together. He then walked through the arch of the balcony doorway, and saw a beautiful woman in a flowing midnight blue gown. She's so pretty... Quietly walking closer, Eclipse thought she looked so serene, so at peace. Even her expression said so when he got closer. Once he got to the railings, he leaned against them, putting his hands on top. His cloak fluttered in the wind, though it didn't look like it would fly off him anytime soon. "Pretty, isn't it? And so peaceful... Away from all the chaos inside." Eclipse's eyes twinkled as he gazed out into forest.

Haven tensed and straightened her back, glancing over towards the voice she tilted her head when she saw the cloaked figure. Relaxing slightly she formed a small smile on her lips and looked back out towards the forest. "Its beautiful, but the forest itself is chaos with the noise from the creatures that live within it to the ever changing scenery." she said. She has loved the forest since a young age, and with the number of time she has explored it she has never taken the same path. Looking back towards the man she took in what she could see. The cloak hid almost all of his facial futures but she could still see the outline of his face. She could tell that he was tall and fit, but the cloak held her curiosity. Smiling she turned towards him " I don't believe we have meet before" she said. "I am Princess Haven Woods from The Evergreen Kingdom" she told him and curtsied.