
Please do not post here unless you are Flying Potato.
1v1 ; Mafia leader x policeman daughter
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Name: Age: Appearance:
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Name: Raven Chaise Age: 19 Appearance: Raven usually wears black or dark navy blue jeans. A black t-shirt with a black hoodie is his normal go-to when he's out and about. A dark grey jacket is used on regular occasions. Black sneakers are always on his feet. A single silver stud is in his left ear. He stands at 6"3 feet tall, weighing roughly 150lbs. His eyes are a piercing sapphire blue.
Raven has a few scars, curtesy of fights from the past. One runs from the back of his neck down to his left shoulder. He has a flurry of scars on his right wrist, all light enough to not do any damage but deep enough to stay. His last scar is his deepest scar. From his right shoulder, it travels down to his lower back. This one is rarely seen.
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(Link fixed) Name: Laya Age: 19 Apperence: She stands at a hight of 5'6 and weights about 154 lbs Edited at May 11, 2022 05:17 PM by flying potato

Raven woke up and stretched. He felt sore but that was normal. It had been a long night. A gang meeting hadn't gone as planned and the cops had stormed the warehouse. Thankfully, most of his guys got out in time. Only Ryker managed to get caught, that hothead. Raven went to take a quick shower before throwing some clothes on. Heading out, he noticed that his second was awake. Of course he was. Raven paused at the top of the stairs before walking down them to find his third and second making breakfast. Storm turned to greet him before flipping some pancakes.
His third got him some glasses before saying, "I'll be heading into town with Alha to pick up some more equipment. I already sent off some of the apprentices with their mentors to do a patrol. After last night, we need to be ready for anything." Raven nodded in thanks before sitting down. "Anyone pick up how the cops found us so fast?" Raven asked as Lia came into the room. The mentor turned her head before saying, "We don't know. We believe there was a leak but not from any of ours." Raven nodded before eating his breakfast. A few members came in and left after getting their assignments. "I want everyone to meet me at the bar at noon. Understood?" Raven said as he finished up.
Storm nodded and his third, Sam, went to share the news. Lia grabbed her own breakfast before heading out to her group of apprentices. She would be heading to the library so he went outside to check on the rest. Only the leading ranks stayed with him. The under members lived seperately but were always around the bar. The bar itself dubbed as a front for their main operations. Grabbing his keys, Raven headed out to his car before driving down towards town.
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(ill try my best to match your responce ill have to do it when i get home)

Laya awoke that morning and got ready for the day, she went downstairs and started breckfest for herself and her dad. She started his coffee and while breakfast she made his lunch. Her hair up in a pony tail with a light blue bow. In her white off the shoulder top with a light blue skirt.Soon her dad awoke got ready and came downstairs. Breakfast was ready and siting on the counter for him. He said something to her but she won't paying attention he then left. Later that afternoon laya decided to go to the libary, she spent hours apon hours thare. It was getting late so she decided it would be best to go home. Getting lost she made her way to an alley way whare a gang was, and soon they anbushed her.