
For us. Please dont post here. :)

Uhh heres Milton  pack name/number Skittlefish. ^|^ 275666 ^|^^|^ name Milton ^|^^|^ age Three years ^|^^|^ gender Male ^|^^|^ breed Ragdoll, Norwegian forest cat, bengal ^|^^|^ role Subordinate, just normal member? ^|^^|^ personality Milton is, although quick on his paws, can be aloof. Its not uncommon for him to loose something he just had or forget something someone told him ten seconds ago. The toms got his quirks- being the oddball of th bunch and overly curious. He tends to be a hothead sometimes. Milton has a love for kits, and will always hang out with a females kits for hours on end. They just never seem to make him angry, unlike other adult felines do. ^|^^|^ appearance Milton is an interesting fellow. He's got almost calico type fur, but its actually a blended tabby pattern. The toms got a dark brown fur with orange and black stripes, with a white belly and nose. His eyes are a wonderfully soft green. Milton's fur is very long and thick. ^|^^|^ mate/kits Open, PM me! ^|^^|^ other Marley's the bestest in the world (C) to Coccineous on DA for all Link so it's not taken down again Edited at August 31, 2022 10:36 PM by quixötic

....... ..... R E M I [ may the best cat win ] . age three years breed siamese x korat . personality remi is a generous cat. she's very trusting, gracious, and loyal. when this lady is angry, she tends to have emotional outbursts, leaving the cats around her a bit shocked, but not too shocked as they're finally becoming used to it. her confidence is sky high and will end any cat whoever disrespects her in the smallest way, even if it's a second-long dirty look. remi is a mature and responsible cat, making sure the cats she shares her home with are well taken care of and healthy. rem would do anything for her family, even if it meant her life coming to an end. being the relaxed cat she is, she is a very nice and approachable feline, who is the sweetest girl ever and will try to help out as much as she can if another cat is going through a hard time. she loves surprising people and cheering them up on their hardest days. although remi is a nice cat, she has her mean side and it's, let's just say not very friendly? appearance mate/kits hehe other ALL picture creds go to malleni-stock on da :)) Edited at September 1, 2022 10:37 PM by South Park

Milton | Male | Three years | M: Daxton, Remi, Astrophel Milton watched as Daxton tumbled down from the tree, his tail poofing up when the two Tom's hissed at each other. Hm. Maybe Remi knows who that is? The one who fell out of the tree? "Remi?" He whispered, tapping his tail along her back to get her attention. "Do you know who that is? The brown one?" Milton described, almost having to stop himself from bursting into unwanted laughter. Astrophel didnt seem to care, and Milton had never met them, so was this some sort of sick joke he missed out on, or what? With a grumbled sigh, the tom stood up. He made himself more comfortable and laid back down, watching Daxton with wary eyes.

remi | f | three years | m: milton being disturbed out of her peace by a loud rumble; a cat falling from a tree onto astrophel, a cat she'd never really talked to. aster wasn't social, not even just once bit. sometimes remi wanted to be like him, i mean he must be so happy. aster never had to deal with anyone's problems and remi thought that would be nice, every once in a while. milton had tapped her back to get her attention. "no, ive never seen him." she replied with honesty. honestly though, who was that cat? and most of all, why was he sleeping in a tree? Edited at September 1, 2022 10:39 PM by South Park

Milton | Male | Three years | M: Remi, NPCs Milton hums softly in reply, trying to make sure that she could actually hear him this time. "Oh well, I'm sure its fine." The tom mumbles, lightly laying his head back on his paws. "I'm not too close, am I? I dont want to make you uncomfortable.." He asks warily, trying to make sure they weren't taking it to quickly or anything. Milton definitely didnt want to loose someone this close over something so small; it never hurt to ask. As long as its okay.

remi | female | three years | m: milton milton's voice woke up the trio of butterflies in her stomach. his voice indeed, was sweet and nice to hear. she nodded in reply as he laid his head back onto his two front paws. "you're just fine, milton, i'd let you know if i was uncomfortable" she purred, wrapping her long tail around her body. remi really liked and respected the fact that he asked, unlike most toms. rem kind of felt like milton was a little different from most male cats. he was very laidback and calm & that was remi's favourite thing about him. "whoever he is, should be careful.. if that was karen he landed on, the whole clowder would enjoy watching him get lectured" Edited at September 1, 2022 10:38 PM by South Park

Milton | Three years | Male | M: Remi Milton nods, looking around the makeshift camp they had. He snorted in amusement, smiling. "Yeah, that's true. It'd be quite entertaining for sure!" The tom purrs, his fur ruffling in happiness. Tentatively he slowly leans over against Remi, overall just tired from the day that inevitably would be coming to an end shortly. " I'm sure that tree dweller would get a part of that too." Milton adds, sighing softly in content. He really was happy; it was so nice out today.

remi | three years | female | m: milton remi flicked her tail side to side as she watched a bird fly from branch to branch. tasty she had thought, though there was no way she was going to disrupt the peaceful state she was in just for a small finch, to her it was a waste of time, i mean, there was already a pile of uneaten prey near the clearing. if she was hungry she would just choose from there. remi was tired, it seemed the sun was starting to go down and he was quite happy about that. "yes it would be" the feline said happily. she was glad she met milton, and she hoped he felt the same. "i'm sure he would, he'd learn who karen is and would most likely hate her like the rest of us" Edited at September 1, 2022 10:39 PM by South Park

Milton | Three years | Male Milton had noticed the small bird too, watching it in the tree the mysterious feline had fallen out of. He lays his head gently on Remi's shoulder, his entire body tensed. what if I do something wrong? What if I hurt her.? The toms ears flick back momentarily, tail sticking straight out behind him, slightly fearful. Mostly because he didnt want to do something wrong.