
Wolf X dog Role play Please put in a character sheet Raelee: dog ( border collie) Dawnforest: wolf Currently no plot... Edited at September 13, 2022 08:38 PM by Dawnforest

Name: Rush Role: wolf Gender: female Age: 2 Appearance: Rush is a powerful light grey long furred wolf with black tipped paws and pure white flecks in her thick fur. She has large golden eyes and is longer legged then many other wolves. Personality: Calm l fierce l capable l intelligent Rush is calm most of the time but can be very fierce. She is a capable wolf and intelligent. She prefers to do things herself. She is a lone wolf for now but every so often get access to a pack for a few days. Rush tends to move around then stay in one spot. Likes: hunting, prey, flowers, rain, rainbows, fish Dislikes: getting wet, no food, being helped, Strengths: Very capable hunter, strong willed, calm in a crises Weaknesses: tends to rush in head on hence the name, rarely asks for help even when she really needs it. Relationships: none yet

Name: Scout Role: Border Collie Gender: Male Age: 3 Appearance: Scout is a medium sized border collie. He has a short rust red coat with striking blue eyes. His ears stand tall and alert, always listening. Personality: As a herding dog, Scout loves to run and chase cows on his owners land. Living on a farm with 4 other border collie and Old Man Gus, Scout feels he has to prove himself worthy. And that often gets him in trouble Likes: Chasing cows, swimming, and exploring Dislikes: Rain, loud noises, being scolded Strengths: Can run long distances, very good swimmer Weaknesses: Skittish, not brave, no survival skills Relationships: none

Rush padded through the forest trying to be as quiet as possible. Was that a hint of prey on the air? She followed the scent of was a open meadow a farm she thought is was called one of those silly things humans used instead of hunting... Yes. she could see the non wild animals and rows of weird plants. She located were the prey scent was coming from none of the big hooved animals would do... Rush spotted a thing that looked like a walking cloud a sheep? Being as quiet as she could she creeped around the wooden barrier around the animals a hole just big enough was just convinently placed... She lowered herself into the proper stalking position and stalked up to one she was almost there when there was a loud noise the sheep's head rose alertly and spotted her it took off toward the bigger animals. She growled and ran after it but it was to late it was near the big animals who were almost big enough to hurt her. She backed of and looked around....

Scout was resting under the trees of the apple orchard when he got the idea to splash in the river. He waded into the water and drank. Letting the current pull him along, he closed his eyes. Peace filled him while he drifted past the fields nearing the cows and sheep. Suddenly he saw a wolf crouching near the sheep. He raced into action and instead of calling the other dogs like he was supposed to, he chase straight towards the wolf.

Rush heard the paws pounding the ground... great. it was one of those farm dogs.... She ran swiftly back into the forest well at least there was only one.....

Scout saw the grey wolf running in the green forest. He chased as fast as he could. Know he could run for a long time, he slowed thinking he would just catch back up to the wolf. He looked up at the rapidly growing darkness descending into the forest, the grey wolf was nowhere to be found. Realizing he was lost and night was here, Scout laid under a tree and tried to rest until morning. He was almost asleep when he heard a stick snap...

Edited at September 11, 2022 05:41 PM by Raelee

Rush looked back finally she had lost him. She knew she was in pack territory but she was to tired and hungry to care, how was she saposed to hunt for winter if all the packs took all the prey and She couldn't even get a sheep without failing? she layed down in a cave to rest for a few hours maybe she'd have more luck when darkness had fallen... Edited at September 11, 2022 05:52 PM by Dawnforest

When Scout looked up from under the tree he saw he was surrounded by wolves. He quickly rose to his feet and growled, but stopped when the leader approach. "Who are you, and why are you on our land?" the alpha growled. Scout whimpered and relpyed,"I'm Scout and I got lost and was waiting for morning to leave."